The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1999: Abandon token

According to Jiang Yunyi, everyone thinks about it. Indeed, it has just been said that the Lord has said this.

Because he does not understand the situation of Jiang Yun, so he has to give Jiang Yun a chance.

And this opportunity must be to let Jiang Yun show his strength.

It is just what the opportunity is, but he did not explain.

Upon hearing Jiang Yun’s inquiry, Shura ordered the Lord to smile with a smile: “I have two opportunities for you.”

"One, you rely on Shura, I will tell you the characteristics of all the secrets, let you choose one to enter!"

"Another opportunity, I will allow you to abandon the privilege of Shura, and like everyone else, to participate in this time of my repairs."

"If you can hold on to the drums, others can only enter a secret, but I will allow you to enter all nine of these secrets!"

"If you can keep the 11 drums, the 81 secrets will be open to you at the same time!"

"However, once you decide to make a decision, you can lose the opportunity to enter Shuratian if you can't keep it even with three drums!"

"And, I can tell you that the secret is actually divided into grades. The more open the secret is, the higher the level, the more opportunities there are!"

"You, which opportunity to choose?"

After the road repairing the Lord’s words, the four weeks were once again in peace, and all eyes were naturally concentrated on Jiang Yun’s body.

Jiang Yun got the Shura Order, and he didn't need any customs. He could choose one of them after he had a detailed understanding of the 81st secrets!

However, Shura ordered the Lord to give Jiang Yun another opportunity to participate in Shaoguan. As long as he insisted on three drums, he could enter all nine secrets!

Only the secrets are also graded. The less drums that are adhered to, the worse the secrets of entering.

Although it can enter nine secrets at the same time, it is the lowest level of nine.

If you can stick to the eleven drums, you can enter all the 81 secrets!

I have to say that this is indeed a great opportunity. I also let those who think that Shura is useless, suddenly changed their minds, and once again looked at Jiang Yun with the eyes of envy, waiting for his decision.

Two choices, one safe and one adventure.

With Shura, you can enter a top secret.

If you don't rely on Shura, even if you insist on ten rings, you can enter the 72 secrets, but you can't get into the top nine secrets!

Even if you can't insist on even three drums, you will be eliminated directly!

At this moment, a taunting voice suddenly sounded: "There is nothing to hesitate. If I change to me, I will definitely choose it!"

The person who spoke, Ji Hongfei!

Everyone is also well aware of his words, and his words are deliberately inspiring Jiang Yun.

The reason, in addition to the hatred between him and Jiang Yun, naturally he is also dissatisfied with Jiang Yun can get Shura!

With the fall of Ji Hongfei's voice, Xue Jingtu is also faintly saying: "Shaoguan, relying on the strength of realism, if the strength is not good, I suggest, still be safe, choose a secret!"

An Ruo's third opening: "This friend's luck is good, they all got the Shura Order, and they should receive it when they are ready!"

The three singers and ones, in addition to being a spur of Jiang Yun, also have ulterior motives, want to secretly devalue Jiang Yun in the eyes of everyone!

In particular, they hope that the Shura will change the mind.

After all, Shura told the Lord himself that the purpose of his opportunity for Jiang Yun was to see what Jiang Yun had.

Because of this, if Jiang Yun chooses to still use Shura, then his position in Shura’s mind will be greatly reduced.

Then, such a person, even if he has a Shura, will not let the Shura people pay any attention and attention to him again.

For the three people of Xue Jingtu, Shura ordered the Lord not to stop, but only looked at Jiang Yun calmly.

After a while, Jiang Yun suddenly spoke to Shura and told the Lord: "Predecessors, I don't know if I can ask for one more?"

Shura made the Lord smile, and replied in a voice: "Speak and listen, if it is not too much, I will satisfy you!"

"If the younger generation is lucky enough to insist on a few more drums, then the younger generation wants to know which secrets some people are in!"

Jiang Yun’s words made Shura suddenly flash a cold light in the eyes of the Lord, and looked at the three people who just spoke.

He naturally understands that Jiang Yun has already killed the three people and wants to kill these three people after entering Shurao!

Thinking of this, Shura ordered the Lord to nod: "Yes!"

"In this case, the younger generation will try it and be able to keep a few drums!"

In this sentence, Jiang Yun did not pass the sound again, but Lang Lang opened it so that everyone could hear it clearly.

Even as he spoke, he shook his hand and Yang, and he had already re-thrown the Shura order in his hand to Shura.

For Jiang Yun’s final choice, many people, such as Xue Jingtu, have a sigh of relief in their mouths, and their faces are full of smug smiles.

When they want to come, Jiang Yun’s mind is still not strong enough, so it’s so easy to get the law of himself and others!

In fact, if they are replaced by them, they would rather choose to enter a high-level secret with the Shura.

After all, the chances of hiding in one of the most advanced secrets are certainly far more than all the rest.

"it is good!"

Holding the Shura Order, Shura made the Lord look at Jiang Yun’s gaze for a bit more appreciation.

Only he is clearer than anyone else. Jiang Yun’s choice is not a matter of anger.

Then, Shura ordered the Lord to suddenly point out to the surrounding vacant volley, and saw a source line boundary appeared in the boundary.

"In the process of drumming, if the figure moves, then immediately retreat to this limit, where you will not be affected by the drums again."

"You don't want to be lucky, I don't think I will find it!"

"Once someone moves, but refuses to retreat beyond the boundaries, then you and your community will never be allowed to step into Shura!"

It is true that some people hold such a mind, because today there are millions of monks here, and if you move one or two steps, it should not attract attention.

But now that Shura has said the Lord, they almost immediately dismissed the idea.

After all, it doesn't matter if you only punished yourself, but if you are tired of the entire ethnic group and let yourself become a sinner of the ethnic group, this responsibility cannot be afforded by anyone present.

"In addition, I also have a piece of advice to repair, if you can't stand the drum, don't support it."

"Hard support, it is possible to die! Once I die, I am not responsible for Shura Tian!"

"Okay, after a fragrant, start to drum!"

After saying this, Shura ordered the Lord to retreat to that limit, close his eyes and prepare for the final time of the people.

Although most people think that they have great hopes to enter Shura Tian this time, but at this time, they can not help but become nervous.

Some people have armor on their bodies, others have taken out the drug, and even some people have directly closed their hearing.

Compared with these people, Xue Jingtu and others have shown a lot of calm.

They all have great confidence in their own strength, so they do not care about themselves, but they are telling their own people in the voice, don't take it lightly, and quickly prepare for it.

After all, they hope that more people can accompany themselves and others to the secret, so that the probability of surviving in the secret is greatly increased.

As for Jiang Yun, he was always quiet and standing there, and did not make any preparations at all.

Finally, after a fragrant time passed, Shura made the Lord violently scream: "Music drum!"

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