The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1708: Moon Spirit

The sound of this sound has not yet had time to finish, it is suddenly replaced by a scream!

But even so, it has already made Jiang Yun's face sink.

Because for this voice, Jiang Yun is no stranger, it is the voice of the moon spirit that he is looking for.

Even at the same time as this sound sounded, Jiang Yun had not recovered the knowledge of the gods. He had already felt a place where his own gods could not enter before, and suddenly broke a gap.

Among the cracks, there are even the same dense figures.

Although Jiang Yun did not wait to see the appearance of those figures, the gap has re-healed, and the knowledge of God has been blocked again, but Jiang Yun has understood!

The worst result I thought of the previous situation of the Moon Spirit became a reality -

Within the Lingling tribe, civil strife did occur.

Although Jiang Yun is not aware of the specific process of civil strife, it is not difficult for him to speculate on the cause and result.

The cause is that as a saint in the family, the moon as a patriarch is sent to the battlefield outside the country by the ritual and the old man!

Although as the father of a family, the moon as a father accepted such a result, but the sacrifices and the old people, they obviously do not believe that the moon is really willing to accept, really willing to let his daughter stay in the field battlefield Dangerous place.

When they want to come, the reason why Yuezong seems to accept is to find a way to save the moon from the battlefield outside the field, so there is no reason to ignore other facts.

And once I wait for the moon to return, I am afraid that I will start to attack myself.

Therefore, they decided to pre-empt, unite and launch a rebellion.

As a result, it is natural that the sacrifices and the old people have won!

Not only did they imprison the moon, but they also imprisoned all the people in the family who were loyal to the moon, such as Yue Sheng!

Just now, Yuesheng must have heard his own voice, and this thought came up with a word.

Jiang Yun, who instantly understood all of this, finally suddenly looked up and looked at the sky.

There, there is a round of "Mingyue" hanging!

This round protects the Moonlight family for countless years, but now it is the place where the patriarchs are held, and it can be seen as a shameful place for the Moon Spirit!

Jiang Yun’s heart couldn’t help but sigh, his luck has always been good, but unfortunately after the destruction of the domain, it seems that good luck has finally gone.

It was hard to save the moon as a fire and came to the Moon Spirit, but I did not expect it to be such a bad thing.

Is it a tube now, or does it matter?

Either way, it means that you have to leave with the moon, and it will never be possible to return to the spiritual family this month.

However, if you manage it, you can rely on one person's strength, and how can it be a full-fledged opponent of the Lingzu.

At this moment, from the bright moon that Jiang Yun looked at, there was a very loud voice: "In any case, let him and the moon leave!"

At the same time as this sound began, the "Mingyue" suddenly made a big splash.

Moreover, among the original round flames, there was suddenly a flame of nearly a quarter of the area, which stretched out.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun’s eyes could not help but shrink again.

Because at this moment the shape of this flame, like a flower flower, slowly bloomed a petal!

And this, let Jiang Yun think of the origin of the fire of the moon in his body!

Origin, like a flower with a flower to be placed, and this round of Mingyue, very similar!


As the petals bloomed, there was a lot of flames pouring out of the moon, screaming toward the mountain below.

When these flames fell, the several cracks on the shield that were originally punched out by Jiang Yun were healed, making it completely intact.

"It seems that you made a decision for me!" Jiang Yun's mouth was also murmured.

Naturally, in the midst of the bright moon, in addition to the imprisonment of the moon, the sacrifices and the old people must also be among them, watching the town guarding the moon.

The person who just spoke is not a sacrifice, but an old family.

At the moment, the other party's words and actions have already made Jiang Yun no longer have a second way to go, except for the management of this month's spiritual affairs.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s ear also sounded another faint voice: “Jiang Yun, as long as you can save me from getting out of trouble, then the rest of the things will not have to worry about you!”

"As a reward, I can give you the promise of fire. From then on, you are the son-in-law of my moon, and I will help you to counter the Taoist!"

Talking, naturally is the moon!

Although he was imprisoned, he knew the things happening outside and knew that he could not pass the sound.

The bloom of "Mingyue" finally made him find the opportunity, and then he rushed to Jiang Yun.

Although to be honest, he does not have much hope for Jiang Yun's strength, but this is his only chance.

If Jiang Yun leaves, even if Jiang Yun is coming a few years later, I am afraid that at that time, there is no moon in this world!

When I heard the voice of Yuezun, Jiang Yun’s heart was slightly loose.

Let him go against the entire moon spirit with his own strength. He really has no confidence, but if it is just to save the moon, then there is at least this possibility.

Because of the fire of the moon, it is obviously stronger than the flame power of other moon spirits.

As for the promise given by Tao Zun, Jiang Yun is directly ignored.

He could neither become the son-in-law of the Moon, nor did he think about using the power of the Moon to deal with the Tao.

He saved the moon, just to save the moon as a fire, in order to repay the moon's life-saving life is nothing more than that!

"Yue Zun, you should thank your daughter!"

In the whisper, Jiang Yun’s figure suddenly rose to the sky and went straight toward the “Mingyue” in the sky.

Since you want to save the moon and get rid of the difficulties, then you can attack this round of "Mingyue", or bring out the sacrifices and the old people. Then, with the strength of the Moon, you should be able to get out of trouble.

Looking at the body shape of Jiang Yunchong, all the Lingling people, including the three old men who had previously blocked Jiang Yun, were all changed, and they were all ready to stop Jiang Yun.

In the bright moon, the old voice once again sounded: "Do you think that if you have a holy fire in your body, you can really ignore my family!"

"Knot, the moon spirit!"

As the sound fell, all the spiritual people of the month immediately sat down.

The bright moon mark in each person's eyebrows began to frantically rotate, and there was a glimmer of fire in the moon.

The "Mingyue" in the sky, once again, has a quarter of the flames blooming, and the numerous flames that emerged from it have condensed into a giant palm that is as big as the sky, and is shot toward Jiang Yun.

Looking at this giant palm of fire, Jiang Yun’s pupil can’t help but shrink slightly, because he once again felt a touch of spirituality from within!

"I'm not right!"

If the previous fire dragon is spiritual, although it is a method of law, but at least has the shape of a demon.

But nowadays, a palm actually has spirituality. This is too ridiculous, and Jiang Yun can't understand it anyway!

However, he did not have time to think too much, his own fire of the moon spirit also surged out, condensed into a giant palm, greeted up.


This time, the giant palm of the flame from the moon, although still fearful of the flame of Jiang Yun, did not directly weaken like the old dad.

Just after a little reduction, it collided with Jiang Yun’s palm.

The powerful impact force made Jiang Yun's squatting shape sink, and when he was about to continue to attack again, his figure suddenly stopped in the air.

Because he found that in front of himself, there is a huge figure!

A woman with a low head and a folded hands!

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