The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1383: Virtual maze

If at this moment, Zhan Qiu and others see Jiang Yun’s move, they will be shocked.

The demonstrations of Zhan Qiu and Zizhu both are enough to show that the power contained in this colorful light is extremely horrible, and Jiang Yun even dares to try it himself with his own body. This is simply looking for death.

However, Jiang Yun is convinced that his ideas are correct!

This nine-color ray has a great possibility to correspond to the power of the nine tribes, and only the power of the ninth family that does not belong to this piece of heaven and earth, can let all objects melt quickly, like silence.

What's more, Jiang Yun originally promised that Zhan Qiu once again entered the body of the ghostly beast. The biggest reliance is that he can control those shadows.

But until now, he did not even see half of the shadow, which made his situation extremely unfavorable.

With his own cultivation of the four heavens, it is impossible to be the opponent of the other seven.

Even if you can borrow the power to kill the Golem, there are only five chances.

Even if he kills one person at a time, he still has to face two strong players!

Therefore, he must find a few more powerful cards for himself, and this colorful light is the best choice.

If his guess is correct, this nine-color light is the power of the nine people, so in this nine-color world related to the nine people, he has at least occupied a certain advantage!

In the silent, Jiang Yun's fingers have touched the yellow light like water.

Looking at the wild lines that popped up on his fingers, Jiang Yun’s face showed a smile, and he guessed it!

After recovering the intact fingers, Jiang Yun entered the world of nine colors.

Just coming in, Jiang Yun has heard the voice of Zhan Qiu: "Long friends, want to pass here, can only trouble you!"

Jiang Yun’s gaze looked ahead and found himself waiting for eight people, standing on a slightly active land.

And in the distance of millions of people from the crowd, there is another vast land.

Between the two landlands, there is a darkness of nothingness, nothingness, floating in countless light spots of varying sizes.

Those light spots are a world of ones!

However, the size of these worlds is extremely small, the largest is only a hundred feet, the smallest is only about the left and right, and the distance between them is extremely short, densely distributed in the darkness.

It looks like a star in the night sky.

"this is……"

The long ions also looked at these spots, and the color suddenly changed. They sucked the cold airway: "Array!"

Long ions make the look of others change.

In particular, Jiang Yun, who is also proficient in the method of formation, is once again gazing at it. It is obvious that these spots seem to be disorganized, but in fact each position is specific.

All the light spots are together, which constitutes an extremely large array!

Zhan Qiu nodded: "Yes, I can't fly here, I can't use it to shrink."

"If you want to go to that land, you must pass the formation of these worlds!"

"I call this a virtual labyrinth. What we have to do is to find the right path in the maze."

The long ion suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Zhan Qiudao: "Zhan Daoyou, since you have been here before, you must already know the way to break the line, the right path, why should I let me do more, and break it again?"

Zhan Qiu shook his head and said: "We are not very proficient in the formation. The reason why we were able to go out is because our brothers and sisters have dispersed before and after. With our mutual connection and space, So it took a little three years, even after nine deaths, I was lucky to arrive on the other side!"

"Now I am alone, I can't find the right path."

"Not to mention, this method is not static, it will change on its own every few years!"

"However, I can remind my friends that these worlds are really fake. Even if you are strong, you can only know if it is true or false."

"Once you judge your mistakes and embark on a fake world, you will appear in the darkness of nothingness, and you will encounter dangers that you absolutely can't think of!"

The interpretation of Zhan Qiu, so that everyone can not help but stunned, did not expect that just entered the nine-color world, they encountered a big problem.

However, Jiang Yun is quietly asking: "How come you alone?"

Zhan Qiu took a deep look at Jiang Yun’s words: "Come out, there is another way out, no need to go through here!"

Jiang Yun nodded and no longer asked.

Long ions also sighed: "Well, let me see, what is special about this array of methods!"

After that, the long ion took the lead and stepped out of the recent world.

And his exclamation came again: "This, is this the real world?"

The war is inextricably asked: "What is the real world?"

Without waiting for the long ion to answer, Zhan Qiu has nodded: "Every world here is not the same size, but the strong ones use the power of space to forcibly consolidate these worlds into hundred feet or a size. And turn it into a chess piece!"

"You can't see it outside. When you step on it, you can see it with your knowledge. Everything inside, the mountains and rivers are all intact, but the volume is getting smaller, and you can't enter!"


When I heard this, everyone couldn't help but **** again.

It is hard to imagine a space with the power of space to condense a world with everything inside it and even a size.

Only Jiang Yun’s heart moved, thinking of the scene that Xiao Letian, who had seen it at the beginning, condensed the entire turbid wasteland into the size of the palm and stuffed it into the body of the ghost spirit.

"Will it be, the world here and this array of law, is the same as the Xiao people?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's eyes and the gods are also emitted at the same time, covering all these worlds.

Although God does not see the situation in the world, the whole void and the position of these worlds are clearly presented in Jiang Yun’s mind.

"Although this long ion is well-versed, I can't pin my hopes on him. If he needs a few years to find the right route, then I can't wait."

"Not to mention, since this method is arranged by the Xiao people, then maybe I can find the right route faster!"

Just as Jiang Yun also began to try to crack the array, long ions have taken another step and stepped on another world.

This also makes Zhan Qiu loudly say: "The long road friend is really a master of the martial arts. So soon he has found the second correct position. It seems that we can find the correct route soon."

If someone can find that Jiang Yun is also breaking, then it can be seen that the method of breaking the two is obviously different.

Jiang Yun is looking at the whole situation. He wants to find out the complete route in one go, while the long ion is one step at a time, and it is stable and steady to find each step in turn.

The rest of the people naturally waited in the same place. Although the long ions have found two correct positions, they still prefer to wait until the long ions find a complete route.

After all, if the long ion is wrong, then everyone can only be in a certain world, and it is a dilemma.

As time passed, the shape of the long ion was farther and farther away, and he had found sixteen correct positions.

Seeing that he once again set foot on a world, the world under him suddenly disappeared, so that his figure appeared in the darkness of nothingness.

"not good!"

Zhan Qiu suddenly changed his face and exclaimed.

And Jiang Yun’s expression is also a sudden one.

Because of his mind, suddenly a very vicissitude sounded!

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