The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2015: Weak water force

Although Jiang Yun and Nangong Huaiyu finally reached a cooperation, they are not going to the cloud water secrets now.

Because Nangong Huaiyu still has to do some preparations, the two agreed that after half a month, see at the entrance to the Yunshui secret!

Naturally, in order to prevent Jiang Yun from coming, Xuan Lingguo must wait until then, Nangong Huaiyu will hand it over to Jiang Yun.

After watching Nangong Huaiyu and others leave, Luo Guang could not help but ask: "Big brother, what exactly does she cooperate with you?"

Nangong Huaiyu had already greeted Jiang Yun before. Regarding the secrets in the cloud water secret, the Shura people did not know, and it is best not to tell them.

Otherwise, the Shura people are likely to take the initiative to intervene!

In Shura, if the Shura people intervene, then no matter what the heavens and the earth treasures, they will never get the foreigners to get it.

In this regard, Jiang Yun is also deeply convinced.

Even if Luo Guang is not greedy, Jiang Yun can't guarantee that all the Shura people are not greedy. If you tell Luo Guang and Luo Guang tells his people, then things can be beyond their control.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only perfuse: "She and Xue Jingtu also have some festivals, want to be here together, but there are more Danyang people here, she found me, cooperate with me!"


Luo Guang nodded. "That can be cooperation. After all, in the secret world, I can't follow your big brother, and you can't intervene in the grudges between you."

Luo Guang’s words made Jiang Yun’s heart a little embarrassed.

Luo Guang really treats himself as a big brother, but for those who regard themselves as friends, Jiang Yun also regards them as friends, but also does not want to deceive friends and hide their friends.

Therefore, he can only decide that if everything goes well, he and Nangong Huaiyu can really gain something in the cloud water secrets, then when they will give a point to Luo Guang, it is to make up for the guilt!

With the emergence of this thought, Jiang Yun’s brain flashed a ray of light, and he finally understood why Nangong Huaiyu would find himself to cooperate!

Because I only have one person!

If the cooperation is successful, then at that time, Nangong Huaiyu is likely to kill himself as well.

If you don't kill yourself, but when you finally distribute the day, you can score a little less!

After understanding this point, Jiang Yun shook his head, and for his interest in Tianbaodi, his interest was really small.

If Nangong Huaiyu is not malicious, then let them have more points and nothing.

But if they really want to kill themselves, then they won't make them better!

"Let's go!"

Although Jiang Yun is not in a hurry to rush to the cloud water secrets, but he is always moving in the direction of the cloud water secrets, and now also a little faster.

At the same time, the old man who had left the Xuanyin people who had left far away couldn’t help but confront the Nangong Huaiyu Road: "Miss, although Jiang Yun is a bit strong, but he is alone, there is really nothing too big. Use it!"

Obviously, Dad is still not satisfied with Jiang Yun’s indifferent attitude, and he does not understand why Miss has to cooperate with Jiang Yun.

Nangong Huaiyu was silent for a moment before he said: "Mother and mother, say something you may not believe."

"I feel that if we are replaced by Jiang Yun, we are not necessarily the opponents of Jiang Yun!"


Not only the old man, but the faces of the other seven Xuanyin people all showed a shocking color.

If it is not Nangong Huaiyu who said this sentence, they will definitely think that the other party is not crazy or stupid!

With the power of these nine people, it would not be Jiang Yun’s opponent of a source monk!

However, they also know that Nangong Huaiyu was born with a different talent, and the feeling of seeing people is extremely accurate!

Since she said that Jiang Yun has this strength, then Jiang Yun must have!


The weak water secret is a vast area of ​​water!

Although this water looks from the outside, there is nothing unusual, but if you go deep into it, you will find that this water is very heavy!

A drop of water, usually a few pounds.

It is conceivable that if you are in it, how terrible it is.

Therefore, there is no life in this weak water, even if this mystery is a high-level secret, but it is rare.

However, a hundred years ago, someone came here, not only entered the depths of the weak water, but also stayed until now!

This person, naturally, is the soul of the family of Wan Haoran!

At this moment, in the sky above the weak water, there is a figure, the Lingjing people who sent the message to Wan Haoran!

Waiting for this person to open, there has been a thick voice from the depths of the weak water: "Who was hurt by you!"

"Jiang Yun!"

The Lingjing tribe wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and his face showed an angry color: "Wan Big Brother, I found that Jiang Yun, let him come here to see you, he not only did not come, wounded me, but also let me bring The sentence is for you!"

There is also a bit of anger in Wan Haoran’s voice: "What!"

"He said that he killed Ji Hongfei, and if you don't intervene, then he won't care about you."

"But if you insist on it, then he will send you to see Ji Hongfei!"

After the Jingjing people finished speaking, they were a little embarrassed, and they stared at the weak water below.

Because he knows better than anyone, the horror of his brother!

Quietly in the weak water, Wan Haoran’s voice no longer sounds, it seems to be thinking.

But after only a moment, this huge weak waters suddenly boiled!

All the weak water began to climb upwards, and there were countless vortexes in the water, and each vortex shot a dazzling light that was densely covered in the sky.

Looking at it, the light is a mirror from one side of the vortex.

As these rays filled the sky, the Mirrored Man suddenly felt his body slammed down, just as someone grabbed his foot and pulled him into the weak water!

This made his face change suddenly!

He is not the madman of Wan Haoran, dare to stay in the depths of weak water.

He once entered once, and the whole body was almost crushed into meat sauce.

Scared, he hurriedly shouted: "Wan Big Brother, Wan Da Ge! This is not what I said, it is what Jiang Yun said!"


When his body was less than three feet away from the surface of the weak water, the vortex in the weak water suddenly rose and drowned the mirror inside.

When the mirror disappeared, the light of the sky suddenly dissipated, and the Lingjing people felt that the tension around them disappeared, and the falling body also stopped.

"Oh!" The sound of Wan Haoran came out again in the depths of the weak water: "Is it felt?"

"I have integrated the power of weak water and the power of the mirror, and in a few days I will be done!"

"Now, you are going to stare at me, Jiang Yun, when I am done, I will personally clean up him!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The Jingjing people looked at the weak water that had regained their calmness with a look of fright, and they were admired and feared for Wan Haoran!

This has no great use of weak water for other people. Who can think of Wan Haoran’s sudden whimsy, combining it with his own spiritual mirror, so that the two forces can simultaneously form An endless gravity area!

In such an area, anyone will be bound by the powerful force of weak water, and it will be difficult to stop, only to close the eyes and other dead!

"Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, you dare to hurt me, I will look at it when I am, what will you be abused by my brother!"

This Jingjing ethnic group seems to be able to see the horror of Jiang Yun in this gravity area soon after, and worshipped Wan Haoran in the depths of the weak water, and then rushed out.

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