The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1947: Rushing crown

For Ye Zhiqiu’s words, Jiang Yun is just like never heard, but he can’t move, but in his eyes, he reveals the light of hope. “Do you think that there are people of Tianxiang, I will not Dare to kill you?"

"Tell you a secret, I am the owner of the Tianxiang people!"


Jiang Yun raised his hand and did not hesitate to point directly to the eyebrow of the refining mark!


Just then, a crisp gold and iron symphony sounded abruptly.

From the eyebrows of the refining marks, a **** consciousness emerged, turning into a **** long sword, directly stabbing Jiang Yun.

For the appearance of this **** long sword, Jiang Yun is not surprised.

As the arrogance of the blood refining people, the body of the refining marks will inevitably have the protection of the gods left by the elders in the family.

Although the power contained in this sword is extremely strong, even Jiang Yun faint can feel the sharp meaning contained in the tip of the sword, and the thorn's own eyebrows are slightly painful.

However, if you want to keep the mark, it is still not enough!


Under the call of Jiang Yun, the Tibetan Taoist sword also emerged and directly greeted the blood sword.


When the swords of the two long swords collided together, they saw that the **** long sword suddenly collapsed.

As a Taoist sword, there is a sword and an illusion, and it is a sword that can be countered by a sword.

Just at the moment when the Scarlet Sword collapsed, there was a voice full of anger inside: "Dare to kill the refining marks, my blood refining will not spare you!"

Obviously, this is the master of the gods.

However, Jiang Yun simply ignored the threat of the other party, and his fingers were forced to wear the eyebrows of the refining marks.

The powerful force is instantly poured into his body, destroying the dead, destroying the soul of Dantian in his body, and letting him die can not die!

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu’s figure has suddenly stopped.

Behind him, other Tianxiang and foreign monks who have already arrived have also stopped their bodies.

Everyone is like a statue, and he looks at the dead mark that is dead!

Previously, Jiang Yun shot and injured the refining marks, so that even if they were surprised, they were only surprised by the strength of Jiang Yun.

But now, Jiang Yun actually killed the refining marks, and it was still in the case of the prevention of the blood refining strong people, which made them shocked by Jiang Yun's courage!

Jiang Yun, is it really strong enough to ignore the threat of blood refining?

Jiang Yun is not ignoring, but it is more than a scorpion.

He has even offended the two major royalties, and he will care more about a blood refining family.

Anyway, he is also a loner, and there is no connection in this destructive domain. There is no need to worry about the use of his loved ones to threaten himself.


The entire transmission array was slightly shocked, and the force of the sea was gone.

The light of the transmission continued to illuminate, with the two old men who were equally shocked and the body of the smelting marks disappeared.

Jiang Yun turned to look at Ye Younan: "Is it okay?"

Ye Younan is also as stupid. Looking up at Jiang Yun, after a moment of silence, he suddenly plunged into the arms of Jiang Yun and burst into tears.

Although she has already prepared for the refining of blood and refining the family, she has to exchange her life for the peace of Grandpa and Jiang Yun, but at this moment, Jiang Yun appeared in time, she will be saved again, let her once again How can she not be excited when she escaped?

Ye Younan’s hands are holding Jiang Yun, and he seems to be afraid that Jiang Yun will suddenly disappear.

Although this kind of hug does not involve men and women, this scene falls into the eyes of others, but it is the rumors between Jiang Yun and Ye Younan.

"It turned out that these two people really are lovers!"

"Although this Jiang Yun's attitude is arrogant, but the red crown is angry, for Ye Younan, even the refining marks are not hesitant to kill, Ye Younan is not a wrong person!"

"That is, compared to the refining marks, if you don't look at the background, this Jiang Yun is much stronger than the refining marks!"

For a time, there were quite a few people, especially some women who could not help but admire Ye Younan.

Such a tribe abandoned by the Tianxiang people, a waste person who was damaged by the congenital Dantian, could be treated so infatuated by a man. How lucky it is!

Even, even Ye Lingzhu’s gaze to Ye Younan’s eyes is a hint of ambiguity.

Don't look at Ye Lingzhu as the arrogant woman of the sky, there are countless people pursuing behind him, but she also knows that these people pursue themselves only for their own beauty and talent.

Such feelings cannot be compared with Jiang Yun’s feelings towards Ye Younan.

Jiang Yun naturally heard the opinions of the people. Although he knew that he was misunderstood, his character would not make any defense at all.

He patted the back of Ye Younan gently: "Don't cry, I will take you back first!"

Just as Jiang Yun was ready to leave, Ye Zhiqiu finally said: "Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yuntou does not return: "The refining marks are killed by me, and the blood refining people know, so they will be somewhat dissatisfied with your Tianxiang people, but they are not so good, you don't have to worry!"

"As for the kindness and resentment between me and your Tianxiang people, I will temporarily let go today, and I will visit you again."

"Of course, if anyone still feels convinced and can't wait, feel free to come to me!"

After leaving these words, Jiang Yun took Ye Younan and took it one step at a time and disappeared directly.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yun's departure, Ye Zhiqiu and all the Tianxiang people's faces are exposed to complex colors.

If they say that they have previously thought that Jiang Yun would be scrupulous about the power of his Tianxiang people, then after seeing Jiang Yun killing the refining marks and even crushing the gods of the blood refining powers, this idea has disappeared. It is.

The strength of the Tianxiang and the blood refining can be said to be indistinguishable.

Since Jiang Yun did not put the blood refining people in his eyes, naturally he would not put the Tianxiang people in his eyes.

Although they were somewhat dissatisfied with Jiang Yun’s previous insult to Ye Lingzhu, they did not have the courage to follow Jiang Yun and continue to find him.

If you go, you must be prepared to die!

"Go back!"

Ye Zhiqiu sighed long and waved at the crowd, and he still looked at the direction outside Tianxiangcheng.

The arrival of this Jiang Yun can be said to completely disrupt the calm of the entire Tianxiang people!

He is also very clear that this matter is indeed not over!

The death of the refining marks, although Jiang Yun did, but the blood refining family will inevitably take the opportunity to find the troubles of the Tianxiang people, the bankruptcy and disaster relief is certainly not to be avoided.

Especially the father of the refining mark, but a madman!

In short, there will inevitably be a series of things happening, and the Tianxiang people will have to prepare for it.


Inside the blood refining family, a volcano filled with endless magma, a naked middle-aged man with a face full of anger and suffocation.

In front of him, carrying two old men, and the body of the refining marks!

The two old men were there, and their bodies were shaking violently.

They were responsible for protecting the refining traces to the Tianxiang people, but now the refining marks are dead, they are very clear, what will be the consequences of waiting for their own two.

Being able to die is a good consequence.

The naked man on the upper body slowly said: "Talk about it, what the **** is going on!"

The two old men hurriedly said the story.

After listening to it, the man’s eyes flashed coldly: “Dare to kill me, no matter who you are, I will not let you go.”

"There are also Tianxiang people, my son was killed on your site, and you Tianxiang people actually let it go!"

"Since Jiang Yun is so concerned about Ye Younan, I will let Ye Younan go with my son!"

"Tell the Tianxiang people, hand over Ye Younan, I will not find the trouble of the Tianxiang people."

"Otherwise, I will personally lead the army of my blood refining family and go to visit!"

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