The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1664: Only killing

"Taiyang, hurry up!"

Just as Jiang Yun issued this order to Taiyang, he always kept the high-speed forward of the Taiyang, but his body shape suddenly stopped, and a slight humming sound was heard in his mouth.

Because, in the darkness of it and Jiang Yun’s body, there was a burst of “嗡嗡嗡”!

As the sound rang, a group of monsters appeared beside them!

This group of monsters is the same kind of beast, shaped like a bee, there are hundreds of feet, the body size varies, but the smallest is also the size of the size, and the largest is more than ten feet long!

The powerful airflow from the flapping of their wings alone is like forming a wind wall that blocks the way forward.

Although the bees were just floating there, there was no attack on Jiang Yun, but under the huge double eyes of the eyes, it was also a feeling of chilling.

However, Jiang Yun’s gaze did not look at these bee colonies, but looked at the rear of the bee colony.

Although here, Jiang Yun’s knowledge is almost impossible to use, and he can see it with his eyes. Nothing can be seen except the darkness, but Jiang Yun’s strong sense of shock caused by the upload of his life stone, But it is clear that as long as you pass through this bee colony, it is the place where the moon is in the fire!

Jiang Yun finally jumped from the body of Taiyang. With a big sleeve, he waved the Taiyang into the body. His eyes closed slightly and opened again. His eyes were already murderous!

At this time, Jiang Yun does not need to have other ideas, only kill!


Numerous golden thunders rushed from the body of Jiang Yun, which contained a blood of Jiang Yun, which condensed into a huge seal in the air!

The Thunder seals the demon seal, just like a big net, all the bees are covered in an instant.

And Jiang Yun himself is holding the whiplash in his left hand, holding the demon pen in his right hand, and immediately after the Thunder, he rushed to these bees.

Although the power of Jiang Yun will be improved by gravity, Jiang Yun knows that the number of these bees is too high and the speed should be extremely fast.

More importantly, they live in this dark cloud all the year round, and the body has long adapted to the gravity here.

Unless you can really grasp all the gravity in this black cloud, otherwise, one of the claws that you can hit the monster before is actually almost the best you can do now.

This level of gravity is unlikely to cause too much damage to these bees, and once they are assimilated into gravity, they can no longer exert other powers and techniques other than gravity, so it is better not to use them.


Numerous golden thunders exploded in the air, and the darkness around them was dispelled a lot. At the same time, Jiang Yun could finally see clearly. After this bee colony, there was a group of bees!

Especially in the rear bee colony, there is actually a bee-sized bee, like a hill, quietly suspended in the air.

Don't think that Jiang Yun knows that the strength of these bees is definitely proportional to the size of their bodies. The bigger the body, the stronger the strength.

The bee-sized bee should be the queen of this bee colony and the most powerful one.

Naturally, this means that if you want to save the moon like a fire, you must kill all the bees, including the queen bee.

Jiang Yun also can't think about it. In the end, he has a few grasps to be able to do it. The whole person has already rushed into the bee colony, and the refining pen and the wrestling whip are waving together, and the bee colony has launched an attack!

If this scene is seen by others, it will definitely be deeply shocked.

Because even the people of the five major forces, even if they call on their powerful existence, will not fight these bee colonies.

This is not an ordinary bee, but a powerful monster of nine or even ten. Any one who appears in the domain can set off a storm of death.

But Jiang Yun, even crazy to the power of one's own, the war of this group of bees!


Along with a demon print, it was immersed in the body of a bee-sized bee. Jiang Yun’s wrestling whip was also continually squatting on the soul of this bee.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s body once again ignited countless golden lightnings and blazing flames, spreading wildly in all directions, completely covering the bees near his circumference.

In the life of Jiang Yun, there have been countless battles in size and size. The opponents he encounters are also strong and weak, the strongest, and even the existence of the nameless and Taoist avatars.

But there is no battle, it is more dangerous than the current battle.

In short, in the face of hundreds of bee colonies, Jiang Yun must be cautious in addition to his own strength.

However, the cultivation of the six-fold nature of the Tao, coupled with the strong body, and the restraint of the wrestling whip against the monster, Jiang Yun, although the battle is extremely difficult, there is a lot of scars on the body, but gathered around him The hundreds of bees around the body are also slowly decreasing.

However, it is still a very long process to kill all the bees!


At this moment, if Jiang Yun’s gaze can pass through all the bees, then he will see that a beautiful woman sits cross-legged in a place that is only a few feet away from him, surrounded by a layer of colorless A shield formed by a flame.

On the outside of the shield, there are also thirty or forty bees that are almost madly hitting the shield.

Although the bees' bodies and shields are immediately ignited by a colorless flame, they are not afraid of death and continue to hit the shield.

Naturally, under their impact, this shield is gradually beginning to have more and more cracks appearing.

Even the impact of some bees that are oversized, the horrible power will pass through the cracks into the shield and spread to the beautiful woman.

And the beautiful woman, the face is not only pale to the extreme, but also the mouth of the mouth is constantly overflowing with blood.

In particular, the impression of a crescent-shaped pattern above her eyebrows has almost faded to the point of invisibility.

Naturally, this woman is like a fire!

Although her strength is not strong, but before she entered the field battlefield, her father had secretly given her a large amount of magic weapons for her to protect her body.

It is a pity that although there are many magic weapons, the power is also extremely powerful. However, after she entered this dark cloud, she encountered the pursuit of countless fierce beasts, and let the magic weapon gradually consume until it came here.

And this sudden emergence of a large number of bee colonies, so that she finally has no way to continue to move forward, can only sit down, sacrificed the last magic weapon, is the shield shrouded in her.

This shield seems to be weak, but it is actually the fire of her father's moon spirit, which is equivalent to the strength of her father, really powerful.

However, the number of these bee colonies is too much. Under their repeated attacks, the shield has finally gradually broken, and it seems that it has not been able to support it for a long time.

At this moment, the month is like a fire, and naturally it is ready to die.

However, her face is not exposed to fear because she is going to die, but some is a sense of thought that outsiders will not understand.

Even though she didn't go to see the shattered shroud, she muttered: "I don't know where he is now. Did my fire of the moon have saved him? Will he still remember? Looking at me?"

"If he is already dead, then maybe after I die, we can still meet, no, no, I would rather not meet him, but also live well!"

"Hey, my daughter is not filial!"


Along with the huge crack on the shield, the moon slowly closed its eyes and waited for the final moment.

But at this moment, it was suddenly a shout of sorrow and sorrow, which was introduced into her ears, and she suddenly opened her eyes!

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