The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1395: All material medicine

Although Jiang Yun did not hear the voice of the drug god, the last sentence of this voice is that it is not difficult for him to judge that the other party is the drug god!

There is no labyrinth and black stone monument. If you want to communicate the knowledge left by the nine people, you can only use the power of the nine people, but here, the fire can also be done.

Naturally, this is because in addition to the creation of the universal medicine, the medicine **** also has the practice of making a fire.

The ordinary soul family does not necessarily be proficient in the medicine, so in the first sentence, the drug **** directly gives the understanding of the medicine in order to protect his own people.

The drug **** obviously also considered it. In the future, I am afraid that people who have practiced the Nirvana exercises will come here, so they added the latter sentence.

And if you cultivate the fire of nirvana, it means that this person must have obtained the inheritance of the drug god.

However, this sentence also makes Jiang Yun feel puzzled.

Since the drug **** has said that he knows where the medicine is, why should he let the person who is proficient in the drug remedy, and do more of it, personally find out the antidote to the poison in this small world?

Jiang Yun waited for a moment in silence, until it was determined that the voice of the drug **** was no longer ringing, and he used his hands to support the ground, pretending to be extremely difficult and slowly standing up.

Looking at Jiang Yun’s standing, naturally, the five people around him were exposed to vigilance at the same time. Zhan Qiu also frowned and asked: “Jiang Daoyou, are you okay?”

"Nothing!" Jiang Yun shook his head weakly: "I have to go to the valley to rest."

After that, Jiang Yun ignored the crowd, and the body swayed out of the crack and returned to the previous valley.

Looking at the direction of the chaotic sun in the distance, after hesitating, he still sat down and closed his eyes.

For Jiang Yun’s move, five people did not stop or ask again.

Because when they wanted to come, Jiang Yun had been injured when he backed the stone tablet, and then when the shadow was removed, the injury was aggravated.

Nowadays, there is a poisonous gas in the body, and even after repeated hardships, his situation is obviously extremely bad, so everyone will no longer pay attention to him, but will continue to look at Ge Song.

Now Gesong has become the key to their ability to pass this small world.

If Gesong can't crack the poison here, then they can only use the method of Zhan Qiu to take a certain risk to survive this small world.

Jiang Yun seems to be resting. In fact, he is looking at the smog that has just poured into his body and has a slap in size.

However, this smog did not invade his soul as Zeng Qiu said.

Because in the smog, several shadows have already surrounded it.

Feeling the various emotions of the shadow again, Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile.

Obviously, these shadows are discussing what this smog is.

The strange thing is that this smog is surrounded by them, not only can not continue to invade, but also can not cause any harm to these shadows.

However, since Jiang Yun already knows about medicine, there is no doubt about this smog.

What he has to do now is to find the antidote, just like Gesong, based on the toxicity of this smog.

It's simple to say, but it's extremely difficult to analyze the toxicity of a group of cockroaches without the physical fog.

Jiang Yun didn't know if Gesong had made any progress on the other side. Anyway, after half a day, he had nothing to gain.

"If you are really in these smog, let them invade the body and poison the body, maybe you can find something."

"Just if I do this, it will inevitably cause doubts from several of them."

In contemplation, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly brightened, and the gods quietly filled out, watching Zhan Qiu and others.

After confirming that they did not pay attention to themselves, Jiang Yun quietly let the hijacking hide his body into a deep space.

After doing all this, the Daoist shards were suspended in front of him.

The source of the road can enhance the effect of the objects placed in it, so if the smog is put into it, the toxicity will naturally increase.

Jiang Yun directly took out a piece of Jiu Ling Ling Shi!

In the ancient times of the past, he used this piece of Jiu Pin Ling Shi to buy Tian Jingdan, who gave it to Xueqing.

Now, in order to find the antidote to this smog as soon as possible, he decided to put the smog directly into the depth of the source as much as possible, so that its toxicity is maximized.

Jiang Yun did not hesitate to crush this piece of Jiu Pin Ling Shi, whose value is immeasurable. In the meantime, there were several sensations that were injected into the Dao Dynasties.


The Daodian fragmentation became a source of Taoism, and this smog was immediately integrated into it, and it continued to fall down, and it fell directly into the ninth floor!

Jiang Yun himself, also under a bite, the body also did not enter the ninth floor of the source.

Although the source of the road here has become rich to the extreme, but Jiang Yun does not care to absorb the source of the Tao, but to see the gods to the smog that has been amplified to the extreme.

Jiang Yun’s idea really has an effect!

At this moment, in his eyes, this smog, not only the toxicity is magnified, but its internal structure has also been put into countless times.

So that Jiang Yun can clearly see every foggy grain that makes up the smog!

Among these fog particles, there is a clear track and a rune!

These trajectories reminded Jiang Yun of a method of activating medicinal properties that was also mastered in the medicinal gods of the mountains and seas. It is also part of the physico-chemical practice.

These runes are very similar to the runes drawn on the wall of the original furnace. They also make Jiang Yun’s uncontrollable “ah” call out.

Originally, he thought that the runes were just drawn by the **** of medicine according to the shape of certain herbs.

But it wasn't until now that he realized that the poison or the medicine was good. When their toxicity or medicinal properties were magnified to the extreme, they would automatically appear like this.

Naturally, these runes also represent the shape of certain herbs, and as long as they are recognized, they can know which medicinal materials they come from.

Once you know which medicinal materials have produced this smog, you can naturally find the medicinal materials needed to relieve their toxicity by their respective characteristics!

After understanding this point, Jiang Yun’s thoughts suddenly became clear.

"Does the so-called universal chemical medicine mean that after all things are magnified to the extreme, will there be such a trajectory and runes in them?"

“And these trajectories and runes, in addition to their shape, can also reflect their medicinal properties?”

"If that's the case, then I understand!"

"All things medicine is not to use a special magical power to turn everything into a medicine, but because everything in it contains a variety of medicines."

"As long as you can find this medicine and maximize it, then everything can naturally become a variety of medicines!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter, because he finally realized that he has found the key to all things.

For him, this is equivalent to taking another big step on the pharmacy, standing on the level that most medicines can't reach.

All things are chemical, not all things, but the medicine in all things!

At the same time, it is like being inductive. In a space where nothing is everywhere, an old man looks at his hand with a smile and turns into a green grass at a speed visible to the naked eye. Self-talking: "In order to enter the micro, to see everything, everything can be used as medicine!"

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