The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1378: Seal of the demon

These two people are sitting together, and if they let the uninformed person see it, they will definitely think that they are blind.

The Yaozu and the refining sorcerer are almost born to the opposite side, and they will coexist peacefully and sit together!

But in fact, the relationship between the blood robes and the majority of the Yaozu is quite good.

Otherwise, at the beginning, he was able to take a trace of the demon spirit from Wuyang and others.

At this moment, two people placed a chessboard in front of them, and Zuoqiu’s fingertips licked a chess piece, his brows were wrinkled, and he was thinking about where to place the chess piece.

The blood robe opposite him is a light-colored face, waiting quietly.

In the past, Zuoqiu suddenly throws the pieces in his hand toward the board and swears: "No more, this is another loss!"

The blood robe haha ​​smiled and said: "Old left, you have been learning this for thousands of years. How can you not make any progress in chess?"

Zuo Qiuzi sneaked a **** gown and said: "I don't have any interest in these human things. How can you grow up? You will find other demons in the future!"

The blood robes are spread out with both hands, and the face is helpless: "I think, but in the demon road, in addition to you, there is no demon dare to play chess with me!"

This is the truth, the identity of the blood robe refining the demon, where there is a demon dare to sit with him to play chess!


Zuo Qiuzi also shook his head with a big smile.

However, he gradually condensed his smile and his face showed a dignified color: "It is strange. Since the infamous appearance of the tower, it has disappeared inexplicably. Until now, there has been no movement at all."

The blood robe also converges with a smile. "You have asked them about this matter?"

Zuoqiu nodded and said: "Nature asked, they said that they will send people to check immediately, and will give me news soon."

"However, it is quite surprising to see their attitudes. It is estimated that they can't find out why."

“I always feel that they have encountered any changes in the past few decades!”

The **** gaze said: "Even if they really have a change, we can't help, well, now you are worried that it is useless, just wait until their news arrives!"

Zuo Qiuqi sighed: "I hope there is nothing to do!"

As the voice of Zuoqiuzi just fell, the two men suddenly raised their heads and looked at each other. After they looked at each other, they burst into the cold and stunned. At the same time, they stood up and stepped out. The body shape disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, everyone in front of the tower has been covered by the glow of the tower, and the shaking of the tower is becoming more and more intense.

At this time, everyone naturally knows that power enters the weird building.

Just too many unknowns, so that everyone's mood has become a little nervous, no one has spoken, just constantly looking around on the side of Jan Qiu and the tower.

"It is!"

Finally, in the mouth of Zhan Qiu, he gave a loud excitement, and he saw the undulating shackles outside the tower, and gradually moved away from the sides, revealing a gap that was high.

"You, you can enter from this gap!"

When the voice fell, Zhan Qiu had already jumped into it first!

Now he is not worried that someone will escape.

Because he believes that in the face of the entrance to the weird building, absolutely no one can resist the temptation.

Sure enough, seeing the figure of Zhan Qiu did not enter the gap, and it disappeared in an instant. After the remaining seven people looked at each other, Wei Jiu smiled slightly, followed by Zhan Qiu, and the second entered the gap.

Next, War Tianli, Long Ion, Ge Song, Zizhu also followed, and only Wang Yuanzhong and Jiang Yun were left.

Wang Yuanzhong looked at Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Daoyou, are you still not going in?"

Jiang Yun faintly said: "Wang Daoyou first please!"

"it is good!"

Wang Yuanzhong also did not worry that Jiang Yun would leave and strode into the gap.

And Jiang Yun looked around the empty ones, and suddenly there was a majestic demon in his eyes, which made his eyes turn into a demon eye, and the twenty-two that looked at the projections in front of the tower was still in the Swaying lines.

At first glance, Jiang Yun’s body suddenly felt like a lightning strike, and the heavy tremors revealed an incredible color in his eyes.

But at this moment, he suddenly looked up and looked at the sky above the head, where there were two figures.

Although all the scenes that Jiang Yun saw at the moment were incomparably distorted because of the power of space and the influence of Xiaguang Xiaguang, he still saw one of the two men at a glance, wearing a blood robe!

Blood robe!

Seeing the blood robe, Jiang Yun just wanted to speak, but his eyes could not help but be a condensation.

Because the blood robe and the other person had raised their hands at the same time, they took it directly to themselves.

This is not the avatar of the blood robe, but his true deity!

In addition, the strength of one person next to him is obviously very strong. At this moment, he is fully committed. Therefore, Jiang Yun immediately felt a horrible moment of suffocation that caused him to suffocate from the sky.

The space law that was originally revealed was under the power of the two people, and it became weak and the wind began to collapse.

Although Jiang Yun has something to tell the blood robe, in this case, he knows that his only way to live is to quickly enter the gap.

Otherwise, they will have to be caught or injured by the two men before they open their mouths.

At that time, he lost the opportunity to enter the tower.

Therefore, Jiang Yunyi gritted his teeth and once again looked at the twenty-two lines above the projection of the tower with his demon eyes, and finally looked at the open gap.

"Clear and turbid, all of you are in the same door, Jiang is coming!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly stepped and stepped into the gap.

However, just as Jiang Yun’s figure was about to fall into the gap, he suddenly raised his hand, and the emptiness of the emptiness printed a demon seal, slamming up to the palm of the blood robes falling above.

"hope you could understand!"


The treacherous sound came, and the whole world was shaken violently. Under the spread of a horrible force, the projection of the tower, together with the glare of the sky, disappeared in an instant.

Even the original valley here has been razed to the ground, and there are two figures in the sky.

Naturally, this is the blood robe and the left hill!

The two of them just felt the breath of the tower in the demon sect, so they rushed.

But after all, it was a late step, and even the last Jiang Yun could not catch it.

This makes the faces of the two people naturally become extremely gloomy, but in this gloomy, the face of the blood robe has a doubtful color.

Zuoqiuzi said indignantly: "Unfortunately, let him run, who is that person?"

The blood robe suddenly reached out and swung in the air, drawing a demon print, scaring the left side of the hill and jumping: "What are you doing!"

The blood robe looks directly at the demon print that he has drawn: "This is the demon print!"

"Just the kid, it was the use of this solution to greet my palm."

Jiang Yun’s solution to the demon print was only for the blood robe, so Zuo Qiuzi did not notice it.

At the moment, when he heard the blood robe, Zuoqiu couldn’t help but whisper: "Is it clear?" That means he is also a refining demon?"

"Yes!" The blood robes nodded. "He is indeed a sorcerer. It is not difficult to display the enchantment. However, his solution is mixed with five extremely pure forces!"

Left Qiuzi once again puzzled and asked: "Which five powers?"

"The power of the Five Elements!"

"Five elements!" After Zuoqiu’s glimpse, he suddenly said the shocked color: "Is it true that Wuyang is..."

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