The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2002: Candid

Three drums sounded at the same time, making everyone change their face!

Even if it is within the boundaries of the source, the monks who have been eliminated are the same.

However, while they are shocked, they also have a burst of fear in their hearts.

The previous three drums are all falling, and before they disappear, there will be a second drum sound, and everyone will have a buffer and preparation time.

However, now, the three drums are ringing at the same time, and there is no chance to breathe.

If you want to live successfully, it is more difficult than the previous three times, but it has turned over dozens of times!

Even these bystanders are shocked, not to mention the 10,000 monks who have already qualified for Shurao!

Among them, some even secretly cursed the Shura family too much, which is clearly not ready for them to have the opportunity to choose more secrets.

In fact, they did not know that the original test, according to the decision of the Shura people, was indeed one after another.

But who knows, the emergence of Jiang Yun, let Shura make the Lord almost anger, change the way of testing, let the three drums ring at the same time.

At this moment, during the Shura period, many Shura people who were also paying attention to the outside of this scene also showed doubts and surprises on their faces.

An old brow frowns: "Is this old guy crazy?"

A burly big man, arms around his chest, with an indifferent color on his face: "Take him, anyway, the more people are eliminated, the better!"

The scholar of a Tsing Yi hat shook his head and said: "There are still a few monks I have seen here. I have to get it with him. I am afraid that those people will have to be eliminated!"


Although the 10,000 monks are angry, they have no time to think about these things. What they have to consider now is that they must do everything they can to pick up the three drums.

At this time, even the faces of Xue Jingtu and others showed some dignified colors.


In the seam that has just calmed down, there is again a looming torrent.

At the same time, there is a violent force that floods into their bodies.

Inside and outside pinch!


Thousands of monks were no longer able to maintain their stability in the moment of the drums, and they took a few steps backwards.

Although some people can continue to insist, but they have all been qualified to enter Shura Tian, ​​and then they will enter the secret.

If the risk of persistence leads to injury, it is not worthwhile, so you can only give up.

Plus, they also have some luck.

Since the three drums sounded at the same time, they should look at how the Shura people judged that they had retreated in the first few drums.

Once these monks retired, they did not even dare to stay in place, but they rushed to the source of the source.

The power carried by this drum sound may have taken their lives!

Although the way of three drums is beyond everyone's expectations, most of the monks have to be shaken off, but in this case, it is also able to see the strength of these monks more clearly!

Like Xue Jingtu and others, under the two different drum sound attack forces inside and outside, the figure still stands still and the strength is far superior to others!

In short, when the sixth drum sound began to weaken, just the 10,000 monks, there are only less than a thousand people left!

Nearly 90% of the monks lost their qualifications to continue. This elimination rate is really amazing.

However, everyone looked at the eyes of nearly a thousand monks, full of envy and admiration.

Under such circumstances, you can still maintain your body shape, but you need to be strong and powerful, not just luck!

Thinking of the word luck, everyone naturally thought of Jiang Yun.

In the crowd, the guy who insisted on the third drum with luck, must have been eliminated.

However, among the thousands of monks, they saw Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun has not been eliminated!

Moreover, Jiang Yun is just like the previous two times. After the body shape has been shaken, it has just stabilized.

When Xue Jingtu and others breathed a sigh of relief, they also saw Jiang Yun, and they couldn’t help but change their looks.

Just a few of them are ridiculing that Jiang Yun does not have the strength, only luck.

However, under the sound of the three drums that sounded at the same time, everyone is well aware that it is impossible to live with luck.

It’s just that Jiang Yun’s five consecutive drums are swaying, and it feels like he’s trying to hold on, but he can continue to move to the next round.

Ji Hongfei once again said with a cold voice: "Even if it is a bit of strength, it must have reached his limit now!"

“The ability to enter 36 secrets at the same time is really stronger than many people, although it is only the lowest level of the secret!”

With the fall of Ji Hongfei's voice, Jiang Yun, who had never responded to his provocation, turned his head and looked at him.

At a glance, Ji Hongfei’s body suddenly became stiff, almost instinctively responsive, and hurriedly turned his head.

Apparently, Jiang Yun’s first blow to him was too big, and he always left a shadow in his heart, and he did not dare to face Jiang Yun’s gaze.

However, Jiang Yun did not use any power at all, just looked at him with a normal look.

Even when Ji Hongfei turned his head, Jiang Yun’s gaze was already collected!

When Ji Hongfei realized this, his face turned red and his eyes stared at Jiang Yun.

If it is not because there is a drum sound that will sound soon, then he is afraid that he will now take his own people and rush to kill Jiang Yun.


Before the three drums are about to disappear, the seventh drum sounds again!

Although there was only one drum sound this time, the remaining thousand monks did not have the slightest scorn.

Because at this time, the horror of the power contained in a drum sound has reached an unimaginable level, so that they must all go all out to deal with it.

After the seventh drum sounded, the monks who still had no movements had only about three hundred people left!

After the eighth drum sounded, the remaining monks were only about a hundred!

Even the patriots of some slaves such as Ji Hongfei, after the eighth drum, finally could not continue and had to retreat!

Today, almost all of the remaining hundred monks are from the patriots of the family.

Of course, except for Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun, also insisted on the present.

Moreover, his performance is exactly the same as the previous ones, but the magnitude of his body trembling is more and more gradual.

As for the monks who have been eliminated, the vast majority of their eyes are condensed on him.

Because they want to see it, this time, Jiang Yun, who is able to pass the test in a very thrilling way, can he end up with the eleventh drums and whether he can get the 80-year open to him. A secret place!

Ji Hongfei is also among the people who have been eliminated, and Jiang Yun is dying.

Although he can be sure that Jiang Yun’s strength is definitely stronger than himself, his hatred of Jiang Yun is increasing.

A person from a remotely occluded family is better than himself!

"No, I will stop him anyway!"

With the emergence of this thought, Ji Hongfei’s gaze looked at Shura’s Lord.

His only concern is that he secretly shot, will not offend Shura to the Lord.

"It shouldn't be that Shura told the Lord not to let the shots be made without saying the drums!"


The tenth drum sounds!

At the same time, Ji Hongfei’s hand suddenly appeared an inconspicuous black ball, suddenly screaming and bounced out to Jiang Yun!

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