The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2017: Half step source

Just as the six great men and Jiang Yun entered the cloud water secrets at the same time, the five elders, including Shura and the Lord, all gathered in one secret!

This secret is simply another small Shuratian.

The pieces are as white as jade, and the stones of the size are suspended in the air.

Each stone exudes a faint light curtain, and within the light curtain, there is a picture of the frame!

These pictures are presented in the various secrets of Shura!

Although Shurao has existed for countless years, the number of foreign monks who have entered Shuratian is countless, but no one knows at all. There will even be such a secret that you can know all the secrets.

And this means that these foreign monks, no matter what they are doing in the secret, have any gains, and here they can be seen clearly!

At this moment, before a stone, a figure stood in the void, which was the middle-aged man who had not allowed other elders to contact Jiang Yun.

The picture above the light curtain in front of him shows what is happening in the secret of Yunshui!

After Shura ordered the Lord and other five people to come behind the man and look at each other, Shura asked the Lord to take the initiative to say: "The patriarch!"

Naturally, this middle-aged man is the Shura patriarch Shura, named after the family name!

For the arrival of five people, Shura did not have any surprises. He did not even return his head. He just looked at the picture in front of him. He said: "You are worried that Jiang Yun will fall into the cloud water secret?"

"Not bad!"

The old man nodded: "The identity of the patriarch, Jiang Yun, is in fact no doubt."

"Now he wants to fight the six great generals with one person. If we don't take it anymore, he will die!"

Shura is still calm: "I said, he died when he died, what does it have to do with us?"

Shura ordered the Lord to rush: "But if he is dead, if there are other people living in the main family, once you know this, we will have no disaster!"

Shura faintly said: "Jiang Yun is the main family? Has he said it beforehand?"


The five people face each other, Jiang Yun did not say it!

Shura’s voice then rang: “Since he did not say it, he did not take the initiative to find us. For us, he is a foreign monk, nothing more!”

"If you want to watch this lively event, stay here. If you don't want to see it, just go for it!"

The five elders couldn't help but look at each other again, and each other's eyes showed a sense of helplessness.

At this time, they can't see it. The patriarch of his own does not seem to want to admit the identity of Jiang Yun, and even seems to vaguely hope that Jiang Yun can die in Shura!

This makes their hearts naturally somewhat dissatisfied.

However, even if they are elders, many things can't be changed.

Other ethnic groups, perhaps the patriarchs are mostly just a display, unable to control all the real power.

But in the brave and fighting Shura, the patriarch is the sky!

The five people naturally did not mention Jiang Yun’s thing. It is still Shura’s main voice: “But the patriarch, the source of the day, is it really for those foreign monks?”

Shura’s faint saying: “Is Tianyuan fruit so good?”

"What's more, it's just a few days of fruit, as long as they have the ability to give them, how to give them!"

As the Shura made the main voice fall, the five elders stopped talking, and all looked at the picture in front of them!


Under the protection of the power of the Xuanyin people such as Nangong Huaiyu, Jiang Yun has entered the cloud water secret!

Naturally, Jiang Yun’s powerful gods have discovered three powerful atmospheres hidden in the surrounding, and the two sources are nine-fold and one heavenly!

This Danyang people is obviously in a position to gain this day's fruit, so they will ambush such a powerful force at the entrance. As long as someone dares to come in, kill immediately!

Originally, Jiang Yun was worried that the power of Xuanyin could not survive these people, but these three breaths were really motionless, and they did not realize the arrival of these people.

However, Jiang Yun can also feel it, except for himself, Nangong Huaiyu and others are a little nervous!

And this is normal!

There are only nine people in Xuanyin, but the strongest among the clouds and waters is as many as twenty-four.

In case they are discovered and confronted with a confrontation, the Xuan Yin is definitely not an opponent.

In this way, everyone was extremely cautious and constantly moving forward, and when they saw that they were about to cross the distance, suddenly a burst of "bang" came from behind!

For this sudden change, Jiang Yun and most of the Xuan Yin people are surprised, but the breath is not disordered, but there is a Xuan Yin people who have a squat at the foot!

This embarrassment caused a glimpse of the power of Xuanyin that was shrouded in the crowd.

At the same time, there was a screaming shout in their rear!

Obviously, this flaw has been discovered by the Danyang people!

However, the reason why they voiced the police, it is not just for the Xuanyin people, but because at the moment from the entrance to the secret, it has entered dozens of figures!

These dozens of figures are not covered in the slightest, but the big model has entered the cloud water secret.

So that at the moment they just entered, they were sneaked into the three powerful people hidden in the dark, and three people were killed in an instant!

This is the source of the sound of the explosion!

The Xuanyin people also looked back at the same time. At first glance, Nangong Huaiyu’s gaze condensed: “How come they came!”

Jiang Yun also saw the group of people who were fighting with the three strong men. The calm way: "Hunting, the oriole is behind!"

This sentence said that the face of Nangong Huaiyu could not help but be red. Fortunately, there was a mask to cover it, but it did not show up.

However, she naturally understands the words of Jiang Yun.

She thought she was secretive and hid the news about Tianyuan Tree very well, but in fact, she was already stared at, and she still didn't know.

In fact, this does not blame her.

The cloud water secrets, there are in and out, such things, from the last time Shura Tian opened, was known by other foreign monks.

This time, this is still the case, so many people have curiosity about it.

Although everyone does not have the courage to take the initiative to enter it, there are many people who are secretly concerned.

This is true for sword-like butchers and greedy wolves.

Therefore, today I saw that Nangong Huaiyu and Jiang Yun even joined the Yunshui secret, which made the two communities who were always waiting here realize that this was an opportunity, so they did not hesitate to come in.

With the warning sound of the Danyang people, Nangong Huaiyu and others clearly felt that there were several powerful monks around.

And their hiding has been dismantled, and it is impossible to hide again, so Nangong Huaiyu can only hurriedly talk to her people: "Distribute, see you under the tree!"

The old man categorically refused: "No, Miss, I have to follow you!"

Her mission here is to protect the Nangong Huaiyu, and let Nangong Huaiyu leave alone.

But at this moment, a sneer sounded in the ears of everyone: "If you want to leave, you must first ask for my consent!"

At the same time as the sound sounded, a strong breath suddenly fell from the sky, completely enveloping all Xuanyin people.

And the old man’s face is also abrupt change: “Half-step back to the source!”

Half-step back to the source, that is, there are half of the feet have entered the source of the source of the strong source!

Although this old man is also a natural source, it is much weaker than a half-step.

The old man was shocked and suspicious: "Impossible, how can I enter Shuratian in half-step!"

Even if it is half-step back to the source, but because it has already touched the source of the return, according to the rules of Shurao, it is also not allowed to enter.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Jiang Yun has been cold and cold: "Because he is half-step, he has entered this century!"

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