The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1402: Nothing to do

Hearing the voice of Jiang Yun, the long ion suddenly looked up and looked at a huge and huge Ding, which appeared above the top of his head, and was falling towards himself.

The open tripod is like a big mouth, and you have to devour yourself.

Under the cover of Dingkou, the face of Long Iron finally showed a hint of shock and panic: "Impossible, how can the squad be in your hands!"


Responding to him is another violent drink of Jiang Yun.

Just as the long ion looked up at the robbery, he did not notice that, beside him, there was a **** seal, and he smashed into his body.

At the same time, the sneak ding also fell, directly covering his body completely, and exuding a dazzling light, almost illuminating the sky of the nine colors.

"Jiang Yun, you can't seal me!"

The roar of the long ion came out again in the sneak.

And Jiang Yun’s figure also stepped out of the broken space, and his face was indifferently squirting a blood, and the scented demon pen held tightly in his hand, like lightning, continuously drawn a line in the air. The death and death of the demon, the brain has not entered the sneak.

In one breath, Jiang Yun has drawn a total of nine life and death demon seals, and his refining demon pen is still non-stop, continue to draw the second seal of the refining demon nine skills, refining the demon print!

Refining the demon nine, although the power of life and death is the biggest, but the most cruel to the demon, but it is a reincarnation!

Once this seal invades the body of the demon, it will be like refining, let it endure endless torture, and once it is branded successfully, it will not die.

Jiang Yun mastered this reincarnation early on, but it has almost never been used.

However, today, in the face of this unknown demon, he did not hesitate to display the reincarnation.

With the refining of the demon prints, it has been trapped by Jiang Yun, and the occupants of the hijacking, even do not know the long ions sent to the deep space, there is no possibility of dodging. Only the eyes of the refining demon can be printed into the body and begin to suffer the horrible torture.

The refining demon pen in the hands of Jiang Yun has never meant to stop. One after another, the refining demon prints, madly rushing toward the looting.

Jiang Yun is very clear, even though the other party has been trapped by the sneak squatting, and is trapped by the demon seal, but even the strong people of the nine ethnic groups can not completely kill them. Most of these means are only able to trap him for a while. It is impossible to kill him.

As long as he is given the opportunity, he will be able to break free.

Therefore, what I can do now is to let him feel the torture of the refining demon.

One hand draws the refining demon print, and Jiang Yun's other hand is all the magical means of his own, and no matter how strong or weak, all of them are robbed.

Because Jiang Yun believes that although these monsters are powerful to the extreme, there must be a weak rib in their bodies, and there is absolutely no real invincible existence in this world.

If you can find out, then you can kill them.

Under the attack of Jiang Yun that was like a violent storm, the screams of long ions continued to sound.

Even his voice is already mixed with the sound of the beast.

From the robbery, there was also a dull and violent crash.

Apparently he was attacking and wanted to break the shackles of the smashing and escape from it.

Jiang Yun also did not forget to stimulate the long ion road: "Although you were very strong at the beginning, but in the era of your existence, there is no such thing as a refiner, so you are very lucky, you are among all your companions, first A demon who really tries to refine the demon!"

"I think, you should always remember this feeling now, remember me forever!"

Responding to Jiang Yun, or long ions are full of painful screams.

As Jiang Yun said, in the age of their existence, there was no refining sorcerer between heaven and earth.

Perhaps during this long prisoner's life, they knew the existence of the refining demon, but they did not really taste the means of refining the demon.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Yun’s refining and demon printing is indeed a great torture for him.

In this way, Jiang Yun constantly draws the refining demon print, and even at the end, he does not know how many refining prints he has drawn.

However, listening to the screams of long ions, Jiang Yun also knows that he is indeed suffering, but Jiang Yun's face is not the slightest joy, and some are just endless gloomy.

Because after such a long time of torture and various attempts at the other side, in addition to a certain degree of damage to the refining nine, it has no effect at all.

After the souls are robbed, these monsters can not only obtain the magical memory of the monks who have been robbed, but their own powerful body will continue to exist.

You must know that Jiang Yun’s learning is extremely complicated, and the roads he touches are incomparably numerous.

There is no such thing as the ability to restrain these monsters. It is conceivable that they will be replaced by other monks. In the face of such a monster, there is really no power to resist. There is nothing to be done.

Ginger cloud looks gloomy: "Refinement! Now it seems that only refining can control them, but it is a pity that the power of refining is also closely related to my strength."

"With my current strength, the refining magic that I display can only be tormented them."

"If my strength can grow, then the reincarnation will naturally hurt them more."

"In this case, burst!"

In the body of Jiang Yun, a flame mark suddenly exploded, and there were hundreds of lines in it, which rushed to the scars of Jiang Yun.

In order to improve the strength faster, but also not to give up, so Jiang Yun finally used the way that Wuyang gave himself.

Jiang Yun wants to see the power of the sorcerer's demon, whether it can cause certain damage to these monsters.

A moment later, on the sky above the nine-color world, there was a huge vortex!

With the emergence of this vortex, the entire nine-color world has turned into a dead world, and has fallen into a boundless silence.

Even the long ions, which were always screaming, even closed their mouths.

For such a situation, Jiang Yun did not know what it meant, but it gave him a look.

Finally, from the huge vortex, a black palm was extended, with a heavy pressure, slowly falling toward the loo.

At this time, Jiang Yun also obviously felt that the loss of blood made him feel weak, so he stopped to draw the refining print.

Moreover, when the black palm is about to touch the slam dunk, the slam dunk is suddenly removed, so that the long ion body is completely exposed under the black palm.

Looking at the black palm that is only a distance away from me, the long ion's face reveals the color of fear, and even the body can't stop shaking.

Obviously, for this palm, he has already felt the danger!


The black palm finally fell heavily on the long ion body, and the whole nine-color world was shivering.

Jiang Yun’s eyes stared at the black palm and he was ready to escape.

If this palm does not hurt the long ions, then it is impossible to trap him again, so you must escape.

Just as Jiang Yun was waiting for his heart, he did not know that there were still a few gaze in the nine-color world. He also stared at the sorcerer's palm, waiting for the disappearance of the sorcerer's palm.

Finally, the black sorcerer's palm slowly dissipated!

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