The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1958: Fire lion

Tianxiang ethnic group, today's palace gate opened, a temporary built-up area full of large-scale platform, located in the palace gate.

On it, the sacred object of the Tianxiang people is erected, the holy stone!

When the sky was just bright, a large number of monks had already arrived here. Under the guidance of the Tianxiang people, they stepped into the palace of the Tianxiang people.

Although the Tianxiang people allowed all foreign monks to watch this test in their own family, the position of the foreign monk was naturally also particular.

The location around the platform is naturally reserved for monks from the ethnic group, such as the residual maple, purple frost, and the Japanese.

Other ethnic groups can only be located in the lower position according to the strength of their respective ethnic groups.

As the monks of one big group after another appeared one after another and gradually occupied the position around the platform, many people found that the best position in the east of the platform was always vacant.

This also makes everyone can't help but guess, not knowing which ethnic group will be eligible to sit there.

Finally, when all the rest of the platform was full, this group of people fell from the sky and landed directly in the east.

And looking at this group of people, everyone has not changed their face, and even some people could not help but scream.

Because of this group of people, there are not only the Ye Zhan, the three elders, the five elders and Ye Boyi and other Tianxiang people, but also the refining that has been killed by Jiang Yun!

However, even though everyone is surprised at the resurrection of refining and dying, but everyone's gaze is only a glance at him, they are all concentrated in the forefront of this group!

There, standing a big man who is tall and tall!

This big man, full of red hair, is a strong figure, a stalwart mountain, with a face.

Although he is not very old, but the body is exuding a breath of incomparable arrogance, people do not dare to look directly.

"That is the lion dance of the Fire Lions!"

"It's no wonder that the Tianxiang people want to keep this best position empty, originally for the fire lion!"

For the Fire Lions, everyone present is naturally extremely knowledgeable.

Although the Fire Lions are only one of the slaves of the greedy wolf, they are truly giants compared to other ethnic groups in the Wolf Region.

This lion inflammation is the young patriarch of the Fire Lion family, and its identity is extremely honorable.

Moreover, his young patriarchs are not as famous as Ye Zhiqiu, but the real patriarch of the fire lions in the future. Unless they die, they will never change.

Because the Fire Lions are the Yaozu, they attach great importance to the blood, and the inheritance of the patriarchs has always been a hereditary system.

Naturally, the strength and potential of this lion is also worthy of his identity, even in the entire Southwestern wilderness.

Although the arrival of Lions has indeed brought great shock to everyone, everyone is also puzzled.

Although the Tianxiang people are not famous, but regardless of their status and strength, they have a certain gap with the Fire Lions. A test of the tribes should not cause the attention of the Fire Lions.

Even the candidates who choose to participate in the war of medicine will not cause the interest of the fire lions, and will not let the young masters of the fire lions appear in person.

After all, there are many people who are good at refining medicine under the fire lions.

However, when people saw that they were standing next to the lion's body, they had no customary arrogance. Instead, they bowed their heads and lowered their eyebrows, and the face was revered. Some people in the crowd finally reacted.

"This fire lion family, it will not be refining, please come in, in order to retaliate against Jiang Yun?"

Although this makes them still a little bit convinced, but beyond this reason, there seems to be no other possibility.

Especially this lion inflammation, the most militant, the biggest favorite of life is to challenge the genius of all ethnic groups, and the means is extremely cruel.

The consequence of losing to him is death!

Fortunately, with his identity and strength, and no ethnic group of Tianjiao can get his eyes.

Otherwise, his existence is a nightmare for the little ones!

"This time, it should be that refining has told Jiang Yun the strength of Jiang Yun, which has caused interest in lion inflammation, so he will come."

"Yes, no matter which ethnic group Jiangyun comes from, it will definitely be a figure of heavenly pride."

"It is no wonder that this refining and daring to dare to sacred the blood of the Xuanhu people will inevitably get the secret support of the Fire Lions."

Naturally, this also makes people more excited and expectant.

Has always been strong, has already killed the refining of Jiang Yun, this time facing the fire lion's lion inflammation, can still continue to maintain his strength, can you beat the lion?

But even if Jiang Yun has the strength to defeat Shi Yan, does he have the courage to do this?

Lion Yan is not a refining mark. He is the future patriarch of the Fire Lions. It is the real arrogance of the famous name in the greedy wolf area and even the entire southwestern wasteland.

If Jiang Yun really beats him, then in this southwestern wilderness, I am afraid that it will be impossible.

Thinking of Jiang Yun, everyone found out that nowadays everyone has basically arrived, but Jiang Yun still does not appear.

"Right, why didn't Jiang Yun come yet?"

"I don't know. Anyway, when I just came from outside the city, I still saw no movement in the courtyard."

"Is it possible that he is afraid to come?"

"It is possible that Ye Zhiqiu entered his courtyard last night. I am afraid I have told him in advance that Lions will arrive today, so he will not come!"

The eyes of everyone are constantly looking around for Jiang Yun.

To be honest, if Jiang Yun does not come today, at least more than 70% of the people present are white.


Just when everyone was talking about it, a group of people came out of the palace of the Tianxiang people.

And seeing the head of the people, everyone in front of them suddenly brightened.

Headed by an old man with a fairy bone, white hair, white hair, ruddy complexion, with a calm color on his face, is the patriarch of the Tianxiang people, Ye Chunyang!

Originally, everyone thought that the arrival of lion inflammation was enough, but I did not expect that the patriarch who had not appeared for hundreds of years would even come out!

Behind Ye Chunyang, follow the other two elders of Ye Zhiqiu and Tianxiang.

At this point, the entire top level of the Tianxiang people has appeared.

This is really a rare event, and it also shows that the Tianxiang people attach importance to this intra-ethnic test!

Ye Chunyang first came to the face of Shi Yan, nodded to the lion Yan politely: "The lion and the Lord are coming to visit, let me Tianxiang people really shine!"

For Ye Chunyang’s greeting, the face of Shi Yan’s face is not the slightest expression, just a faint saying: “I am not coming for your Tianxiang!”

I have to say that the attitude of Lion Yan is really arrogant.

As the head of the Tianxiang ethnic group, Ye Chunyang is much stronger than him, but he obviously did not put Ye Chunyang in his eyes.

However, his words are to make everyone more and more certain, this lion inflammation is for Jiang Yun.

For the arrogant attitude of Shi Yan, Ye Chunyang did not care. He smiled slightly and pointed at Ye Xuan: "Ye Zhan, then you should take care of the Lions and the Lord."

Ye Zhan is a polite one-on-one ceremony: "Zun Clan Commander!"

Ye Chunyang nodded, and this came to the platform. He made a circle around the crowd: "Today is the day of my Tianxiang ethnic group test. Thanks to all the friends, love, come from afar, Yemou is here first. Thank you all!"

Everyone hurriedly said: "The Ye family is very polite!"

Ye Chunyang smiled and said: "Well, everyone is precious, I will not waste everyone's time!"

After that, Ye Chunyang said to Ye Zhiqiu: "Call all the people who participated in the test this time!"

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