The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1945: Some pedantic

Jiang Yun’s figure has already stepped out of the formation, not only without any injury, but even with no change in his face.

A pair of cold eyes, did not go to see other people, just staring at Ye Lingzhu.

The face of Ye Song and others can't help but change again.

Although they know that Jiang Yun is proficient in the law, but his own family of guardian squad, the power is so powerful, even Jiang Yun can not be trapped for a moment.

As for Ye Lingzhu, under the gaze of Jiang Yun's gaze, the heart could not help but jump a bit, and could not help but withdraw a few steps backwards, pulling away the distance between Jiang Yun and Jiang Yun.

However, even then, she still did not forget to face Ye Zhiqiu: "Three uncles, you heard his words!"

Ye Zhiqiu certainly heard it, although he always felt that today's business is a bit embarrassing, but Jiang Yun is so naked threat to Ye Lingzhu, but it is really impossible for him to protect Jiang Yun.

Even Ye Zhiqiu took a step, blocking in front of Ye Lingzhu, facing Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Yun, should you give me an explanation for this matter!"

Ye Lingzhu is a proud woman in the family, and her talent is extremely high. It is the future and hope of the Tianxiang people. Of course, he can't let Jiang Yun hurt Ye Lingzhu.

Jiang Yun nodded: "Nature wants to give, but..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out and pointed to Ye Lingzhu: "When I asked the truth from her mouth, after I abolished her, I will definitely give you a satisfaction, let you all the Tianxiang people Satisfactory explanation!"

Jiang Yun’s repeated words really caused public anger and inspired the anger of all the Tianxiang people present.

Even though Jiang Yun’s strength is tyrannical, but on the territory of the Tianxiang nationality, he dared to be so arrogant, and even threatened to abolish the arrogant woman of his own ethnic group. This did not put the Tianxiang people in the eye!

The face of even Ye Zhiqiu has changed: "Jiang Yun, I ask you to take you thin, this is your attitude towards my Tianxiang."

"Ye Zhiqiu, if it weren't you, I wouldn't have endured it now!"

Jiang Yun said faintly: "As for attitude, I think you should know better than me, what is your attitude towards Tianxiang!"

Tianxiang is angry, Jiang Yun is even more angry than them!

This has not yet revealed the identity of the ruined people. It is only the identity of an outsider who is in contact with Ye Younan. In this day, the incense has been treated so unfairly.

Fortunately, this is because he is strong enough and has the identity of a ruined person, so there is no fear.

But if you change another person, just because of sympathy for Ye Younan, then I am afraid I have already been killed by the Tianxiang people.

What's more, anyway, they have already run the refining marks, so simply make a big noise!

Even if you don't really destroy the entire Tianxiang people, at least you must abandon Ye Lingzhu!

As soon as he was indulging, Ye Zhiqiu said again: "Jiang Yun, Ye Shuo, I have said that I will protect you, and I have never said anything."

"But today, there must be some misunderstandings. You will tell the truth. If it is still true that my Tianxiang people are unfair to you, then I will certainly give you a fair!"

Jiang Yun looked at Ye Zhiqiu and slowly shook his head. His face even showed a smile: "Ye Zhiqiu, I admire you, but it is a bit pedantic."

"If you continue to do this, I believe that in the future you will not be the patriarch of the Tianxiang people!"

In Ye Zhiqiu's body, Jiang Yun seems to have seen himself before he left the mountain, and he is kind and considers that there is justice in the world.

But then the cruel reality is that Jiang Yun knows that the so-called justice, it is all based on their own strength.

No strength, want to be fair, can only be an idiotic dream!

Therefore, although Ye Zhiqiu is upright, but wanting to be a family leader, it is impossible to develop and strengthen the Tianxiang people and lead all the Tianxiang people to go down.

Even Jiang Yun admits that Ye Boyi is more suitable for the position of patriarch than Ye Zhiqiu.

Good people are not suitable, bad people are suitable, all of this, although it is ridiculous to say, but unfortunately, it is a fact!

With the fall of Jiang Yun’s words, many Tianxiang people suddenly became angry.


"Too much too much!"

"what are you saying!"

"kill him!"

Jiang Yun threatened to waste the leaves of Lingzhu, but now he even dared to say that Ye Zhiqiu could not be the patriarch. Such discourse is a taboo for any ethnic group.

The importance of the identity of a family is so important that Jiang Yun can talk about it!


In the face of the angry accusation of the Tianxiang people, Jiang Yun’s response is a step forward!

One step fell, and suddenly an invisible wave of air was set off.

Taking his body as the center, he swept away in all directions, and let all the Tianxiang people who are here at the moment all fall back and forth.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "Who wants to kill me, stand up directly, no nonsense!"

In a word, let everyone close their mouths.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, squatting on his body, especially the endless fierce light transmitted through the eyes, one by one swept across everyone's face.

In the process of Jiang Yun’s previous drive away from the refining and blood refining of the old man, in addition to Ye Zhiqiu, everyone present here has witnessed it.

Although among them, such as Ye Song and others, the strength is stronger than the two old ones, but they also know that it is not Jiang Yun’s opponent, so they will directly start the big battle and trap Jiang Yun.

Nowadays, Jiang Yun has taken the power of this step and let them know clearly that these people, even if they are added together, will not be Jiang Yun’s opponents.

Of all, only Ye Zhiqiu did not retreat, and his body was still in front of Ye Lingzhu.

It is not that his strength is the strongest, but Jiang Yun did not target him.

However, Ye Zhiqiu at the moment is a faint color.

Because his mind kept echoing Jiang Yun’s words.

As the son of the patriarch, Ye Zhiqiu has always acted in an upright manner, but now he is said to be somewhat pedantic by Jiang Yun, so that he did not know how to refute it for a while, and squatted there.

At the same time, in the depths of the Tianxiang Palace, Ye Boyi and an old man are clearly watching what is happening near Dan Room.

Ye Boyi frowned and said: "He has too many words, hey, do you need me to kill him?"

The old man next to him, named Ye Zhan, is the father of Ye Boyi and the elder of the Tianxiang people.

When he heard his son's words, Ye Zhan smiled slightly: "He is telling the truth, why should he kill him?"

Ye Boyi's brow wrinkled more tightly: "But there are still outsiders there. If we really don't care about it, we will spread it out. Others think that I have no one!"

Ye Zhan said faintly: "Then let others think so, anyway, they have always thought so!"

Ye Boyi is even more puzzled: "Hey, what do you mean?"

"Let him go to the trouble, the bigger the better, the best to get the patriarch to show up!"

Hearing this sentence, Ye Boyi suddenly lit a light, but did not speak again, nodded silently.

Jiang Yun’s gaze revisited Ye Zhiqiu’s words: “Let’s open!”

Ye Zhiqiu finally came back to God and gently nodded: "Maybe I am a bit pedantic, but at least I have no conscience!"

"Even though my Tianxiang people are unfair to you, they are all my people after all, unless you kill me first, otherwise I will not let you move any of the Tianxiang people!"

Jiang Yun sighed, lifted his foot again, stepped out, and directly crossed Ye Zhiqiu, standing in front of Ye Lingzhu: "I will not kill you, but I am still saying that I want you to tell the truth!"

Ye Lingzhu is very calm, and even has no fear on her face, because she has received the message of Ye Shuo.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu's complexion suddenly changed: "Jiang Yun, not good, the refining marks have taken away the young south!"

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