The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1989: Pharmacy shopkeeper

When Jiang Yun went back and suddenly stepped into the pharmacy, Ji Hongfei naturally saw it, and he also kept secretly watching Jiang Yun.

Although he knew that Jiang Yun entered the pharmacy, it should be to buy what he was looking for, but he did not expect that Jiang Yun would buy something like his own!

Therefore, at the moment, when he heard the guy shouting the words "Xianmingzhi", he certainly wanted to stop!

With the opening of Ji Hongfei, the pharmacy suddenly calmed down.

Even the shops, the people who were supposed to spread out and watched the crowds all stopped, and they all gaze into the store.

Ji Hongfei has strode to the front of Jiang Yun, and looked at Jiang Yun coldly and said: "This fairy branch, I want it!"

This result, in the expectation of Jiang Yun, is also the reason why I rushed in so urgently.

Jiang Yun also looked at Ji Hongfei and said calmly: "Sorry, this fairy branch, I have already paid for the source stone!"

The pharmacy buddy is also a storage device on the opening of Ji Hongfei's hand: "Ji Shaozhu, you have come one step late, this guest has indeed just paid the source stone, and now this sacred branch is owned by this guest. It is."

Ji Hongfei’s face showed a sneer: “I said that the thief had just died and refused to say what you need.”

"Obviously he overheard our conversation and know that we are also looking for Xianmingzhi. Now let you hurry and buy it!"

"What do you think of it!"

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Yun also ignored Ji Hongfei and turned to the buddy: "Give me the fairy branch!"


Seeing that the buddy reached out to get Xianmingzhi, Ji Hongfei shouted again and stopped: "Although he paid the source stone, this fairy branch is still in your counter. Now, I have doubled the price!"

While talking, Ji Hongfei also took out a storage device and handed it to the buddy.

The buddy did not reach out and pick it up, but smiled and said: "Ji Shaozhu, this is a bit out of order!"

"Rules!" Ji Hongfei said coldly: "The rules are set by you. Naturally, you have the final say."

"If you can't do the Lord, let your shopkeeper come out!"

With the fall of Ji Hongfei's voice, there was a burst of laughter on the second floor of the pharmacy: "Haha, it turned out to be a young master, and I haven't seen it for a while!"

From the top of the stairs, I walked down a young man in a Chinese costume and smiled.

When I saw this person, some people in the crowd couldn’t help but send out the sound of chilling, and some people looked at Jiang Yun’s eyes and had more gloating.

Ji Hongfei is also a slight glimpse, but even if the face is full of laughter, the look is very polite to the Chinese men wearing a boxing fist: "I didn't expect Xue Xiong to be here too!"

"Xue brother came, why didn't you inform me, didn't you look down on the younger brother!"

The man shook his head and said: "Where, I just arrived yesterday, have not had time to visit some old friends!"

While talking, the man’s gaze glanced at Jiang Yun’s body and then continued: “Why, what does Ji Shaomin have to see me?”

Everyone knows well that this Chinese man must have already known what happened in the pharmacy, but he deliberately pretends not to know.

"A little thing!" Ji Hongfei nodded: "Xue brother is better!"

"I saw a medicinal herb, and the result was a step late. I was robbed by a guy who didn't open her eyes."

"This is the site of Xue Xiong, I am not good, so I decided to buy this item at double price."

"Just your buddy said that he was not in compliance with the rules and could not do the Lord, so he asked Xue Xiong to come out and preside over justice."

"Oh!" The man was stunned, but his brow was slightly wrinkled: "This, since people have already paid for it, I will sell it to Ji Shaozhu, it is not a good thing!"

Ji Hongfei’s face changed slightly, just wanted to talk, but the beautiful woman who always followed him was suddenly saying: “This fairy branch is what I want!”

The man’s gaze finally fell on the woman’s body: “This girl is very raw, don’t know who it is?”

The woman said faintly: "My name is An Ruo!"

"An!" The man repeated the word, and his eyes suddenly showed a strange color: "It turned out to be an Anqing girl who asked the lover, lost respect and disrespect!"

Ask the lovers!

These three words were introduced into the ears of everyone around me, and many people suddenly made a cry.

“Ask the lovers, isn’t it one of the clan of the western wilderness?”

"No wonder that Ji Hongfei is gracious to her, she turned out to be from the family!"

"That is of course, Ji Hongfei's Golden Eyes is only one of the slaves, and this asks the lover is a family, he naturally wants to shoot each other's flattering!"

"I didn't expect that the opening of Shura Tian, ​​even the people of the western wilderness have an interest!"

For the voice of the surrounding discussion, An Ruoyi was completely deaf.

Her gaze only looked at the man in the Chinese costume: "Xue Xiong already knows my origins. Can this fairy branch be sold to me?"

"If the double price is not enough, then I would like to triple!"

The Chinese-fashioned man did not give an answer immediately, but instead thought for a moment and then nodded: "The girl who has been known for a long time is very famous. When I meet for the first time today, I naturally want to talk about my heart!"

"This Xianming branch is precious, but since it is needed by the An girl, and the girl is coming to the flying star world, Xuemou is the landlord, and she will be the face-to-face ceremony and give it to the girl!"

For Ji Hongfei, this Chinese man was not at all concerned, so whether it was the dispute between Ji Hongfei and Qian Hill, or Ji Hongfei and Jiang Yun rushed to seize Xian Mingzhi, he clearly knew, but he was too lazy to appear.

However, now that there is An Ruo, the family of the people who asked about the family, and the identity of the other party, the inevitability of the family is not low, then his attitude is naturally different.

If you sacrifice a piece of Xianmingzhi, you can make a good relationship with the people of the ethnic group. This sale is still very cost-effective!

An Ruo was also awkward and nodded. "So, I would like to thank Xue Xiong. If Xi Xue is available in the future, welcome to my family!"

"it is good!"

When I heard An Ruo’s words, the face of the Chinese man’s face also showed a smile, and his purpose was achieved.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun’s voice was once again ringing: “Man, give me Xianmingzhi, I still have things, no time to delay here!”

Hearing the sudden voice of Jiang Yun, everyone realized the existence of Jiang Yun.

After the emergence of the Chinese men, it was with Ji Hongfei, and An Ruojun chatted there, completely ignoring Jiang Yun.

And now Jiang Yun actually has to take away this piece of Xianming.

This makes people can't help but shake their heads and smile. Can this guy still not see the current situation?

Xianmingzhi has been given to An Ruoyi by the Chinese men, and he can take it with him.

None of Ji Hongfei’s three people is at all a presence that he can provoke.

The gang hurriedly handed the storage device in his hand to Jiang Yundao: "This guest, you just heard it when we were in the treasurer. This fairy branch, we don't sell it!"

Jiang Yun did not pick up his own storage device, but a faint saying: "I have paid the source stone for this fairy branch, it is already my belongings."

"Now if you don't sell one sentence, you want to take it back. There is such a reason in the world!"

Jiang Yun said that nature is reasonable. Throughout the ages, both buyers and sellers are both silver goods.

After someone can pay for the money, suddenly someone has a higher price, and the store will go back and sell the things to others.

Jiang Yun went on to say: "As for your shopkeeper to give away, it must be another Xianmingzhi. It doesn't matter to my fairy branch!"

"Since you don't want to take it, then I can only do it myself!"

While talking, Jiang Yun has already reached out and took a handful of Xianmingzhi, who is close at hand!

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