The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1392: losing contact

Just stepping into this chaotic sun, the chaotic road immediately felt a lot of chaos, and even without his active absorption, these forces rushed toward his body.

However, the chaotic road did not stand in the same place, but continued to walk towards the depths.

The chaotic sun, although the area is not large from the outside, but it is also a space in its own, and it is impossible to see the end.

With the deepening of the chaotic path, he has been able to clearly feel another faint volatility, which is incompatible with the chaotic power here.

It is not difficult to guess, this breath must be the owner of the green tail to come out!

Although this breath is extremely weak, but with its appearance, there is a thick pressure in this space. It is squeezed from the direction of the chasing and slanting, and it is clearly to prevent him from moving forward. .

If you switch to another place, in the face of such a powerful pressure similar to warnings, Jiang Yun may give up.

But since this is the site of the chaotic people, it is equal to the home of the chaotic road, so he did not hesitate, with this pressure, continue to move forward.

In the past, in the eyes of the chaotic road, there was finally a green light of a hundred feet.

Outside of the light, the green tail that I saw earlier swayed up and down like a demonstration.

Under such a close distance, it also makes the chaotic road more clear. This tail is about ten feet long, and the bucket is thick and thick, and it is covered with sharp as a barb. It is shimmering with phosphorescence, and it seems to contain Very poisonous.

If it is entangled by this tail, if the strength of the flesh is weaker, the barbs on it will penetrate deeply into the body, and with the poison, I believe that it will be put to death in an instant.

At this time, the chaotic road finally stopped, and he knew that his guess was correct.

Here is a prison!

The predecessors of the chaotic people, with the power of chaos, condensed into the chaos of the chaos, holding the green light of the group.

Looking at the light for a long while, the chaotic road is no matter the gaze, or the gods can not see through the situation inside, can only vaguely feel the power of silence.

Slightly sinking, the chaotic body directly said: "I don't care what you are, if you can understand what I said, then tell me, you, what is it!"


In the light, there was a dull whisper.

There was a trace of anger in the snoring, with a hint of fear, even with a trace of ... provocation!

Although this sound is indeed derived from some kind of beast, even for the well-informed Jiang Yun, it is impossible to tell which kind of beast it belongs to.

While feeling the various emotions contained in the other's voice, Jiang Yun knows that the life form of this monster is much higher than the shadow.

However, it seems that it is impossible to speak and use God to communicate with yourself.

Of course, it may also be because it has not completely escaped from sleep, so it is impossible to speak and use God.

But in any case, after having experienced the previous and shadow communication, the chaotic road also gave up the intention of communicating with the other party, watching the green light, and hesitated.

He is thinking about whether he wants to test the monster.

However, I don’t know about this monster. Although the other party is really afraid of chaos, but God knows his own shot, will it make it out of trouble.

In the end, the chaotic road still did not shoot, but chose to leave and turned and walked toward the entrance.

The purpose of this chaotic road is to verify that the prison's guess is correct. Now that the answer has been obtained, there is no need for Jiang Yun to take risks.

After all, these monsters are the existence of jealousy of the nine sects, and their strength is unquestionable.

In the absence of complete escape, a tentacles and a paw can make the strong people in the road have no resistance.

If you really let them out, it will be a disaster for those in this world!

Unless it is the top masters of Dominion and his own master, otherwise no monks can be their opponents.

However, just as the chaotic body turned and left, and gradually drifted away, the tail that was always swaying outside the light was suddenly raised high, and the time of pause in the air suddenly changed. A green light, squatting toward the chaotic road!

It seems that after a fierce struggle inside, this monster can not resist the temptation to kill the chaotic road, so finally shot.

In this regard, the chaotic road is actually precautionary!

Jiang Yun is clearer than anyone else. He is afraid of and afraid to take out. It is two completely different concepts!

When I was young, I was in the middle of Mount Lu, facing the beasts who were much bigger than myself. I was also extremely afraid, but in the end I would still shoot!

Even when many souls are afraid of the ultimate, they will explode more courage and strength.

Therefore, at the same time that the tail was shot, the palm of the chaotic road that had already been ready to go was suddenly volleyed.

Seeing the chaotic power that was constantly pouring into his body, he suddenly turned into a chaotic palm under the violent boiling, and went straight to the tail.

At the moment of contact between the two, the face of the chaotic road can not help but suddenly change.

Because he can clearly feel that there is no other power in this tail, even the power of silence is not there, only the pure physical force like physical training.

The strength of this flesh is far more powerful than the wilderness, surpassing the strength of the war, surpassing the moon as fire, surpassing any physical strength that he encountered.


Although he touched the palm of chaos and let the green tail tremble, the chaos of the chaos was dissipated under the force of the violent flesh.

Then, the tail went away, and instantly came to the side of the chaotic road, wrapped it up, and then pulled it toward the light.


At the same time, Jiang Yun’s deity was suddenly awkward, almost fell to the ground, and looked up, his face became extremely pale.

"Jiang Daoyou, what's wrong with you?"

Because Jiang Yun’s movement is too big, it naturally caused other people’s ideas. Ge Song asked with concern: “Is the injury suffered when I was carrying the stone tablet, I still haven’t recovered, I don’t need Ge’s help. Look at it."

Jiang Yun shook his head in a gloomy voice: "I'm fine, it just took a lot of aura when I dispelled those shadows. It's a little weak now."

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, everyone else stopped for a while and looked at Jiang Yun with a gaze.

Zhan Qiu also said: "Jiang Daoyou, then do you want to take a break here, there is no injury, don't be stiff, after all, unlike the outside world, we should always stay at the peak!"

Jiang Yun deeply looked at Zhan Qiu and said: "Zhan Daoyou, how long will it take to reach the destination?"

Zhan Qiu replied without hesitation: "According to our current speed, if everything goes well, then it will take another month to arrive."

Jiang Yun then asked: "How far is that from the next level?"

"Get out of this valley. There is a...very weird place. I can't explain it for a while. When you know it naturally, it's better. After that, wait for a break!"

"it is good!"

Seeing Jiang Yun nodded, Zhan Qiu and other people stopped talking and continued to walk towards the end of the valley, and Jiang Yun still followed behind everyone.

Although it seems that Jiang Yun has recovered calm, his heart is full of anxiety and shock.

Because just now, I lost my connection with the chaotic road!

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