The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1921: Unselfish

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and looked at the deserted woods around him, his eyes a little sluggish!

Although he does not know where it is, it will definitely not be an extraterritorial battlefield.

And then think of the words of the old man who insisted on the entrance of the Taoist area before his own coma, let him instinctively think that here, it should be Tianxiangjie!

However, he could not believe it.

Because this is really incredible!

Crossing the entire field and reaching the field, even if you use the transmission array continuously, it will take at least a few months.

However, the time of his own coma was not long, but it was only a quarter of an hour, and he had already crossed the field battlefield.

Not only has it entered the domain, but it has also reached the Tianxiang world?

If so, what is the strength of the old man?

After all, even his own master, even the mysterious sky, should not be able to do this.

After a long day of staying, Jiang Yuncai gradually returned to the gods, shook his head hard, and smiled bitterly: "Isn't this just a world in the Tao?"

If you are still in the domain, then it is reasonable.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun’s knowledge immediately spread to the surrounding area, and after only counting the interest, the smile on his face was once again sluggish.

In his knowledge of God, he has seen a lot of figures, both men and women, and they all contain different forces!

Moreover, although there is an aura in the air of this world, more is a variety of sources!

Obviously, here is the domain!

Even if it is not Tianxiang, the old man can send himself from the domain to the domain within a short period of time, which is enough to shock Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun still continues to use his own knowledge to spread to further places.

Even, began to pay attention to the conversations of the souls in this world.

After a long time, Jiang Yun took back the gods, and slowly spit out a long breath in his mouth. He rubbed his face hard and whispered to himself with a near-nightmare voice: "Here, really It’s Tianxiangjie!”

"I shouldn't be dreaming, or falling into a fantasy!"

It is not to be blamed that Jiang Yun will be so suspicious, it is because he has experienced all of this, far beyond his cognition.

"What kind of existence is that old man? His strength is definitely higher than that of Master, and they are much higher than the sky!"

This time, Jiang Yun is speculative.

Because in the mouth of the old man, even if it is a path of development, there is no qualification for honor.

Although extremely shocked, Jiang Yun’s psychological endurance was not bad. He quickly re-adjusted his status and no longer thought about the origins of the old man.

No matter who the old man is, how strong is the strength, but at least the other side is helping to help themselves, so that they save a lot of time and energy.

Without entering the entrance, it will directly enter the domain, which will not only avoid conflicts with those who guard the entrance to the domain, but also do not know.

I believe that even the two royal families will never know that they have entered the domain!

Jiang Yun did not rush to get up, but closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

According to Jiang Yun’s original idea, even if he wants to destroy the domain, he must wait until the threat of Taoism is resolved, even after killing the Tao.

To this end, he is prepared to go to the various places to find help after the stability of the mountains and seas.

These years of experience, so that Jiang Yun has long been alone.

In addition to the strong forces and forces that have already arrived in the mountains and seas, he can find a lot of helpers.

For example, the land of the world, where there are strong people such as the sky;

For example, Jiang Ying and his shadow army, who are guarding the nine-color world, are also extremely powerful;

For example, the small beasts of the extraterrestrial battlefield, the nine ethnic groups and the life and death gates, and so on.

It is a pity that the arrival of the moon and the urging of Master have disrupted all the plans of Jiang Yun, and he has to temporarily leave the domain and come to the domain.

However, there are two masters and the clan who sit in the mountains and seas. For the safety of the mountains and seas and the nine people, Jiang Yun is not too worried.

What's more, the Tao Zun deity has not been able to leave the pathless land until now, and it also gives him more peace of mind.

Thinking of Tao Zun, Jiang Yun naturally thought of the night alone!

Night alone, whether it is the golden lock in his own soul, imprisoned him, or he is hidden in his own soul so that he can never understand.

At least, he really accompanied his own reincarnation!

Especially at this moment, in this devastation, I am not alone, at least there is the company of the night alone!

Although Jiang Yun wants to talk to the night alone, he knows the origin of the other party and knows the secret of the Tao, but he also knows that it is not the time.

Now, the first thing Jiang Yun wants to consider is how to find the tenth family in this fragrant world!

Therefore, Jiang Yun once again released his own knowledge, and filled the world completely strange, and began to listen to every word spoken by every creature here.

In the case of the destruction of the domain, in fact, when Jiang Yun first entered, he had already had a certain understanding from the mouths of Yuezun and Xuanzizi.

However, the last time Jiang Yun’s purpose was just to send the moon back to the fire. For those situations, I heard it.

However, this time, his purpose is to save the entire month of the spiritual family, and even to fight against the two great emperors of the creation of light and dark, so he must first look at whether you can find the tenth family.

If you can find it, then you will naturally be very helpful.

If you can't find it, then you have to find another way.

A variety of voices came to the fore, and clearly passed into Jiang Yun’s mind.

He also let him have a deeper understanding of the eight wilderness areas for this Tianxiang world.

Among the eight wilderness areas, there are naturally some top-ranking strong ethnic groups.

The Tianxiang people, although not the top, do not even belong to the family, but they are not only the masters of the Tianxiang world, but also quite famous in the Southwestern wilderness.

Because the Tianxiang people are good at refining medicinal herbs, they are extremely generous!

They will absorb some monks from other ethnic groups and point them to refining medicine.

Even when they meet some outstanding qualifications, they will give them the unique power of their own ethnic groups.

Such an approach is actually very common in the domain.

It is like the medicine **** of the mountains and seas, the medicinal sect of the Dao domain, and the disciples of the Guangzhao door, teaching the way of refining medicine.

Just in the demise of the domain, this approach seems a bit different.

The various ethnic groups in the demise of the domain are all cherished by the powers of their own ethnic groups, and cannot be easily given to other ethnic groups.

Therefore, this practice of the Tianxiang people is really beyond the expectation of Jiang Yun.

However, after pondering, Jiang Yun understood.

The Tianxiang people are so close to the selflessness that they will spread the power of their ethnic groups, but in exchange for the gratitude and support of other ethnic groups!

In short, I believe that most ethnic groups will not go to the Tianxiang people to blame.

Even if someone wants to deal with the Tianxiang people, I am afraid that there will be many ethnic groups willing to stand up to help the Tianxiang people.

The truth is true!

There have been several families, who want to collect the Tianxiang people as slaves, and specialize in refining medicinal herbs for their own ethnic groups. At the same time, they can also obtain benefits through the medicinal herbs of Tianxiang.

However, when these several people sent people to the Tianxiang nationality, the Tianxiang people did not even take the shots, and there were already other people who intervened, and eventually these several people had to give up.

After learning about these situations, Jiang Yun’s eyes couldn’t help but sigh: “This day, the incense is smart!”

"Growing good relationships, there is nothing you need to do yourself!"

"In this way, not only does it make it impossible for outsiders to know the true strength of their family, but it also allows them to survive relatively safely!"

"Therefore, they are very likely to be a member of the tenth family!"

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