The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1985: Some origins

According to the character of Jiang Yun, it is impossible to choose to enter the Flying Star City when such a crowd is flowing.

However, he now has one more task, which is the need to find treatment for Xueqing.

Since the flying star world is called the small southwestern boundary, it covers almost the large and small ethnic groups in the southwestern wasteland. People come and go, and trade is extremely developed.

All kinds of practice items are natural, and if you are lucky, you may encounter some scarce medicines!


The number of monks in the city of Meteor, so that Jiang Yun could not help but secretly.

To give him the feeling that it seems that the monks he has met in the past 100 years have not been combined, and there are not many in the city today.

People are crowded, people are not counted, more importantly, the cultivation of these people is still not low, the weakest are also the heavens, the strongest is the source of the return.

Just throw a stone, I am afraid that it is possible to find a strong person!

This is in the domain, it is simply something that you can't imagine.

Even if Jiang Yun is repaired to heaven, under such circumstances, he can only follow the flow of people, slowly and step by step in this flying star city, and at the same time, he is interested in measuring the surrounding situation.

After finally waiting in the city, the flow of people gradually dispersed.

And Jiang Yun was too busy to get into a street where there were few people, and he took a breath and started to purposefully stroll.

The Flying City is completely a world of monks, and there are many ethnic groups stationed here, so no matter how remote the streets are, there are shops.

For other shops, Jiang Yun will not enter, just enter the pharmacy and ask if there is any medicine you need.

In this way, after a full afternoon of shopping, there were ten pharmacies, and Jiang Yun was still nothing.

Although this made Jiang Yun a bit disappointed, it was also expected.

The medicinal herbs that you are looking for are extremely scarce, and it is really not easy to find.

In desperation, Jiang Yun can only begin to enter the streets with more people.

After all, the more people there are, the larger the size of the shops within them.

When Jiang Yun once again squeezed out of a pharmacy, he just stepped out of the door of the pharmacy, and his eyes flashed a cold light, and when he looked back, he buckled an arm. At the same time, the voice said: "Patience is good, followed me for an afternoon, now only shot!"

What was caught by Jiang Yun was the humble young man who followed Jiang Yun when he stepped into the Flying Star City.

Although there are many people in this flying star city, Jiang Yun’s experience is rich, his knowledge is strong, and some people are always behind him. He can’t know.

It’s just that he deliberately ignores it and wants to see what the other party is.

Now, he naturally understands that the other party is just a thief.

Even while holding the other's wrist, he also found that this person and himself have some origins!

"Predecessors, the younger generation knows the wrong, no longer dare, but also hope that the seniors raise their hands, let go of the younger generation!"

The young man caught by Jiang Yun, his face was slightly white, and there was a cold sweat on his forehead. He rushed to Jiang Yun for mercy.

The reason why he chose to use Jiang Yun as his own goal is naturally because Jiang Yun is alone, and dressing is extremely common.

It is neither a master nor a person from a large ethnic group.

But where did he think that Jiang Yun’s strength would be so strong.

I have just reached out and I have already caught up with the other party before I can actually get started.

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to his pleading. He kept holding his arm all the way, until he came to a remote place to release his hand and look at the other side.

This man looks very young, looks very unremarkable, and his strength is only heaven.

At this moment, he did not dare to look up, standing with his head down and saying nothing.

After Jiang Yun glanced at him, he smiled slightly: "The courage of your thousand hands is not small!"

Upon hearing this sentence, the man’s body suddenly trembled and hurriedly raised his head. His face became pale and pale, and his eyes stared at Jiang Yun.

Because Jiang Yun is right, he is from the thousand hands!

Although the Qian handi is somewhat famous in the demise of the field, it does not mean that every thief comes from the tens of thousands of people, and it is even more impossible to be recognized by others.

However, he never imagined that Jiang Yun would easily see his identity.

However, he immediately lowered his head and whispered: "The predecessors admit it wrong. The younger generation is from a small ethnic group, not from the thousands of hands!"

He knows well that his reputation as a thousand hands is not very good, and his strength is not too strong.

If Jiang Yun directly breaks his identity in public, then you don't need Jiang Yun to do it. Other monks can directly give him alive!

For the reaction of the man, Jiang Yun could not help but frown slightly.

To be honest, although Jiang Yun has not been a thief, at least he knows that the most important thing for a thief is that his face is thick enough and his mentality is calm enough.

Even if you are caught, you should not lose your face.

However, the man’s words and performances are simply intended to cover up, it is too green!

Plus the other party's age is not big, so Jiang Yunwei asked after he sank: "Are you just coming out to do this kind of thing?"

Jiang Yun’s words made the man’s body unable to hold back, and raised his head again: “How did the predecessors know before?”

Jiang Yun naturally would not answer, and then asked: "How many people in your family are in this flying star besides you?"

Jiang Yun is not surprised by the encounter with thousands of people in the flying stars.

After all, the Qianshou people are famous for stealing. Nowadays, the monk monks gather, which is an excellent opportunity for the Qianshou people to get rich, so there should be a large number of ethnic people rushing here, ready to catch a few votes.

However, with the question of Jiang Yun's question, the young man's eyes were suddenly red, and even tears appeared in his eyes. He bowed his head and said: "Just, let me be one!"

Jiang Yun's brow wrinkled more tightly. The man did not realize it at all. His answer was actually that he had admitted that he was from the Qiangzu.

Jiang Yun can also see that the reaction of the other party at the moment is not artificial, but it is really sad. This makes him unable to move his mind and asks again: "Are you a thousand families, have you encountered any changes?"

The tears in the eyes of the man finally flowed down, snoring while crying: "Predecessors, you, how do you know everything?"

Jiang Yun’s experience is rich. Since it is not long before the man is a thief, as long as he is alone in this big flying star, and it is so sad to be asked about the ethnic group, it is not difficult to guess. It should be The Qian handou had an accident.

Even after getting the man’s answer, Jiang Yun realized that the misfortunes of the Qiangzu people could not escape from their own ties.

Because I not only disappeared from the prison of the Imperial Court, but also in the field of the field outside the battlefield, it was saved in a very strong posture!

To this end, he almost offended the fair old man who was the same person as himself. In the end, he attracted Bailiwu and let Bailiwu die in the hands of the hundred miles.

Now, in order to find yourself, since the Emperor’s Criminal Division has found the Moon Spirit and has taken away all the Moon Spirits, it will definitely go to the Qianshou and the Void!

"Go, let's find a place where no one is!"

Although it is relatively remote, there are still people coming from time to time, seeing two big men standing together, one is still crying, it is really unsightly, so Jiang Yun could not help but pull the man, left the Flying City directly, find There is no one else.

"Don't be afraid, tell me, what happened to your Qiangzu?"

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