The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1995: Shura

The strong man of the humanity is still standing in the void at the moment.

Although he witnessed the whole process of Jiang Yun killing the nine strong men from the beginning to the end, but the face of the middle-aged man has never expressed his slightest expression.

He did not care about the death of the three tribes and the nine people, nor did he care about the powerful gods and the seven emotions exhibited by Jiang Yunshi.

It seems that he is really a bystander.

Even when Jiang Yun was ready to wait for his shot, he suddenly turned his body and left!

This result is really beyond the expectations of Jiang Yun.

Rao is a rich experience of Jiang Yun, watching the person who has been a strong person has disappeared, but also confused, simply do not understand why the other party suddenly left.

"Is it impossible for him to have no confidence to overcome himself?"

Although this possibility is not high, Jiang Yun can only believe that it should be.

After all, when I killed nine people, I did not show real strength at all, perhaps causing the other party's vigilance.

But in any case, since the other party has already left, it is also a good thing for Jiang Yun, to avoid confrontation with the strong people of the humanity, or to avoid it as much as possible.

However, Jiang Yun is not difficult to guess, the other party will certainly appear.

Taking back his own knowledge, Jiang Yun no longer thinks about this, but looks at the six bodies in front of him.

Removed the storage device from the six people, Jiang Yun swung a large sleeve, six fireballs fell on the body of the body, they also burned them to ashes.

After doing all this, Jiang Yun’s body shape also disappeared from the place!

Xue Jingtu They should soon know the death of their respective ethnic groups, which will inevitably make them angry, and may even send people to come.

If you come again, it will definitely be a humane.

Although Jiang Yun is not afraid, he does not want to provoke these troubles before Shura is about to open, so he simply hides it.

Sure enough, just as Jiang Yun disappeared, Xue Jingtu and other three people already learned about the death of the tribe.

Although this made them violent, but after careful consideration, it did not send people to deal with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s understanding of the ethnic groups in the domain is still not detailed enough.

Among the various ethnic groups, especially the strong ethnic groups like the giant slaves, there are few masters, and there are more than one.

These arrogant lords are very beautiful, but there are many restrictions imposed on them.

For example, when the Tianjiao Masters traveled abroad, the ethnic groups would not even arrange strong family protection for them.

At most, they will leave a **** in their souls to ensure that they will not be killed.

This kind of practice is the same as that of Han Shizun letting Jiang Yun leave the Tianzhu in Tianxiang.

If these little masters are arrogant and go out to temper, there are strong masters around them, then they will naturally have a kind of dependence and dependence, which will affect their own growth.

A group needs a strong person who can truly shoulder the fate of the entire community, not a waste that only knows to rely on others.

Even if you are being bullied outside and being beaten, it is best to find a way to take revenge. Don't ask for help from the family.

Even if it is really killed, as long as it is not a descendant of the family, the family sometimes does not avenge you.

This is why, even if Shi Yan and Ji Hongfei and others acted arrogantly, it seems to be embarrassing, but their own strength is really not weak.

Because only you are strong, you can live better.

In addition, the arrogant lords of all ethnic groups have almost a common purpose, that is, to become the patriarch or elder of their own family, and strive to climb higher.

This also makes the patriots of all ethnic groups not only fight with outsiders, but also secretly compete with each other.

Like Xue Jingtu, there are only three young masters, and above him, there are two brothers.

If you let the two brothers know what happened in the city of Flying Star, know that Xue Jingtu actually caused the death of the three source Taizu people in the tribe because of a trivial small holiday, and finally did not grasp the words of Jiang Yun, then absolutely To make a big fuss, to suppress the status and power of Xue Jingtu in the family.

The family will also be dissatisfied with Xue Jingtu, which will affect Xue Jingtu's minority identity.

Therefore, Xue Jingtu, the three of them did not dare to tell the people about this matter. They sent out to deal with Jiang Yun, and they were only their followers.

Now they are killed by Jiang Yun. In addition to personally dealing with Jiang Yun, they can't find more powerful help for the time being.

Plus, they have to worry about things being too big, and once they are known by their respective communities, they have no benefit to them.

Therefore, they can only temporarily put the matter down, and everything will wait until after entering Shurao!

For these things, Jiang Yun naturally would not think of it, too lazy to think about it, just immersed in his cultivation.

After three days passed, Jiang Yun stepped out of the void and came to the sky above the Flying City.

Looking at the crowd of people in the sky and the underground, Jiang Yun could not help but burst into a scalp.

He couldn't help but worry that if Shuratian didn't set a level and let all the monks enter, would it be able to accommodate it in Shura?

However, this also makes him more curious about Shurao!

A world that has existed for countless years and has been followed by countless monks, and what is hidden inside it, will still have such a great attraction to the monks who have destroyed the domain.

Today, all the monks' eyes are all looking at the empty entrance to the Shuratian sky that is hanging in the sky.

Because of the closure of Shura Tian, ​​this virtual road is always closed, and only when Shura Tian really opens, will it open.

Finally, under the eyes of the public, the dark entrance of the Void Road suddenly has a breeze blowing, and the spirit of everyone is suddenly alive.

Shura Tian, ​​opened!

However, no one is still rushing into the void.

Because of the opening of Shura Tian, ​​there will be a group of Shura people, this person, known as Shura Lingzhu!

Since Shura was occupied by the Shura, every time someone opens, all the people who want to enter need to pass the Shaoguan to get the qualification to enter, but in fact, there are exceptions!

There will be some monks who can go directly to Shurao without any passing.

Because, when Shura is open, they will be sent to a Shura Order by Shura.

Shura Ling, represents a qualification!

A qualification that is valued and recognized by the Shura people.

Although no one knows how the Shura people judge whether others are qualified, it is certain that it is extremely difficult to obtain such recognition.

In the past few years, the monks who have received the Shura Order will not be more than half a hundred!

However, Shura’s vision of the Lord is very accurate.

But those who were sent to Shura, they dare not say that all are famous, but the vast majority, nowadays, have become the real powerhouse in the field.

Sure enough, from the entrance to the Void Road, a figure appeared.

This is an old man with white hair and a sturdy body. His eyes are slightly lifted and his eyes are dim.

Although the old man seems to be inconspicuous, there are very few people, such as Jiang Yun, who can clearly feel that the old man’s body is full of amazing power, at least the strongest source of return to the source!

In the body of the old man, there is a faint suffocation.

Only those who have been through the battlefield and killed countless people will have such a suffocation.

Seeing the old man, Jiang Yun knows that the rumors of the brave and good wars of various ethnic groups in Shura are not fake!

With the appearance of the old man, the noisy surroundings suddenly quieted down.

Obviously, this old man is the Lord of Shura!

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