The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1924: Shit

Jiang Yun’s words made Ye Younan’s face reveal a shocking color.

Because of these two conditions, any one is almost impossible to achieve.

However, Jiang Yun has understated that the last question is not big!

If you haven't seen Jiang Yun's strength far beyond himself, and there is nothing in his own body, Ye Younan can't help but wonder if Jiang Yun is telling big words and deliberately deceiving himself!

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to Ye Younan's suspicion. He has changed the subject: "Now I have to find a place to stay, Ye girl, do you know what is the right place?"

Hesitating a moment, Ye Younan whispered: "I have my own place to live."

"If the seniors don't want to give up, you can go to me temporarily."

Jiang Yun slightly frowned and said: "This, I am afraid it is not convenient!"

If a lonely man and a woman live together, it will inevitably make people gossip.

Although Jiang Yun is not afraid of shadow, but Ye Younan is a woman, such gossip will have a great impact on her festival!

Ye Younan’s face is red: “I don’t live alone, I live with my grandfather!”

"Oh!" Jiang Yun nodded and said: "If this is the case, then trouble the Ye girl!"

For Jiang Yun, it doesn't matter where you live. If you can live in Ye Younan, it is convenient for her to treat Dantian.

"No trouble, please come with me!"


Although the entire Tianxiang world belongs to the Tianxiang people, there are many cities in the world, but the real ethnic land of the Tianxiang people is only located in a city--Tianxiang City!

However, only the true shackles, or those with outstanding qualifications, who have made great contributions to the ethnic group, are eligible to live in Tianxiang City.

Therefore, like Ye Younan, although they are shackles, they can only live in the outer periphery of Tianxiang City.

For Tianxiang City, Jiang Yun had already seen it when he looked at the whole Tianxiang environment with his knowledge. It is not far from this wasteland.

Under the path of Ye Younan, the two had not come to Tianxiang City for a long time.

Looking at the magnificent Tianxiang City in front of me, Jiang Yun couldn’t help but feel quite emotional!

Because the area of ​​Xiangcheng in this day is too big, far more than any city that you have traveled in the domain.

Based on this alone, we can see the gap between the domain and the domain!

Tianxiang City is enough to accommodate tens of millions of people!

The population of the entire Tianxiang people is only a few hundred thousand, and it is more than enough to live in Tianxiang City.

But the Tianxiang people have to place a large number of people outside Tianxiang City.

This kind of deliberate treatment of the tribes, although somewhat cruel, can promote the competition of the tribes and contribute to the development of the ethnic group.

Ye Younan said softly: "Predecessors, my residence is outside the city."

"Although I can't live in Tianxiang City, but after all, as a family, there is also an independent small village, just..."

Having said that, Ye Younan’s face reveals the color of his words and words, and Jiang Yun’s incomprehensible words: “If you have something to say, it’s okay, if it’s not convenient, I can live in another place!”

“No!” Ye Younan hurriedly shook his head. “It’s not inconvenient. It’s just that I might meet my people in a while. They may see their predecessors, and they may not respect them very much, so they hope that their predecessors can take care of them!”

Jiang Yunyi will understand it!

Ye Younan, who is a shackle, is placed in a peripheral area, and with a low status, this is naturally scorned by other ethnic groups who also live here.

Now I am coming back with such a strange man, I am afraid I will be instructed to be pointed!

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Nothing!"

Ye Younan also stopped talking and walked along the walls of Tianxiang City.

After a while, Jiang Yun’s eyes appeared in front of a group of buildings.

Although it is indeed outside the Tianxiang City, it is not too simple.

Just when Jiang Yun and Ye Younan just stepped into this group of buildings, they just came over three people, two men and one woman, not too old!

And seeing them, Ye Younan immediately bowed his head and accelerated his pace, apparently not wanting to contact them.

However, the three men refused to let her go, especially the only woman who deliberately said loudly: "This is not a young South sister!"

"All said that although the young South sister is not qualified, but she has always been self-satisfied, I did not expect to bring a man back today, but I really let my sister open my eyes!"

While talking, the woman’s eyes have also looked at Jiang Yundao: “Just, the young South sister will soon marry the blood refining family.”

"Now bring a man back, is it ready to play the first play, cook raw rice, and then use this reason to resist marriage!"

The woman’s words suddenly made Ye Younan’s face extremely ugly: “Ye Zhi, what are you talking about, this is Jiang’s predecessor...”

"Hey!" Not waiting for Ye Younan to finish the conversation, the woman named Yeats has deliberately extended the tone and interrupted: "Or a predecessor, young South sister originally liked to be old!"


Ye Younan was so angry that her body was shaking slightly, but she had never known how to refute it.

The two men beside Ye Zi also deliberately laughed and said: "No wonder she doesn't look at the young men in our family. It turned out to be the case!"

Looking at Ye Younan's shackles, Ye Zhi proudly smiled and looked at Jiang Yun up and down a few times, suddenly throwing a wink at Jiang Yun: "This predecessor, have no interest, come to me to sit ?"

Although Jiang Yun had psychological preparation in advance, he did not expect that Ye Younan’s status was so low in Tianxiang.

This Yeats, repaired as a spiritual environment, is also not a shackle. In the broad daylight, in the face of his own outsider, he dared to destroy Ye Younan.

It is conceivable that, in the weekdays, how easy it is for Ye Younan to receive treatment in the family!

However, Jiang Yun naturally would not go to the punishment of this Yeats because of this little thing, so he did not even look at each other with his eyes, and he was facing Ye Younan: "Ye girl, should you come to your place?"

Ye Younan said softly: "I will be there soon. Please don't mind their predecessors!"

Jiang Yun faintly said: "It’s just a shit, you can still see the dog, let's go!"

After that, Jiang Yun simply ignored the three people of Ye Zhi and took the initiative to move forward.

Ye Younan’s body trembled a little, did not dare to speak again, and hurriedly followed.

Hearing that Jiang Yun dared to blame himself, Ye Zhi’s eyes flashed a cold light, his face was gloomy, and the yin and yang sighed: “I didn’t expect this predecessor to be a little anxious!”

"Is this daytime, I can't wait to do that?"

This sentence finally made Jiang Yun look back and looked at Ye Zhi coldly!

In this eye, Ye Zhi suddenly let his eyes wide open and his body could not stop shaking.

Because she saw the sky above it began to collapse, and the earth under her feet began to collapse.

But my body can't move, but I can only feel the shadow of death completely shrouded myself. It seems that I have to die with this world.

After the disappearance of Jiang Yun and Ye Younan's figure, everything in her eyes returned to normal, and the clothes on her body were completely wet by the cold sweat!

Looking at the direction in which Jiang Yun disappeared, Ye Zhi couldn't help but shudder, and his face showed a taboo color: "What a terrible illusion, who is that man? Is it really a senior?"

However, after only a moment, the taboos on her face turned into a sly color: "Hey, who are you? Here are the sites of my Tianxiang people, dare to cast illusion on me, you wait!"

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