The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1911: The secret of the golden lock

For the situation of the domain, Jiang Yun did not know.

At this moment, he is in the bounds of the sea!

The sea people in the bounds of the sea originally had a deep fear for Jiang Yun, not to mention that the strength of Jiang Yun is now different than before, so even though they have become dead, they see Jiang Yun’s When I arrived, I was still busy with the escape.

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to them and appeared directly in front of a young woman.

The woman's face was wearing a blue mask, completely covering the entire face, even with the eyes.

Seeing Jiang Yun, let the woman's body tremble slightly, and hurriedly bowed her head: "What are you doing?"

This woman, named Hai Yixue, is the sister of Xue Qing and the daughter of Hai Changsheng.

Although she had not many intersections with Jiang Yun, she had a pair of eyes that could see the souls of others. It was seen that Jiang Yun’s body had the existence of a soul of night, and reminded Jiang Yun.

For her, Jiang Yun is also grateful.

Especially later, in order to help Jiang Yun, Hai Changsheng sent Hai Yixue into the 100,000 mountains until he returned, only to let him wake up.

Jiang Yun had no time to see Hai Yixue, but now he has to come.

Not because of snow or sea, but because of yourself!

Jiang Yun looked straight at Hai Yixue: "Sea girl, your right eye, is it because of seeing my soul?"

When Jiang Yun first saw Hai Yixue, Hai Yixue only wore a layer of tulle on his face to cover his face.

But when I saw you later, the tulle on Hai Yixue’s face was replaced by a mask.

At that time, Jiang Yun’s cultivation was too weak to see through, and he did not think much.

This time, Hai Yixue, who woke up, deliberately avoided Jiang Yun, did not say a word with Jiang Yun, and even moved into the bounds of the sea.

However, Jiang Yun’s current strength, at a glance, shows that Hai Yixue’s face is covered by a mask, and the right eye has disappeared. Instead, it is a black hole.

In other words, when I saw Hai Yixue, Hai Yixue’s eyes had disappeared.

And the great possibility is because of your own!

Jiang Yun’s words made Hai Yixue’s body tremble slightly and hurriedly shook his head: “No!”

Although Hai Yixue denied it, Jiang Yun knew that he did not ask for it. Instead, he said to his own life with the knowledge of his life: "Night predecessors, her eyes, are you getting it?"

Now that Hai Yixue has seen something in his own soul, Jiang Yun has not pursued it. After all, the night of the dust has emerged.

But he can't help but look at the eyes of Hai Yixue!

In Jiang Yun’s thought, it should be the night of the dust to warn Hai Yixue, so she smashed one of her eyes to show the warning.

After a moment of silence, the sound of the night's dust suddenly sounded: "No!"

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, there was a cold light: "Who is that?"

The night of the lonely dust again said: "In your soul, there is actually a small golden lock!"

"Know!" Jiang Yun nodded. "Is that not yours?"

If he is not because of the body's demise, Jiang Yun does not know the existence of this golden lock, and when he wants to come, this golden lock should also be all night.

After a moment of silence, the sound of the night's dust again rang, and there was a bitter bitterness in the voice: "No!"

"Actually, although your nine ethnic groups have been sealed, there are still several reincarnations in the world, but in the end, it is because of this golden lock."

Jiang Yun's brow suddenly wrinkled, and asked inexplicably: "What do you mean?"

The night alone sighed and said: "In order to avoid the pursuit of the Tao, I was in the state of the soul, and accidentally broke into your body and hidden!"

"At that time, you already have this golden lock in your body!"

"At the time, I didn't really want to enter your soul, but this golden lock exuded a powerful suction and directly inhaled me."

"Since then, my soul has been imprisoned in your golden lock. Until now, I can't leave!"

The words of the night, so that Jiang Yun's face showed a strong shock.

Originally, he thought that he knew about the secrets of his own body, but now from the mouth of the night, he even heard a secret that made him very surprised.

This golden lock actually existed before the night dust entered its own soul, and it was also imprisoned in the night, so that he could not leave for so many years.

However, he also understands that it is precisely because the Golden Lock pays attention to the soul of the night, so that he can not leave, so he can only stay in the golden lock, and experienced the reincarnation with himself!

The sound of the night's solitary dust also sounded again: "Although I don't know the origin of this golden lock, but it has a strong power, I am afraid that no one in the domain can break through."

"According to my speculation, this golden lock should be left in your body by your loved ones, in order to protect your soul!"

The golden lock contains powerful power, and Jiang Yun is not difficult to understand.

Although I still don't know the true identity of the night, but the other side can count the esteemed deity, and the strength is weak.

But even he could not escape from the Golden Lock. It is conceivable that the power of this Golden Lock may have to exceed the Tao.

"In short, as long as this gold lock is in, you will never really die."

"Because it protects your soul, even if you are flying away, you can still reincarnate and start a new life, which is equivalent to letting you never die!"

Jiang Yun’s body could not help but shivered.

Because he remembered that in the nameless wilderness, the Tao was said to be similar to himself.

At that time, I thought that the other party was referring to the night's solitary dust in the dark to protect my soul, but now combined with the night alone, this makes me finally understand that the two of them are referring to this golden lock!

Jiang Yun shivered and said: "This gold lock, may it be my parents left!"

Night orphan: "I don't know this, but it is very possible."

"After all, apart from my parents, I can't think of someone who would be willing to use such a valuable magic weapon to protect you!"

Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes, and the brain had already reached the extreme.

Parents, for themselves, are just a name.

I have never enjoyed the love of my parents, I have never felt the affection of my parents, so I have no feelings about my parents.

But now, if the speculation of the night is true, then it means that your parents are always protecting themselves silently!

Everything in heaven and earth can't escape the end of death. The monks practiced, and the pursuit of nothing is that immortality does not die.

However, my parents used a golden lock to give themselves a great fortune!

This is their love and care for themselves!

At this moment, Jiang Yun finally realized that he might have misunderstood his parents.

The reason why they can't stay with them is probably a last resort, not a disappointment, not to abandon themselves.

Jiang Yun murmured: "Maybe, I have to go to the annihilation domain, and then go to the home of my domain!"

"At least I have to know, my parents, who are they, what have they encountered, and have to temporarily abandon me?"

At the beginning, Jiang Yun went to destroy the domain, for the moon is like a fire, although they have returned to their homes, but they have never thought about their parents.

Now, he feels that he has to go to the field again, not to kill the entire group, just to find clues about his parents.

After making this decision, Jiang Yun’s heart was relaxed a lot, and he let him breathe a sigh of relief: “Night predecessors, now you should tell me, who are you, what is your relationship with Dao Zun? Yet?"

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