The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1367: After three days

The lighting of the jade briefing naturally means that someone has contacted Jiao.

While Jiang Yunwei hesitated, he suddenly reached out and directly crushed the jade.

Anyway, this jade will only convey the voice of others, and the other party will not know who the person who heard the message is!

There was a voice of indifference in the broken jade slip: "Amazing, I can't get away with it now. After three days, I will kiss you. Anyway, keep that Jiang Yun, I I have to kill him by hand!"

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Yun suddenly understood that the person who was communicating was the one who was looking for himself!

Obviously, after Jiao Yu recognized himself, he must have informed Song Yue of his own affairs, and Song Yue could not come immediately because of other things.

"Three days later!"

Repeating these four words, Jiang Yun’s eyes showed a cold light, but disappeared without a trace, and once again looked at the illusion: "This voice, you know who?"

The illusion shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"Have you ever heard the name Song Yue?"

"Not heard of it!"

The illusion shook his head again: "Actually, my injury has not recovered until now, so although I am behind the anxious, but most of the time is in a deep sleep, only when Jiaozuo needs me to shoot, I will appear."

"So, I don’t know much about the anxiety!"

Jiang Yun believes that this is the truth of the illusion.

Because I can see it, there is injury on the body of the illusion, which is why his body shape always shows a fuzzy state and cannot be solidified.

"How can your recovery be restored?"

Jiang Yun’s words suddenly made a bloodthirsty color on the face of the illusion, and even excitedly licked his lips: “Blood, vitality, soul, as long as it is a monk’s everything, Let my injury recover..."

Looking at Jiang Yun’s chilling eyes, the illusion suddenly realized his own gaffe and hurriedly changed his tone: “I am an ordinary injury. If there is enough demon, or a drug for our demon, I Can also recover the injury."

As the illusion of voice falls, his expression is once again.

Because he suddenly felt that his body inexplicably emerged an eccentric power, just like a living, to make himself very comfortable, even the strength seems to have a little improvement.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s voice also sounded again: “In this way, should you be able to treat your injuries?”

In the heart of the illusion, I rushed to look at my own body and found the source of this weird power. It turned out to be a demon print that Jiang Yun broke into his body.

For the refining sorcerer, there are not many illusions, but I did not expect that the refining sorcerer can still heal the phoenix.

This discovery naturally makes the illusion of joy, and excitedly nodded and said: "Can you!"

This is naturally the effect of life and death.

Jiang Yun looks like a smile and laughs at the illusion: "Remember, this enchanting can treat your injury, but it can also kill you!"

The death and death of the demon prints have two distinct roles, and the specific role that will appear, is completely in the mind of Jiang Yun.

"Yes, yes!" The heart of the illusion was once again cold, and hurriedly bowed his head, and did not dare to look at Jiang Yun's gaze again.

"Well, now we continue the topic just now, how can we feel the sword heart?"

The illusion raised his head and smiled bitterly: "This, I really don't know."

"Master Lu helped me to become a demon, giving me a name for mystery. I also hoped to be able to understand Jianxin, but when I was separated from him, he did not find his own sword."

"And the countless masters I have worked with over the years have not felt the heart of the sword."

"I only know that it is no less difficult to understand the heart of the sword than to enter the realm of humanity!"

Although the answer to the illusion made Jiang Yun a little disappointed, it was also in his expectation.

Don't say that the illusion has not met anyone who has already realized the sword heart. Even in the sword repairs that he has encountered so far, only one person has realized the sword heart.

Moreover, it is still the sword student who met in the illusion!

"It's okay, you go back to the Tibetan sword. You don't have to worry about your injury, but you'd better remember what I said."

"I am neither Master Lu, nor anxious, my name is Jiang Yun!"

After that, Jiang Yun did not give the opportunity to respond to the illusion, and swung the big sleeve and forced it back into the Tibetan sword!

Although the illusion and self are some relations, but the character of the illusion, Jiang Yun is really unacceptable and agreeable, so naturally it is impossible to give him a good face, and will not fully believe in him.

With the disappearance of the illusion, Jiang Yun also fell into meditation.

Regardless of the threat of Zhan Qiu and Wang Yuanzhong, or the search for himself by the person named Song Yue, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to it at all. What he is thinking now is to ask Daozong's Zong Nai!

Jiang Yun’s goal is very clear, and it must be a blockbuster in the big ratio, so that the 300,000 disciples who are in the mountains and seas can stay in the main sect forever.

However, the ratio is different from strangle!

At the time of the killing, Jiang Yun can have no scruples, but the ratio is just a kind of discussion.

His opponent is not an enemy, but the same door!

Under such circumstances, many of Jiang Yun’s means cannot be used.

Moreover, the experience of Thunder Day has already made Jiang Yun realize that in this world, like himself, the true strength is far superior to the monks who have cultivated the realm.

Then, with the true cultivation of the four heavens, I am afraid it is difficult to win in the big ratio.

Unless you can get into the Tao, even the Tao!

Once in the Taoist world, Jiang Yun has the confidence to fight the heavens and the people without any cards.

However, it is almost impossible to enter the Taoist territory in just three years.

Because of the entry of the Tao, the need is not strength or realm, but a kind of opportunity, a chance to realize the character of one's own Tao.

This opportunity, many monks can not find it in their lifetime, Jiang Yun naturally does not expect to be able to meet.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is considering how to improve his own strength without being able to enter a big realm.

"Since the realm cannot be improved quickly, the power of the technique is enough, so you can only think of it in the soul!"

The experience of Jiang Yun, his path of practice is extremely complicated, and the avenue of pursuit is also varied, which leads to the same mastery of his technique.

What's more, after knowing the role of the printed debris and personally entering it and absorbing the source of the Tao, the power of these techniques is naturally rising.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only focus on the soul!

For the early days of the monk, the role of the soul is not obvious, but to the present state of Jiang Yun, he is increasingly aware of the horror of the soul.

In particular, the attack of the gods is invisible and inferior.

If used properly, it will definitely be a strong card.

Jiang Yun’s knowledge is far more than the same level of monks, but unfortunately, he does not know how to maximize the power of the gods.

Fortunately, Dan Daozi gave him a copy of the "Soul of the Spirit"!

After several isolation methods were placed in the room, the Daodian fragments emerged again and became the source of the Tao. The shape of Jiang Yun was also directly immersed in it, while studying the spirit and continuing to absorb the source.

In this way, the three-day time passed away, and Jiang Yun also left the Daoyuan, and his figure appeared on the sky above the Cangxi Road!

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