The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2019: Mirror force

At this moment, Jiang Yun has taken Nangong Huaiyu away from this area.

Nangong Huaiyu still did not completely return to the gods, and even allowed Jiang Yun to pull her little hand and flew to the depths of Yunshui's secret environment.

I don't know how long it took, she felt that her figure had stopped, and Jiang Yun also let go of her hand, which made her look back and look at her eyes.

The scene in front of her, let her wake up suddenly!

In front of it is a huge open space, surrounded by more than a dozen monks, including Xue Jingtu and An Ruoyi!

For the appearance of Jiang Yun and Nan Gong Huai Yu, both Xue Jingtu and An Ruoyi’s faces showed a hint of hatred.

However, after sweeping Jiang Yun's eyes, the two actually recovered their gaze, but still stared at the open space in front of them!

Obviously, the attraction of this open space, for them, is even more than Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s gaze also looked at the open space.

He is also clearer than Nangong Huaiyu. There are many plants that can be spiritual in the process of growing up, as is the most common ginseng.

As for Tianyuan Tree, this kind of plant that can be called Tianbaodibao is born with spirituality and self-protection.

One of the self-protection methods of Tianyuan Tree is to grow underground, and it is silent, and even the smell will not be emitted.

Only when it is mature will it break ground and sway.

Therefore, you don't have to know that under this open space, it is where Tianyuan Tree lies.

The reason why Xue Jingtu and An Ruojun are so nervous is that Tianyuan Tree is about to mature, so that they have no intention to deal with themselves.

Since Xue Jingtu does not move, Jiang Yun naturally will not move for the time being.

Even by waiting for the opportunity, his knowledge has spread to the entire cloud water secret to see if there are any other medicines worth picking.

However, Jiang Yun is not hopeful about this.

After all, the Danyang people have lived here for a hundred years, and there are certain medicines that must have been picked up by them.

Sure enough, Jiang Yun did not find any herbs, but he saw the old man and other people who were coming here, and let him give a slight glimpse.


When I saw the old man, Nangong Huaiyu suddenly screamed and hurriedly greeted him.

The old man also smiled. After looking at Nangong Huaiyu for a while, he looked at Jiang Yun again. He was hesitant, and she told the two men just by Xue Sheng.

After Jiang Yun listened, he did not speak, but his heart also had the same doubts.

This Danyang people are here for a hundred years, and the Tianyuan Tree is about to mature. They are generous and willing to let everyone share it. There must be ghosts!

Jiang Yun’s gaze revisited the open space, and the heart said: “Will this ghost be related to Tianyuan Tree?”

It’s a pity that even Tianxiangshu has never seen even the Tianxiang people. All the records are heard and not detailed.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only have such speculation at most, but he is simply impossible to know.

As everyone finally arrived, this time, the number of monks gathered around this open space has been nearly half a hundred.

In addition to Jiang Yun, all come from the six major families.

While everyone is staring at the open space, their eyes are also looking at other ethnic groups.

Especially Jiang Yun’s body has the most concentrated eyes!

The two people like Tu Shaoxuan and Wolf Wu are jealous of Jiang Yun.

Because they were at the same time with Jiang Yun, they saw Jiang Yun control eighty-one power source patterns and attacked the three big Tianjiao.

However, fortunately, there are not so many source lines for Jiang Yun to control, so they are not too worried.

But at this moment, there is a cold voice: "You are Jiang Yun!"

In the voice, a man walked toward Jiang Yun.

This person is the Wan Haoran of the Lingjing family!

Just like Jiang Yun, he is also considered to be a lonely person in this cloud water secret.

He was so arrogant that he did not bring a few ethnic groups to Xiu Luotian.

In addition, he insisted on practicing in the weak water, so his people have already left in these years, leaving only the people who had previously spoken for him.

He came to the cloud water secret, originally to kill Jiang Yun, did not expect to catch up with the birth of this source of fruit!

However, now he did not go to see the open space, just to look down on Jiang Yun's body, coldly said: "Is you, kill Ji Hongfei, and also send me and Ji Hongfei?"

Wan Haoran’s identity is known to everyone at the venue, and naturally he also knows the grievances between him and Jiang Yun.

Especially Xue Jingtu, it is simply that they sent people to tell Ji Hongfei that Ji Hongfei was killed by Jiang Yun.

Originally, they hoped that before Tianyuan fruit matured, Wan Haoran would kill Jiang Yun.

Unexpectedly, Wan Haoran actually rushed to the cloud water secrets today!

Moreover, at this moment, watching Tianyuan fruit is about to mature, everyone's mind is concentrated on Tianyuan fruit, but this million Haoran would choose to make it difficult for Jiang Yun at this time!

It seems that in his heart, killing Jiang Yun is more important than getting Tianyuan Fruit!

Jiang Yun looked up and saw Wan Haoran, although he had never seen Wan Haoran, but when he heard him, he could naturally guess his identity. He said: "Yes!"

Wan Haoran Yin Yin smiled and said: "That will trouble you to send me a ride!"

When the voice fell, his figure swayed and he had already come to the front of Jiang Yun. He raised his hand and punched it toward Jiang Yun.

For Wan Haoran's shots, other people are not paying attention to it, just holding a lively attitude, and even can't wait for Wan Haoran to kill Jiang Yun.

Only the Nangong Huaiyu standing beside Jiang Yun’s body flashed a tangled color in his eyes.

She and Jiang Yun are cooperative relationships!

It is reasonable to say that Jiang Yun’s enemies are naturally her enemies.

Needless to say, Jiang Yun just took her away from Xue Ao's suppression.

In particular, the whole process has always held her hand, so that her mind has a feeling of incomprehensibility for Jiang Yun.

But today's situation is also much beyond her expectations!

Even she never thought that there would be so many families here.

If only the Danyang people tear their faces, then they can afford this price.

However, if the Lingjing family is added, the consequences will have to be carefully considered.

Jiang Yun naturally does not fear Wan Haoran, but also raises his hand while the other party is shooting.

At this moment, his ear rang the sound of Nangong Huaiyu: "Be careful, for the Jingjing family, you can't attack in the usual way!"

Although Jiang Yun heard it clearly, but for a while he did not understand the meaning of this sentence, this fist is still lying on the fist of Wan Haoran.


The two punches hit each other and Jiang Yun’s face suddenly changed.

A very powerful, even arguably the same strength as his own strength, actually passed to Wan Haoran's fist to his own body.

After vigorously attacking the body, Jiang Yun’s body was slightly swayed, and he was stepped back by the earthquake.

And Wan Haoran is still in place, with a hint of smirk on his face.

"Is this the ability? It seems that I am still sending you to Ji Hongfei!"

The strength of the flesh, Jiang Yun has never feared anyone, but now facing this Wan Haoran, he was actually shaken a step back, this is really beyond the expectations of Jiang Yun.

Fortunately, the voice of Nangong Huaiyu sounded again: "The power of the mirror can bounce back all the attacking power, just as you are attacking a mirror!"

Jiang Yun is only showing the color!


But at this moment, the sound of the earth-shattering loud noise came from?

The earth under the feet of everyone was shaken sharply and violently, and everyone’s face was full of excitement and anticipation!

Tianyuan Tree, about to be born!

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