The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1916: Retract the medicine furnace

For his own father Han Shizun, Jiang Yun did not know much about it.

I only know that he is an elder of Medicine Shenzong, and he is a pharmacist of eight medicines.

As for repairing, it will not exceed the best of heaven!

If placed in the mountains and seas of the year, the righteous father may be able to count as the top of the existence.

But in today's mountains and seas, especially looking at the entire domain, in addition to the identity of the refining pharmacist, his own righteous father is actually very ordinary.

Therefore, the idea that emerged in Jiang Yun’s mind was just a flash.

Guan Yiming said that the opportunity should not be to worship his own righteous father, and it is even more impossible to give up the completion of the drug **** for this purpose.

After all, the righteousness of the father-in-law is higher, and there is definitely a huge gap between the drug gods.

However, when he heard the righteous father looking for himself, Jiang Yun’s heart was deeper.

The righteous father must be because he misses himself too much, so he will let Guan Yiming find himself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun was a little embarrassed: "Then I have to congratulate my brother!"

"As a result, the relationship between Guanxi and me is even closer. If I am not with my righteous father in the future, I hope that my brother can take care of my father."

Guan Yiming’s key points are: “One day is a teacher, and life is a father. In my heart, Master is also my father!”

For Guan Yiming, Jiang Yun is still very trusting, so he changed the topic: "What happened to the old man who asked me for the elderly?"

Guan Yiming smiled slightly: "There are some things, but I don't know very well. If you see Master, you will naturally know."

While speaking, Guan Yiming’s body flew out of a huge black shadow, which landed on the ground.

Jiang Yun did not continue to ask more questions. After nodding his head against Guan Yiming, he directly entered the refining furnace.

Although the space in the refining furnace is self-contained, it is empty, so Jiang Yun saw Han Shizun sitting in it at a glance!

"噗通", Jiang Yun directly fell in front of Han Shizun, a heavy slogan: "Yi father, not filial son Jiang Yun to see you!"

The voice of Han Shizun immediately sounded, and there was a deep surprise in the voice: "Yun, you are coming, hurry up!"

Jiang Yun gave the righteous father a respectful sigh of three heads before standing up, looking at the righteous father.

Although he has not seen for many years, Han Shizun is a soul. The passage of time will have little effect on him, so he still looks like the original, without any change.

Han Shizun is also looking at Jiang Yun, with a kind smile on his face, and nodded while watching.

After a moment, Han Shizun said: "Yun, come, sit next to me!"

Jiang Yun walked over and sat down, bowed his head and said: "Father, I haven’t seen it for so long..."

After waiting for Jiang Yun to finish the conversation, Han Shizun has already said: "Your things, I also heard a few words, you can have this heart, can remember the righteous father, I am already very satisfied. !"

The more Han Shizun said, the deeper the cockroaches in Jiang Yun’s heart, and the lower the head.

Looking at Jiang Yun’s appearance, Han Shizun naturally understood, and smiled slightly: “You can’t come to see me, we don’t talk about it!”

"Yongming should tell you, just that I have something to look for!"

After hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun just looked up and said: "Guan Xiong told me, righteous father, what are you looking for?"

"There is nothing big!" Han Shizun smiled and said: "But just let Yiming return the refining furnace to you!"

Jiang Yun suddenly stopped!

The refining furnace is the stove used by the medicine **** to refine the medicine. Although it is invaluable, it is of little use to itself.

Because he has reached his own realm, especially since he has cultivated the technique of life and nirvana, the refining of medicinal herbs does not require any foreign objects, and can be directly rectified by fire.

Besides, I have already given the refining furnace to Guan Yiming, and there is still a reason to come back.

Han Shizun obviously knew what Jiang Yun thought, and then said: "I have been here for the past few years, and there is nothing to do, I will put my mind on the refining furnace."

"I found that this refining furnace seems to have some secrets."

Jiang Yun once again.

When I first got the refining furnace, I got the complete inheritance left by the inner medicine god, became the master of the stove, and even listened to my own orders for the spirits of the ancestors who took the medicine.

In the case of refining the furnace, I saw it at a glance and found no secret at all.

However, Jiang Yun also knows that the righteous father will certainly not lie to himself, so he also asked with some curiosity: "What secret?"

Han Shizun shook his head and said: "It's a bit illusory, only you can."

"I think that only those who have obtained the complete inheritance of the drug **** can solve these secrets, so I have discussed it with Yiming. He also agreed to return the refining furnace to you."

"You don't want to refuse. Although you are not medicinal, it is also extraordinary. But for the monk, no matter where it is, no matter what state of cultivation, medicinal herbs are essential."

"If you can unlock the secrets in the refining furnace, it will definitely help you!"

After listening to the explanation of the righteous father, although Jiang Yun knew that the righteous father said it was very reasonable, he still refused to return the refining furnace.

Therefore, Jiang Yun thought for a moment: "Let's do it, righteous father, I will now see what secrets are hidden in this refining furnace!"

Han Shizun shook his head again: "It’s not the righteous father who yells at you. I think I’m afraid I will wait until I have the cure of the drug god, or the same pharmacy, you can discover these secrets!"

Although Jiang Yun admits that the righteous father said it makes sense, he still tried it, using his powerful knowledge of the gods, and even flooded the entire refining furnace with fire.

Sure enough, nothing!

Han Shizun smiled and said: "Now believe it, listen to the father's words, take this alchemy furnace with you, untie the secrets in the morning, and tell the righteous father."

Jiang Yun scratched his head and said: "My father, if I carry the refining furnace, then you have to follow me!"

Like Han Shizun, voluntarily giving up the flesh and entering the refining furnace in the state of the soul is like being integrated with the refining furnace, and can no longer leave.

"Haha, I am following you, is it not your burden!"

Han Shizun laughed again: "Although I can't solve the secret of refining the stove, now I want to leave the refining furnace, but it is not difficult!"

This sentence makes Jiang Yun happy.

The righteous father always stays in the refining furnace. In fact, there is no difference between it and jail.

Since it is now possible to leave, it is naturally a good thing!

"Well, then I will listen to my father's words and bring the refining furnace to my side!"

Han Shizun nodded with satisfaction: "This is right!"

"Well, I know that you have a lot of things, so don't leave you anymore, go ahead, come see me if you have time!"

"Nothing, I will stay with you for a few more days!"

Jiang Yun came here, just to accompany the father for a few days, how can I just come and leave.

Han Shizun puts his hand in the hand: "I really don't have to accompany me. When you are really empty, when you come, you will come with me!"

Jiang Yun still insisted: "If you want me to take back the refining furnace, let me stay with you for a few more days!"

Under the insistence of Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun finally accompanied Han Shizun for three days, and then took the refining furnace and once again bid farewell to his righteous father.

Standing in the air, Jiang Yun’s face could not help but show a smile.

In addition to the two sets of exercises, the things that the drug **** passed down are the refining furnaces.

Originally, I wanted to pass on the drug **** and gave it to Guan Yiming. However, I did not expect that the inheritance was not sent out. Instead, I re-collected the refining furnace.

However, Jiang Yun also knows that this is the righteousness of the righteous father, and this is the real reason why he is willing to take back the refining furnace!

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun no longer think about this matter, his body swaying, has appeared on the original abyss.

"The predecessor of the sky, the younger generation Jiang Yun asked to see!"

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