The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1421: Completely crushed

Although compared with the previous, Jiang Yun, except for the black runes all over the body, has disappeared, there is no other change, but in the eyes of Wei Jiu and others, it is clearly visible, Jiang Yun at the moment Just like changing a person!

Jiang Yun’s body did not have any breath, making him look like an ordinary person.

However, in his body, the air has stopped flowing, and the space has become distorted. The nine-color space, which is based on the altar of heaven and earth, is slightly swaying.

Especially in the eyes of Jiang Yun without the slightest affection, even the heart of Wei Jiu and other four people raised a trace of fear.

You know, even when they are being held by the Nine, even in the world where they were born, there has never been a word of fear in their lives.

But now, in the face of Jiang Yun, they feel the fear!

This makes them a little unbelievable, naturally, but also can imagine the pressure Jiang Yun brought to them.

At this time, Jiang Yun also said again: "You, are you coming one by one, or together?"

Although Jiang Yun’s words are full of arrogance and hegemony, this moment’s Jiang Yun really feels a kind of power.

A kind of power that he has never experienced before in his life, even in countless reincarnations.

It seems that the life and death of all things in heaven and earth are all between him;

It seems that the road in this world cannot enter its own eyes!

Not to mention the four monsters who have captured the souls of the monks, even if they face the Taoist deity, Jiang Yun is convinced that he has the power of a battle.

This is naturally thanks to the death of the demon!

This, while Jiang Yun feels strong, the heart is full of shock.

According to the previous instrumental spirit, this is just the power of the sorcerer's demon!

If the power of the three demons is complete, what kind of power will it be?

Among the Mozu of that year, what kind of realm did the strength of the strong person who really possessed the sorcerer's body?

I am afraid that even this world cannot withstand such power.

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, a scream of anger suddenly sounded: “I’m not going to talk, I’m going to have a look, who gives you confidence!”

It is the strength of the war.

The monster that robbed him of his soul obviously not only acquired his soul, but also possessed his violent character.

When the voice fell, the battle force had already violently risen, and raised his fist and went straight toward Jiang Yun.

Although the character is violent, the strength of the war force is not to be underestimated.

In particular, the war force itself is a physical repair, and now combined with the same powerful body of the monster, so that the power that broke out at this moment is terrible.

A boxing out, like a dragon in the air, in the twinkling of an eye, has already come to the front of Jiang Yun, the powerful air waves are Jiang Yun's hair is raised high.

However, in the face of this rock-shattering punch, Jiang Yun’s face still has a calm color.

Even in his eyes, there is still a hint of ridicule.

"In front of me, I dare to use the power of the flesh!"

"act recklessly!"

With the words gently said in Jiang Yunkou, Jiang Yun also lifted the palm of his hand.

However, just sticking out a finger, at a very slow speed, toward the force of the force of the fist with a thousand feet, gently point past.

Like a little bit of water, Jiang Yun's fingertips, it is really a point in the fist of the war, even no sound.

However, the face of the battle, but it suddenly became very pale.

After the whole person was slightly stagnation in the air, he suddenly flew backwards at a faster speed than at the time.

In the process, the sound of "噼啪" like a cannon was heard from above his body.


When the body of the battle is heavy on the ground, one of his arms, even with half of the body, seems to be unharmed, but in fact the bones, meridians, and even the blood inside it have been Hit the crush!

This result makes everyone can't help but widen their eyes!

This is the power of Jiang Yun at the moment!


The war force suddenly looked up and gave a roar.

In the snoring, his body suddenly exploded, turning into a huge monster like a orangutan, nearly ten feet tall.

The burly body is covered with golden long hair, each of which is like a sharp edge, emitting a golden glow.

However, its half body has also become shattered!


After a roar of roar again, this monster was unwilling to rush to Jiang Yun again.

Looking at the monster that turned into the original shape, Jiang Yun realized that these monsters could still recover their true after the soul.

Naturally, this makes them harder to deal with!

However, Jiang Yun also remembered that after the change of the physical body of the Warrior, it was also able to make the figure soar, almost the same as this monster.

Coupled with the spider that previously captured the soul of Zizhu, this makes Jiang Yun's heart secretly: "The objects of these monsters should be the monks who must have the same ability as them, or the demon of the same ethnic group!"


The huge body of the monster is like a hill. Its feet fall on the ground, and it makes a loud and thunderous sound like a thunder, and the whole earth is shivering.

Obviously, the monsters that have turned into the ontology, their strength is stronger than the soul-hunting monk!

However, Jiang Yun’s face is still with a taunting color, and he took another step. His body shape flashed and he came directly to the front of the monster.


The monster raised the golden furry giant claw and grabbed it toward Jiang Yun. The paws crossed the air and brought out the roaring sound.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the cold light flashed, and he reached out and grabbed the claw of the monster. Then he suddenly tried hard, and even the body of the monster was smashed.

Next, Jiang Yun is like a doll, standing in the air, holding the paw of the monster with one hand, and turning its huge body of nearly ten feet back and forth toward the earth. .


Under the gaze of everyone, the demon animal did not have the slightest resilience, and the body was constantly slammed on the ground by Jiang Yun again and again.

Although the flesh of the beast is incomparably strong, every time it falls, everyone can clearly hear the sound of broken bones in the body.

After the interest rate, Jiang Yun suddenly loosened the claws of the monster that was clenched in his hand. His body flashed and appeared in front of the monster, reaching out and grabbing its head.


With the word of cold and cold spit in the mouth, Jiang Yun grabbed the head of the monster and slammed it toward the earth.


The head of the monster was pressed on the ground by Jiang Yun, and even pressed directly into the depths of the earth. After the huge body that was exposed outside shook twice, it did not move.

As a strand of blood spurted out of the ground like a fountain, Jiang Yun slowly released his palm and straightened up.

At this moment, the center of the entire nine-color world has fallen into a dead silence, everyone, or the beast, all of which have been shocked and can not be said.

Everyone stared at Jiang Yun with his gaze, and he couldn’t believe what he had just seen.

Jiang Yun, from the beginning to the end, even with only one hand, will kill the soul of the savage beast to kill the life, and, only the pure force of the flesh.

Completely crushed!

Jiang Yun simply stopped looking at the monster on the ground and the whole body that had been completely shattered. Instead, he turned his gaze to his own chaotic path!

"Now, I will give you a chance to return to my body!"

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