The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1469: Passing by

As the black giant ship finally came to the front of the road, all the expressions on Dao Tianyun's face were reappeared.

Although he already knows which big power the giant ship belongs to, it also makes his heart show his killing, but now as long as he comes to ask the Taoist people, regardless of their identity and origins.

The visitors are all guests!

As a welcoming disciple, he must maintain his own style!

However, Dao Tianyun did not take the initiative to meet the same as before, but still stood in the same place, clinging to the huge ship that had stopped. He said: "I didn't expect the friends of the Taikoo Yaozu. I will be coming."

"Just don't know, which family of friends is coming?"

Taikoo Yaozu!

This huge ship belongs to the Taikoo Yaozu!

For the ordinary monks, most of them do not know the existence of the Taikoo Yaozu, but nowadays they gather in the many monks who ask the Taoist monks, in addition to the disciples of each of them, especially those who come to observe the ceremony, can you not Know the ancient demon!

However, there are many ethnic groups in the Taikoo Yaozu, but they are unknown to outsiders, so Dao Tianyun will have this question.

As the voice of Dao Tianyun fell, a large number of dense figures appeared on the deck of the giant ship.

Looking at it, there are at least a thousand people!

This also makes everyone can not help but breathe a sigh of relief, which is the Taikoo Yaozu has such a large handwriting, even sent so many people to pay homage to the Daozong?

Among the thousands of figures, another figure stepped out of the boat and left the giant ship and stood in the air.

This is a short stature old man, with two splayed characters, a pair of soy-sized eyes dripping, the image looks extremely wretched.

After the appearance of the old man, he did not pay attention to the heavenly movement. Instead, he used his unique eyes to constantly look at his body and his face was full of pride!

Until Dao Tianyun once again asked about it again, he took back his eyes and arched the archway to the heavenly movement: "Little baby, the old man is the elder of the goblin!"

Dao Tianyun just wanted to be polite, but the old man followed it again: "In addition, it is not only our gnomes, but also the Xuelian, Linglong, Yunsheng, Hubar and Tianchong!"

Every time the old man signs a name, the person below can't help but tremble.

When he finished reporting six names, everyone only felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

On weekdays, they are hard to see even a Taikoo Yaozu, but now there are actually six Taikoo Yaozu, and they came to ask Daozong!

No wonder they need a huge ship!

However, the shock was shocked, and a group of people’s faces were more shocked than the shock!

They are Xia Zhongxing and others who are divided into mountains and seas.

When Jiang Yun was in Beishan, Shanhai, he saved a group of demons.

This group of demon people grateful to Jiang Yun's life-saving grace, spontaneously formed the eighteen **** demon alliance, swearing allegiance to Jiang Yun.

For this matter, Xia Zhongxing and others also knew clearly, even when the mountains and seas came, they also walked side by side.

If it is not because the six Taikoo Yaozu people came to the mountains and seas, and all these demon people were picked up, then these demon people will undoubtedly become a member of the Shanhai branch.

However, now they are re-appearing in this way, it is really bringing them a big surprise and surprise.

Now, they can't wait to meet with these former companions and talk about each other's experiences over the years.

As for Dan Daozi, watching Xia Zhongxing's excitement on their faces, it is not difficult to guess that they know these ancient demon people.

And he also remembers that Jiang Yun and the saints have a good relationship, so there is nothing strange about the acquaintance between the Shanhai and the Taikoo.

Bu Yi, who was on the side, looked at the huge ship in the sky with his eyes closed, and his face flashed a faint look.

At this moment, the Tao Tianyun has also completely converged the dissatisfaction and killing in the heart.

Although he is somewhat hostile to the Yaozu, but the strength of the six Taikoo Yaozu together, can not say that they can compete with the Jiu Avenue, but at least definitely not a question to be able to compete.

The smile on the face of Tian Tianyun is also rich and full of words: "It turned out to be six Taikoo Yaozu..."

"Okay!" Waiting for the Tianyun to finish the words, Dixinghe has been unceremoniously interrupted: "You don't need to be polite here."

"You asked Dao Zong that he did not invite us to the Taikoo Yaozu. We are completely uninvited."

"Although I don't know, you ask Daozong because you look down on our Yaozu, or what other reasons don't invite us, but since we are here, you can't take us away."

The face of Dao Tianyun suddenly showed a sigh of color: "Where do we look down on the ancient demon..."

However, the Earth Star River interrupted his words again: "These scenes need not be said, wasting time! Anyway, we actually don't look at you."

"The reason why we will come here is just to come and talk to some old friends!"

Looking at the madness of the Earth River, many people who know him are a bit puzzled.

Although the Taikoo Yaozu is powerful, but after all, it is to ask the Taoist, so that the people are the masters, you are the guests, how should they converge.

However, this place is a bit too much, and it is not too arrogant. It is not like a ceremony, but it is more like provocation. The tone is aggressive and the attitude is extremely tough.

Where do they know that the current land star river really can't wait for all the forces in this world, and all of them have to attack themselves.

Because, among the giant ships behind him, in addition to the six Taikoo Yaozu, there are five great people hidden!

That is the real big man!

With these five big men supporting, Di Xinghe feels that he can walk sideways, so of course he will not let such a great opportunity to be crazy.

Two times, the words were interrupted by the Earth Star River, and the attitude and tone of the Earth Star River made the anger that just converges in the heart of the Tianyun Yun can not help but ignite again, and burned.

Even so, he can only try to suppress it.

Fortunately, the next sentence of Dixing River, so that he finally did not have to suppress.

Because his anger instantly turned into helplessness.

"Found, they are there, brothers, let's go!"

The Earth Star River shouted loudly, and at the same time, his thin figure had already rushed out.

Behind him, the black giant ship moved slowly again, and came to the northwest corner of the main sect!

Shanhai Sejong!

Six Taikoo Yaozu, also for the sake of mountains and seas.

Even from the ship, there was already a sound of a full of surprises, and there were already some people who couldn’t wait to jump off the boat, and hugged some people in the mountains and seas.

They cried while laughing, and incoherently said that outsiders simply could not understand!

Although this once again surprised everyone, but looking at this scene, it is easy for everyone to feel the feelings of the humans and demons who are now tightly held together, Absolutely profound.

Bu Yi’s sighed softly: “I can’t be deep in my life!”

For the words of Bu Yi, not many people heard it.

Because of his voice, he was shocked by the sound of the loud noise of the main sect.


The huge-scale giant ship of the Taikoo Yaozu directly fell on the earth, which made the area that Dandaozi just broke open again and became extremely crowded...

Dao Tianyun looked at the northwest corner of the laughter from time to time. The muscles on his face could not be controlled and twitched. He squeezed a few words from his teeth: "Should, stop here." Let's go!"


At this time, the bell rang again, nine consecutive rings!

However, when the ninth bell fell -


Asked the Taoist bell, it sounded again!

The bells are ten rings!

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