The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2007: Desert mystery


Jiang Yun’s words made Shura’s eyes in the eyes of the Lord suddenly rise, and he looked a bit more astounding in Jiang Yun’s eyes.

Obviously, Jiang Yun is going to kill all those who have a relationship with Xue Jingtu and Ji Hongfei.

Originally, Shura made the Lord think that Jiang Yun has strength and low-keyness, but now he understands that Jiang Yun’s character has a hot and unimaginable outsider!

In the face of the provocation of others, either completely ignore it, but once he decides to take the shot, he must smash the roots.

Under the gaze of Shura’s main eyes, Jiang Yun was not afraid, with a smile on his face and a calm confrontation with him.

As early as when asked about Taoist priests in the mountains and seas, Jiang Yun knew that if the enemy did not remove the roots, it would only bring more trouble to himself.

Xue Jingtu and An Ruoqi, including the already dead Ji Hongfei, and their own are endless.

Since killing one is killing, killing two is also killing, it would be better to simply kill all those who have killed themselves!

Moreover, here is Shura Tian, ​​as long as they start clean and neat, even if their ethnic group wants to avenge them, they will not know who killed them!

After a while, Shura made the magnanimity and the fineness of the main eyes disappear, and the whole person regained his calmness: "There is a rule of Shurao in Shura, I can only tell you, the two people finally choose to enter the secret!"

Although the Shura are not afraid of any outside ethnic group, as long as the other party does not provoke themselves, then they will never take the initiative to become a foreign monk.

This is one of the reasons why foreign monks will dare to come to Xiu Luotian.

If Shura asked the Lord to tell Jiang Yun all the positions of people related to Xue Jingtu, it would be contrary to the rules of his own ethnic group.

Moreover, for Jiang Yun, his understanding is limited, and it is impossible to fully trust him because he has a good impression of him.

In the event that Jiang Yun said the matter afterwards, it would bring danger to his own community.

Although Shura told the Lord not to say the position of everyone, Jiang Yun did not mind: "Thank you!"

"When they choose, naturally someone will inform you!"

After leaving this sentence, Shura ordered the Lord to stop talking and turned away.

Jiang Yun also converges on the smile on his face, finds a place where no one is, closes his eyes, and powerful consciousness begins to pervade the entire Shura.

Although I know that I will not find anything at all, I have come here, in addition to tempering my own body, it is more important to find the tenth family, so he still has to try to find some clues.

Naturally, the end result is nothing, just let him know the specific location of the 81 secrets.

Even he did not even see the figure of Xue Jingtu and others, it must have entered a certain secret!

Jiang Yun no longer delayed, stood up and flew toward a secret place closest to himself.

Although the Shura allowed foreigners to stay here, Jiang Yun did not have that much time.

After all, even for the sake of snow and clear, when the drug **** fights, he must also arrive!

At the entrance to the 81st secrets, there is a Shura people who are guarded and have strengths and weaknesses.

However, even if the Shura people are weaker, the foreign monks will not easily provoke.

At the entrance to the first secret, there was a big man who was not very old, but who had a sigh of relief.

With the arrival of Jiang Yun, Dahan opened his eyes and glanced at the Shura Ling, which was hung on the waist. The light suddenly lit up in his eyes and reached out and stopped Jiang Yundao, who was preparing to enter the secret: "Slow!" ”

Jiang Yun said slightly: "Is there something?"

Since he has already obtained the qualification to enter all the secrets, and there are Shura orders in his body, it is reasonable to say that the Shura people should not stop themselves!

Dahan stood up and said, "Play with me!"

The request made by Dahan allowed Jiang Yun to hold it again. Suddenly he remembered that when he had just given the token to himself, the light that flashed in his eyes!

The ethnic groups in Shura are all brave and good!

Shuraotian allowed foreign monks to enter Shuratian, and it should also be for the Shura people to have the opportunity to learn from foreign monks.

After all, building a car behind closed doors will not have any benefit for the growth of the Shura people!

Although the foreign monks who can enter Shuratian are not weak in strength, but the Shura people want to come, the strongest, must be the person wearing the Shura Order...

After understanding this point, Jiang Yun realized that he had been pitted by the Shura.

He apparently knew that wearing the Shura Order would become the target of almost all Shura people.

If you want to enter each of the secrets, you can't take off the Shura, which means that you are afraid to accept at least 81 challenges.

In desperation, Jiang Yun can only smile and smile at Dahan: "You are not my opponent!"

This big man is also the source of the realm, but only the source of the five heavy, where will be their opponents.

Dahan’s eyes shouted: “What is your realm?”

"The source station is seven!"

"Then you will suppress the realm in the fivefold and play with me, otherwise, I will not let you into the secret!"

"……it is good!"

Jiang Yun knows very well that the Dahan did not put himself and all the foreign monks in his eyes. He made a request, but he can forcibly refuse, but he still has to fight.

Therefore, instead of wasting time with each other and nonsense, it is better to save time by playing directly.

Anyway, it’s a punch...

After a punch, Jiang Yun held a fist at the big man who had fallen from the air to the ground: "Carrying!"

After that, Jiang Yun was busy and stepped into the secret!

After the big man climbed up from the ground, he stared at the back of Jiang Yun. Although his face was somewhat depressed, the light in his eyes was even more dazzling.

At this moment, in front of Jiang Yun’s eyes, there is an endless yellow desert filled with ridiculous feelings.

Here, God does not know why it can't be used, but at the end of Jiang Yun's line of sight, it is possible to see a stone monument standing upright.

"The power of sand!"

Jiang Yun had a basic understanding of the strength of the eighty-one forces when he was attacked by drums.

Nowadays, in the context of the environment in the secret world, it is naturally easy to distinguish the power contained in it.

As soon as he sank, Jiang Yun walked up the desert.


Just a few steps away, the yellow sand of the land suddenly boiled like water, forming a vortex after another, a crazy rotation, which radiated a powerful tearing force, constantly coming toward Jiang Yunyong.

Jiang Yun is indifferent, even without any stagnation in his footsteps, letting the force of tearing on his body and continuing to walk in this numerous whirlpools.


A snoring came, a yellow sand whirlpool, suddenly stretched out a huge palm condensed by the yellow sand, grabbed the foot of Jiang Yun's ankle.

However, when the palm of the hand just touched Jiang Yun’s body, it immediately exploded.

In this way, although there are indeed many hidden murders in the desert, Jiang Yun is an Anbu car, and came to the stone monument without any injury.

Above the stone tablet, a desert pattern is engraved!

After looking at the pattern for a long while, Jiang Yun reached out and gently placed it on the stone tablet.


The stone monument suddenly shook, and the desert on it turned out to be alive and began to rotate.

In front of Jiang Yun’s eyes, there was a blurry yellow figure.

At the same time, throughout the Shura period, all the secrets, whether closed or open, are all faint!

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