The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1456: Too weak

"I'm going!"

A square of about ten thousand feet, filled with a misty pool, suddenly a sharp voice.

And as the sound rang, I saw a huge flamingo that had a head out of the pool!

In front of the flamingo, standing an old man, two long white eyebrows almost falling to the corner of his mouth, almost all of which are about to be screwed together.

When I heard the firebird, the old man shook his head and said: "You are now at the critical moment of metamorphosis, and you can't leave the holy pool anyway!"

The flamingo is wide-eyed and said: "I don't care, I ask the Da Zong Da, Jiang Yun will definitely go, and he is weak, and there are many strong enemies. If anyone wants to be against him? I I have to help him!"

"Since he asked Daozong Dabe, he asked him to be a disciple, who would be unfavorable to him." The old man said with a bitter smile: "Moreover, your own strength today is not good, even if you go, can't help him." Too busy!"

"I can't do it?"

The fire feathers on the head of the flamingo suddenly rooted up: "It is obviously that you broke the holy pool, and said that I can reborn, this has been a few years, I have not felt any change!"

The flamingo shook his head and said: "Forget it, your saints are high above, I can't climb high, I am still gone!"

Seeing the real firebirds who are really ready to rush out of the holy pool, the old man hurriedly waved his hand: "Well, I am afraid of you, you are here to stay here, can I send someone to protect Jiang Yun?" ?"

"Who is it? Shouldn't it be the five five-line demon? Their strength is too weak. Last time they went, they almost let Jiang Yun die!"

"Or, the old man, you still go in person!"

The decent five-way road demon in the mouth of the firebird was said to be too weak, I believe that if Wuyang five of them heard, it will inevitably spurt a blood, and the firebird desperately!

The muscles on the old man's face are also slightly twitching: "I am going, who is here to help you reborn, tell you, if you dare to make trouble, even five of them, I will not let go!"

The flamingo’s eyes turned and knew that if they were entangled again, the old man would really say it, so he deliberately nodded and said: “Then they are five, one can’t be less, five must go. !"

The old man squeezed out three words from the teeth of the teeth: "Know, Dao, now!"

Immediately afterwards, Wuyang and other five people immediately received the voice of the old man: "Ask the Da Zong Da, it is reasonable to say that our saints should not appear, but this time the situation is special, so you are mixed in the Taikoo Yaozu In the middle, don't show up when you need it!"


The five elements of Dao Zong, the five elements of the lord, are sitting in their own caves at the moment, and in front of him, four dolls are suspended!

Four dolls, each of which is made in life, can be seen, their appearances correspond to the original five elements of the elders.

However, the doll who had been burning for thousands of nights was missing.

Looking at the four dolls, the face of the five elements gradually revealed his ambiguity, but at this moment, he suddenly looked up and looked at his own outside the cave, cold and cold: "Great courage I dare to swear at me!"

While talking, the five elements have raised their hands, but outside the cave, there is an old voice: "The five elements are friends and slow hands."

As the sound fell, there was an ordinary old man in the air in front of the Five Elements.

When I saw this person, the eyes of the five elements could not help but pick up slightly. Although the raised palm was put down, it was still cold and cold: "It turned out to be a clan patriarch. You are not going to play for the Daoist, sneaking." Come here, what are you doing?"

The old man smiled slightly: "There is a message to tell the Taoist friends."

"what news?"

"Jiang Yun's news!"

When I heard the name of Jiang Yun, I suddenly let a flash of cold light in the eyes of the five elements, but even if it disappeared, there was no trace: "What Jiang Yun, what does it have to do with me?"

The old man laughed happily: "The five elements of the road, you think, in front of my hidden family, do you have to hide it?"

The words of the old man, let the face of the five elements show a sinking color.

Perhaps others do not know the existence of the hidden family, but he is well aware.

The hidden family is a group cultivated by the Taoist adults. The family is as famous as its name. It is good at the technique of hiding space. It specializes in assassination and surveillance for the Tao.

The reason why no one dares to talk about Dao Zun in this world is actually because of the existence of the hidden family.

No matter where you hide, the hidden people can find you, and you can't find it.

Therefore, anyone who knows the existence of the hidden family has no good attitude towards the hidden family.

Even if it is not because of the loyalty behind the hidden family, I am afraid that it has been annihilated many times.

After a moment of silence, the cold light in the eyes of the five elements finally disappeared: "Do you have a hidden hatred with Jiang Yun?"

“Not bad!” The old man nodded. “We followed the fate of the adults and followed Jiang Yun. As a result, my people were discovered and killed.”

"You also know that our hidden people are good at assassination. If it is impossible to hide, it is very difficult to kill others. Jiang Yun’s knowledge is extremely powerful. Even if I personally track it, I will find it. So, I want to ask for the five-way road. Friends shot."

The five elements are silent: "Although I have a holiday with him, it doesn't matter if I kill him."

The old man laughed happily: "There are four people in the Five Elders of the Five dynasties who died in his hands. Although the elders of the waters are lucky, they have no flesh, but only the body. This is some of the festivals in the Taoist mouth?"

Although the old man pointed out the grievance between himself and Jiang Yun, the five elements did not move: "That can only blame them for not being good at learning. Besides, this is the thing of my five elements, and it seems to have nothing to do with you. ”

The old man’s face showed a disappointing color. He shook his head and said: “If you don’t think about it, I’m here today, so I’m going to tell you the news of Jiang Yun.”

"That Jiang Yun was asking a sect of Tao Zong, and now he is going to ask Tiantian to participate in Dabi, and leave!"

The five elements are faint: "Do not send!"

The old man turned and left, and the five elements still sat there, until after a long time, he smiled coldly: "There are people who can't kill the hidden family? It's a big joke, I think, you shouldn't dare to kill that. !"

"The only thing that can make the hidden people do not dare to kill is that the Tao will not let them kill."

"So you come to me, want to use my hand to kill Jiang Yun, revenge for you, think it!"

"However, your invisible family has always reported that the hatred of the tribes cannot be easily given up. I don't agree here, you must find other people."

"Since Jiang Yun is going to ask Daozong to participate in Dabi, then I will take a look and see who you can find in the hidden family to kill Jiang Yun!"

When the voice fell, the five elements grew up, and the big sleeves were gone, and they had already left the Dongfu.


At this moment, Jiang Yun and Teng Lin looked at each other. Although no one did it, the two people were already empty within a hundred miles.

After knowing the identity of Tenglin, everyone rushed back to the hundred miles.

There must be a fight between the two men, and they don't want to suffer innocent disasters like the monks in the previous transmission.

After a moment of confrontation, Tenglin’s cold road: “Sword out!”

In fact, Jiang Yun has long known that he will meet Tenglin one day.

Moreover, the other side is the elder of Jianzong, and it is also the strength of the peak of the Tao, so he is also welcome, the Tibetan sword rushed out of the body and was held in his hand.

However, just after Tenglin saw the Tibetan sword in the hands of Jiang Yun, the calm face was suddenly changed!

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