The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1960: This can bear

Inside and outside the palace of the Tianxiang nationality, there are hundreds of thousands of monks gathered, but at the moment it is silent and there is no sound.

All eyes are naturally concentrated on Jiang Yun and Ye Younan.

Although they all thought about the situation when Jiang Yun appeared, no one could have thought that these two people would appear with a coffin!

However, when everyone saw Ye Younan's body as a vegetarian, it was clearly a time to dress up heavily, and someone already understood it.

Ye Younan’s only relative in the Tianxiang family is her grandfather.

Now that she is wearing a heavy filial piety and a shoulder coffin, the coffin must be her grandfather.

For the death of Ye Younan's grandfather, there are only two people who know the whole Tianxiang people - Ye Zhiqiu and Ye Shuo!

Ye Shuo naturally wears an unsuspecting look, and also looks at the more and more confused Jiang Yun and Ye Younan.

Ye Zhiqiu sighed in his heart!

Jiang Yun and Ye Younan, so far away from the crowd of people watching, came to the palace gate of the Tianxiang Palace.

At the same time, under the slight peristalsis of Ye Boyi's mouth, he saw several Tianxiang people rushing out and blocking them in front of them.

A middle-aged man headed for the majesty, raised his hand and pointed to Ye Younan: "Ye Younan, today is the day of my ethnic test. You are carrying a coffin, is you thinking about making trouble?"

Jiang Yun and Ye Younan also stopped their bodies, and Ye Younan said to the man in front of him: "You are not dared."

"My grandfather was killed by the monks three months ago, and according to my family rules, the sects should be buried in the tombs after their death. So today, the young south wants to send the grandfather into the tomb and let the old man enter the soil. Ann!"

In this sentence, those foreign monks suddenly became stunned and finally understood the purpose of Ye Younan’s coming with a coffin.

"Send to the Mausoleum?" The middle-aged man said coldly: "Ye Younan, have you forgotten your identity?"

"You and your grandfather are no longer shackles. Naturally, your grandfather is not qualified to be buried in the tomb!"

"Even, he was not qualified to step into my clan before he was allowed!"

Although the men’s unappealing words made many people resentful, everyone remained silent.

Because of this rule, it is almost in every ethnic group.

Any ethnic group, unless the sideline people can make a great contribution to the ethnic group, otherwise, the system will always be greater than the sidelines!

The man’s words made Ye Younan’s body tremble slightly, and the heart couldn’t speak because of too much anger.

And Jiang Yun, who was on the side, always kept silent, so he stood there quietly.

Seeing Ye Younan's appearance, the middle-aged man frowned: "Why, are you dissatisfied with the rules of the ethnic group?"

"Don't dare!" Ye Younan took a deep breath, his body stopped shaking, and said softly: "I am coming today to recapture the identity of the sects!"

Although Ye Younan's voice was very light, but at the moment it was quiet, so her words were clearly introduced into the ears of everyone present, just like a huge stone broke into the surface, suddenly picked up a layer of waves!

After a moment of silence, bursts of ridicule came from the mouths of many Tianxiang people.

"Ha ha ha, regain the identity of the shackles? A big tone!"

"Ye Younan, why can you recapture the identity of the sect?"

"Do you think that there is a good foreign monk to support you, can you be lawless?"

These words filled with malicious words made Ye Younan's face pale, standing there and falling silent again.

Although her character has changed, the timidity that has been developed all the year round can be completely erased in just three months.

She was able to stand here and say what she had just said, it was already the ultimate that she could do, so at this moment she could no longer refute those words that were obviously deliberately directed against her.

At this time, Jiang Yun suddenly reached out and gently lifted the coffin from Ye Younan's shoulder, and then looked at the middle-aged man.

Seeing that Jiang Yun finally got some action, many people’s eyes suddenly light up, and I am very much looking forward to how Jiang Yun is prepared to deal with the current situation.

The middle-aged man looks sad: "Jiang Yun, my Tianxiang people don't shoot you because they don't want to know you, but don't think we are really afraid of you!"

Jiang Yun calmly said: "I did not say that you are afraid of me, I just want you to let the road open, I want to go in!"

"Although I am not your Tianxiang people, but how do you say that you are also coming to the ceremony, you should have no reason to stop me?"

The man’s eyes are fierce: "Let the coffin fall, I will let you in!"

Jiang Yun is still faint: "The rules of your Tianxiang people do not seem to say that guests who are not allowed to observe the ceremony come with coffins?"

In a word, the man suddenly said nothing.

Of course, the Tianxiang people do not have such rules, but there will be guests with a coffin to come to the ceremony.

After a while, the man finally came back to God: "You can enter with a coffin, but among the coffins is my family..."

After waiting for the man to finish the conversation, Jiang Yun has interrupted: "What is in this coffin, and has nothing to do with you!"

"Give Way!"

The last two words, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his voice, and there were two cold light bursts in his eyes, and he looked straight at the middle-aged man.

Under the gaze of Jiang Yun, the middle-aged man was in a cold heart, and he took a step toward the side involuntarily, and actually let the road open.

And Jiang Yun did not go to see him again, so he took this coffin and stepped into the gates of the Tianxiang people's palace.

Ye Younan was hesitant and hurried to follow up.

Seeing this scene, the audience can not help but secretly sigh: "This Jiang Yun really does not come, it is amazing!"

"It just happened to be with the Tianxiang family!"

Jiang Yun and Ye Younan finally entered the ethnic land, but at this time there was a cold voice suddenly coming from far away: "The temper of the Tianxiang people is really good, this can be tolerated!"

"If such a thing happens to my blood refining family, then these two people are already dead!"

When you hear this voice, everyone knows that they don’t have to look at it. It must be refining!

Jiang Yun and he have the vengeance of the murderer. Even he himself died in the hands of Jiang Yun. I can imagine that he hated Jiang Yun deeply, so he deliberately provoked Jiang Yun and Tianxiang. Relationship between.

Jiang Yun slowly looked up and looked at the refining, faint road: "The soul of the sword, what qualifications do you have to speak here!"

This sentence suddenly made the smoldering eyes show the murderousness of the sky.

It was the biggest shame of his life that Jiang Yun was riddled by his own blood and refining people. It was the biggest shame of his life, but now he was once again brought up by Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun simply ignored the murderousness in his eyes, just dropped a sentence again.

"If you want to die again, even if you come over, don't shut me up!"


In the mouth of refining, a repressed squeaking sound was heard, and the hands clenched into fists, and the body could not help but tremble slightly, apparently being deeply irritated by Jiang Yun’s words.

However, he did not dare to go!

He is not Jiang Yun’s opponent at all, and this time he came to the deity. If he died, it would be a hundred and completely dead.

Therefore, he can only bear it!

Looking at the refining that was clearly in anger but dare not take it, Jiang Yun shook his head and took back the gaze of looking at the refining: "This can be tolerated, and this temper is better than the Tianxiang. many!"


Just as Jiang Yun’s voice fell, he suddenly had a thunderous sound and said: “If someone is willing to talk to me like this, then this person is already a dead person!”

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