The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1346: Weird building

Demon Road!

These three words suddenly made Jiang Yun’s open mouth closed again.

If you don't ask Daozong to be ahead of schedule, then Jiang Yun's next place to go is bound to be the demon.

Because Wuyang told him that the deity of the blood robe was in the demon.

For the blood robe, Jiang Yun is also extremely grateful and respectful.

I can condense the five elements of the hole, although it is the help of the five demon spirits, but in the end, it is the completion of the blood robe.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is ready to take this opportunity to visit the blood robe, one is to express his gratitude, and the other is to ask the blood robe for refining.

Although asked the Tao Zongda to let Jiang Yun have to change the plan, but the position of the demon day is just in the middle of the drug path and the day of the question, if time is too late, Jiang Yun is also very happy to go. Demon Road.

Therefore, at this moment, when I heard the moon in the fire, I mentioned the demon sect, and there was something in the words. It was clearly what happened to the demon sect. This made his heart unable to move, and listened to it.

For the ridiculous sarcasm of the moon, the young man did not mind, but raised his thumb to the moon like fire: "The girl in the moon is really smart, good, I am also coming for the demon." ""

Having said that, the man suddenly lowered his voice: "And, I have some news here. Since the girl of the month is also coming for this matter, it is better for us to change places. I will tell my girl about my news?"

As soon as the fire fell, the fire nodded and said: "Well, I have been closed for a while, just coming out, I don’t know much about this."

"Reassured, the news in the next will definitely make the girl happy! Moon girl, please!"

The man reached out to the front and walked forward as the fire immediately, and she did not see the sinister color in the eyes of the young man who was watching his back.

Although the moon did not see the fire, but Jiang Yun saw it, which also made Jiang Yun feel helplessly sighed. This month, it seems that there is no experience of walking in the road.

As long as the moon is a little bit more attention, it is not difficult to find out that this man is really telling the news about the demon sect. But the real purpose of inviting him to the moon is obviously that the meaning of drunkenness is not in the wine, nothing more than coveted. The beauty of the fire!

However, Jiang Yun is not worried about the moon, after all, the strength of the moon is there.

The cultivation of the pre-contemporary period, coupled with her brute force and her daughter as the moon, must have many good things to defend themselves. Those who want to fight her ideas should not succeed.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun simply followed the moon and the man, and the gods no longer just eavesdrop on their conversations, but spread and listened to everyone's conversation.

Although there are many monks in this city, the strongest and even the strongest people in Taiwan, but no one can detect the knowledge of Jiang Yun, and every word spoken by everyone is clearly introduced. In his ears.

In this way, Jiang Yun walked while listening, until he came to a restaurant.

The restaurant is seven stories high and looks quite spectacular, and there are countless pieces of Lingshi inlaid with several isolation arrays on the exterior of the restaurant.

Although the power of the array is not strong, it also has some effects that can isolate the gods.

From this point, it can be seen that this building will have some origins.

However, these arrays simply cannot stop Jiang Yun’s knowledge.

With Jiang Yun’s accomplishments in the formation, I can see the flaws in these formations at a glance.

Naturally, he would not break through these formations. Anyway, such a formation could not stop his knowledge.

God did not enter the restaurant, Jiang Yun strangely found that although the size of this restaurant is not small, but its layout is extremely strange.

Generally speaking, the restaurant is divided into a lobby and an elegant room. The first floor is the lobby and the second floor is the elegant room.

However, on the first floor of this restaurant, in addition to some decorations that are expensive, and some bans, it is empty and there is no semi-personality at all.

Starting from the second floor, there is one separate room and another separate room.

Every room is closed, and the isolation system is arranged on the doors and windows, so that if you are a weaker person, you can't know the situation within the room even if you stand at the door of the room.

In the whole restaurant, there are at least more than 100 monks hidden, the strongest of which is the late stage of the Tao, and the weakest is also the spiritual state.

In short, this restaurant gives Jiang Yun the feeling that it is a restaurant, but it is more like a defensive prison, and the mysterious secret of the gods seems to hide what is unspeakable.

However, Jiang Yun did not have the mind to gossip, this piece of heaven and earth may be lacking anything, but there is no secret.

If you don't see the moon as fire and the young man enters the restaurant, Jiang Yun is too lazy to pay attention.

However, when Jiang Yun stepped forward and wanted to enter the restaurant, there was a man who walked out from the inside and reached out to block Jiang Yun. He said with a smile: "Sorry, our restaurant only serves regular customers."

Jiang Yun brows can not help but wrinkle slightly, the restaurant is open for business, ushered in, but there are only such strange rules to receive regular customers.

However, I just saw that the moon was so hot that they went in unimpeded.

"Apart from regular customers, can't a stranger enter?"

The man continued to smile and said: "That is not, if you have friends who are regular customers of my restaurant, then as long as your friends bring you together, then naturally you can enter."

Jiang Yun understands that the man who recognizes the moon as a fire must be a regular customer of this restaurant, so he can enter with the moon.

As for myself, this world is unfamiliar with life and it is impossible to find friends.

After understanding this point, Jiang Yun no longer spoke, nodded and turned and left.

Anyway, the moon is still clearly in his knowledge, and it is no different for him to enter this restaurant.

Not far from the restaurant, there is a tea shop where there are many guests drinking tea.

Jiang Yun also went in and found an unobtrusive position to sit down and asked for a pot of tea. While drinking tea and looking around, he still listened to the conversation of all people.

In addition to what happened to the curious demon sect, Jiang Yun naturally needs to know, and asks how much time Zong Zongzhong’s time is ahead of time.

Finally, a conversation caught the attention of Jiang Yun.

A middle-aged man suppressed his voice: "You said, is the news from the demon sects really true or false?"

Sitting opposite the big man is a thin old man. When he heard the words of the big man, he suddenly changed his face and hurriedly put his index finger on his lips and said, "Hey, you are looking for death!"

"The demon sects have personally appeared, saying that the whole thing is out of nothing. It is simply that someone deliberately secretly targets the demon sect. Once they find out that someone is talking about it, they will kill nothing!"

Dahan is indifferent: "The distance from the demon sect is far away. Even if the demon sect has a great ability, it is impossible to hear our conversation!"

"Moreover, I still want to go and see!"

"This strange building, I have heard about it before, I heard that there are countless treasures in it. If you can get into it, even if you get one or two treasures, it will be a great creation!"

The old man shook his head in disapproval: "Since it is a rumor, there is some credibility."

"I also heard that there is actually an ancient monster in the weird building. It will sound like a baby crying. When it is not time, I really go in. The treasure is not obtained, but it becomes the monster. food!"

Weird building!

An ancient monster that sounds like a baby crying!

Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly shine!

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