The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1904: Help you once

The mountains and seas are once again in the dead, and everyone’s eyes are almost dull looking at the bodies of the five elements that have been planted from the sky!

The five elements, the head of the five-way sect, the strong person of the humanity and the same context, the countless years of the domain, the existence of one person, the existence of more than ten thousand people.

However, now, it has been killed!

Moreover, it is still easily assassinated by a sword!

This kind of thing has subverted their cognition so that they can't believe it anyway.

After all, humanity and context are already the ultimate realm of practice that they know.

To practice this kind of realm, humanity is almost equal to the undead.

Since the demise of the Nine Nationalities and the honour of the Tao, the Dojo has never had a powerful person with the same humanity and context.

In the two consecutive wars in the mountains and seas, except for Bu Yi, he was killed by himself. In addition to Bai Lixuan, this monk was killed by Jiang Yun. Now, despite countless deaths and injuries, there is no humanity. The fall of the strong.

Now, no one has thought that the Five Elements will become the first human-powered person to be killed!

The Five Elements are the lords of the Five Elements, and even if he does not talk about his cultivation, the foundation of the Five Elements is profound, and there are countless ways to protect the Five Elements. There are certainly many ways to save lives.

Even so, he did not even have the opportunity to display, he was already spiked.

At this moment, everyone’s heart gave birth to a chill.


The body of the five elements fell into the bounded sea, and the sound of heavy water finally made everyone return to the gods, and looked at the four figures that had just appeared.

Especially the middle-aged man who looks ordinary at the forefront.

Nowadays, the monks in the mountains and seas are no strangers to these four people, and they can recognize their origins at a glance.

Dongfang Bo, Situ Jing, Xuanyuanxing and Jiansheng!

The person who kills the five elements is naturally a sword student!

This discovery also makes everyone's heart more chilly.

Originally, everyone wants to come, the nine avenues are flat, and the strength of the nine masters is certainly between the two.

Not long ago, when asked the main name of the lord to deal with Jiang Yunzhi, it showed an amazing strength. Now, the strength of the sword sect is also amazing!

Moreover, Jiansheng always does not ask the world, and pursues the kendo.

The first time the temple was attacked by the mountains and seas, the swordsmen did not send people to participate.

At this moment, he actually took the initiative to come to the mountains and seas, and then he said that he would kill the five elements.

This is equivalent to telling everyone with his actions, he, Jiansheng, is standing on the side of Jiang Yun.

So far, the nine avenues that have been in the doldrums for many years can be said to be in name only.

Because there are already six avenues who betrayed the Taoist, the five elements of the Taoist dynasty were completely degraded, and only the pleadings of the Taoist priests and the priests were still loyal to the Tao.

At this moment, the face of Jiansheng is extremely calm, and there is no sharpness in his body.

It seems that killing the five elements is a trivial matter for him.

After his eyes swept through the entire mountain and sea, he first looked at Dao Zun and Jiang Yun who had already been in another space.

After Jiang Yun nodded to him, he only looked away and settled on Sen Luo.

"He gave it to me, the rest, you are free!"

After dropping this sentence, Jiansheng has already stepped toward Senro!

The words are simple, but they reveal the strong confidence of Jiansheng.

With the strength of Jiansheng, it is natural to see the situation in the mountains and seas at a glance.

Originally his opponent was Daozun.

Because when Dao Zun was ready to shoot on Jiang Yun, he said that whoever dares to move Jiang Yun, who will kill him.

Now, after confirming that Jiang Yun has the confidence to defeat Dao Zun, he directly targets the Senro who is second only to Dao Zun!

Looking at Jiansheng coming towards himself, Sen Luo’s face can’t help but change.

Although he is a dead landlord, although he is also a humane isomorphism, he is not a living being, but a ghost.

In the realm of life, I can't play all my strength.

Needless to say, the sword that Jian Jiansheng killed the five elements also made himself see the power of Jiansheng.

Even though Swordsman has not really entered the path of development, it should be the last step.

I am not an opponent of Jiansheng.

Thought of this, Sen Luo eyes flashed in the cold, the body shape then retreat, while opening the channel: "kill him!"


The nine ghostly people of the human race immediately swayed in shape and came to the body of Jiansheng, surrounded him.

Obviously, Sen Luo is going to join forces with his men to fight against Jiansheng.

As for the other six human ghosts, they are a group of two, and they went to the Oriental Bo.

After the remaining Mu Xi and the Wujiu looked at each other, they went to Lei and others.

Although the arrival of four people, including Jiansheng, especially the strength of Jiansheng, they have brought great threats and shocks, but they still have an advantage in overall strength.

Thirteen famous people, strong battlefields, and four-person monks who have only half of their strengths, such as Lei, can be won.

Seeing this scene, Daozun’s face regained his confidence: “Jiang Yun, see it, you not only have no chance to turn over, but you will also catch up with your brothers and sisters!”

Jiang Yun did not speak, and rushed straight toward the Tao.

Now he must make a quick fix, kill the Taoist first, and then help the brothers to share the enemy.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun’s ear suddenly sounded a voice: “Look at your second silence, I will help you once!”

This sound naturally comes from the sky.

As his voice fell, he saw the boundaries of the sea, and suddenly there were countless lines that even Jiang Yun had never seen.

These lines, like the previous nine-nation road seals, were not included in the body of the mountain and sea monks such as Lei.


With the sound of a crisp burst of sound from the body of each mountain and sea monk, they also showed their accidents and surprises on their faces.

The Jiuzu Road seal was broken!


After a short surprise, Jiang Junhao and others suddenly burst into the murderousness of the sky, and they screamed and rushed to the oncoming army of the dead!

This sudden change made Senro and others suddenly change their face.

In particular, after Ms. Mu and the Promise, they suddenly turned their bodies and took a step toward the mountains and seas.

By this time, they have clearly understood that Daozun’s general trend has gone.

In this battle, there is absolutely no chance of victory in Dao, even his avatar is likely to fall.

Although the departure of myself and others will definitely make Dao Zun very unhappy, but than the dissatisfaction of the Tao, it is of course more important to his own life.

After the end of this war, I will go to the innocent place and plead guilty to the Taoist deity.

I believe that I have been badly hurt, and I have lost a lot of strong people’s respects, and I will not kill myself.

Mu Yan and the Wujiu escape, although Lei and others looked in the eyes, but did not go after the killing, but rushed to the army of the dead.

Compared with the pursuit of killing two dogs, it is of course more important to completely solve the dangers of mountains and seas!

"Dao Zun, now, what else do you have to say!"

Jiang Yun looked calm and raised his fist and smashed the past toward the Tao.

Tao Zun really can't say anything because he can already see the end of the battle of today...

The last round of battles in the mountains and seas broke out completely!

Only a moment later, in the mountains and seas, the sound of Sen Luo’s screaming screaming suddenly sounded: "Jian Sheng, Jiang Yun, you better hope that you will never become a dead spirit!"


When the voice fell, Sen Luo suddenly turned his body and rushed to the outside of the mountains and seas.

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