The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1419: Empty

With the appearance of this huge vortex above the top of the head, let's not say that Zhan's blame and other five people are all in one, even the Zhan Qiu behind Jiang Yun is suddenly stunned.

Originally, he wanted to come. This Jiang Yun should at least work with the five demon beasts and the snakes, but he did not think that Jiang Yun would come up directly!

However, looking at the moment, the body is covered with black runes, making it look like a personal change of Jiang Yun, Zhan Qiu's heart can not help but also have a trace of fear.

"Fortunately, I haven't torn my face yet, although I am not afraid of him, but I can avoid playing with him, or avoid it!"

In fact, Zhan Qiu did not know that Jiang Yun had to be shot at the moment.

Because the scope of the vortex appears, it is the place covered by the power of the sorcerer.

Moreover, even if the vortex appears, it will take some time to wait until the real power of the sorcerer's power is coming, so Jiang Yun will take the shot as soon as possible.

"Ha ha ha, you are simply!"

Zhan complained that he first came back to God, and when he burst into laughter in his mouth, he already said: "Don't you want to talk to us?"

Jiang Yun nodded. "Yes, what do you want to talk about?"

In fact, there is no need to talk about it!

Knowing the origins of these monsters, and knowing the amazing price that the Jiuzu paid in order to deal with these monsters, Jiang Yun and these monsters have already had a hatred of no one.

Today, apart from the First World War, there is no second way to choose.

However, since the other party is willing to talk, Jiang Yun is naturally happy to delay a little time.

However, Zhan’s grievance suddenly shook his head and said: “Unfortunately, you have not sincerely talked about it, give me a grasp of him and dedicate his soul to me!”

When I heard Zhan’s resentment, Wei Ji’s face suddenly said: “But on the Lord, if we stop now...”

I didn’t wait for Wei Ji’s words to finish, and Zhan’s grievances had been interrupted coldly: “Don’t worry about this soul fire, only catching him can stop the emergence of that power, Jiang Yun, go!”

With the swearing of Zhan, Jiang Yun’s chaotic body immediately stood up.

While walking toward Jiang Yun, the chaotic road opened with a smile on one side: "The deity, do you not want to take me back?"

Looking at myself, the original chaotic body, although Jiang Yun has an angry heart, but his face is still calm.

For such a situation, he has already considered it.

Although Jiang Yun’s heart does carry a glimmer of hope to recapture the chaotic path, it is also known that even if this hope can be realized, the premise must first kill the monster in it.

Therefore, in response to the chaotic road, it is the refining pen that Jiang Yun held up in his hands!

Seeing the refining demon pen, the face of the chaotic road suddenly flashed a hint of fear, suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it toward Jiang Yun.

The palm of the hand is like a claw. With the sound of whistling, the space is directly broken, and Jiang Yun is getting closer and closer.

While feeling the power contained in the palm of his hand, Jiang Yun’s eyes lit up a light.

Because this is pure force, and there is no chaos that the chaotic path should have!

Through the fight with the long ions, Jiang Yun knows that after the monsters have completed the soul-taking, they can also obtain the magical magical power of the monks.

But this monster, but it seems that can not get the power of chaos.

"Is it true that the monster can't get the power of the nine people?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's right hand held a scented demon pen to quickly draw a demon print in the air, but the left hand was a virtual imaginary grasp, condensing a lot of chaos power, welcoming the palm of the Tao.


Under the impact of the two palms, Jiang Yun's body suddenly trembled, and could not control the backwards and backwards.

At the same time as he quit, Jiang Yun gnawed his teeth, but he also shot the successful demon seal.

Although the body can't use the power of chaos, the other side's physical strength alone is not what Jiang Yun can now compete with in the state of the Vajrayana.

After hitting back Jiang Yun, the body shape of the body is also flashing rapidly, trying to avoid the seal.

It is a pity that he can't avoid it at all. He can only let this singer enter his body.

Along with the same heavy tremors in the body, the face of the body showed a sly color: "The means of refining the demon, but this is not the case!"

Indeed, for the monsters in the heyday, the effects of the nine kinds of demon prints are minimal.

"Don't talk nonsense, you go together, quick fix!"

Zhan complained and glanced at the whirlpool of slower and slower rotation in the sky. There was a sense of crisis in his heart, so he had to give up Jiang Yun before the power of silence.


For Zhan's resentment, the chaotic road was obviously extremely fearful, and he did not dare to speak again. His body flashed and he rushed toward Jiang Yun.

After Wei Zi’s three people looked at each other, they also stood up and followed Jiang’s rush.

Jiang Yun also looked up at the vortex in the sky and knew that it would take some time.

In the face of the attack of four powerful monsters, his body suddenly became transparent and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Qiu's face can't help but change. He can't see it. Jiang Yun is hiding in the space.

Until now, he realized that Jiang Yun was also good at the power of space. Moreover, he seemed to be stronger than himself. Because of his own knowledge, he could not find the place where Jiang Yun was.

Naturally, this made him realize that the power of the space he had hidden in Jiang Yun’s body might have been discovered by Jiang Yun, so Jiang Yun had previously deliberately said this to himself.

"If Jiang Jiang is stronger, then he is as terrible as these monsters!"

"It seems that if he can kill these monsters, I can't keep him!"

"Although this way, the secret here may not be known to me, but I will spend it in the big deal, and one day I will definitely be able to crack all the secrets!"

While Zhan Qiu turned his thoughts, the four monsters saw Jiang Yun, who had disappeared without a trace. The four men rushed to the four directions.

All the power was completely released without reservation, and the center of the nine-color world was completely blocked.

Moreover, the pressure from the power of the four of them is constantly squeezing this space, apparently Jiang Yun is forced out from the depths of space.

But whenever their strength advances by one point, there will be one or several light groups flying out of the depths of space.

Although these light groups do not cause any harm to them, each light group contains a powerful force, which hardly pushes their power back a bit.

However, the strength of the four of them is still stronger. After continuous squeezing, Jiang Yun finally forced himself to emerge from nothingness.

But at this moment, the vortex above the head of the crowd just stopped spinning.

From within, there was a horrible atmosphere that suddenly became a pressure, and the madness poured out, directly covering the undecided soul, covering everyone’s body, so that the faces of the five monsters could not help Change together!

From this breath, they can clearly feel the meaning of destruction, a threat, a powerful force that can threaten their own lives!

The eyes of Zhan’s grievance suddenly looked at Jiang Yun and said to himself: “This is the real power of silence!”

"Just, how do I feel familiar with this power? Also, why can Jiang Yun recruit this power, and he, like us, comes from that world!"


At this moment, the vortex that stopped rotating was slowly split toward both sides.

However, Jiang Yun's face is abrupt, because in the whirlpool from within, there is no palm or fingers, but... empty!

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