The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2025: Guardian

Jiang Yun’s words resounded throughout the cloud and water, and also resounded at the moment everyone, even in the long-term ears of the Shura ethnic group in another secret.

Naturally, this gives each of them a more shocked look on their faces.

The meaning of this sentence is not difficult to understand, but from the moment Jiang Yun’s mouth is spoken, everyone is a little bit confused.

Although Jiang Yun has just reversed the time, so that others have not picked Tianyuan fruit, but he himself has not given up Tianyuan fruit?

Didn't he not give up, and he decided to get Tianyuan fruit before other people?

As for Xue Jingtu and others, they naturally did not pay attention to Jiang Yun’s words, but instead rushed toward Tianyuan Fruit.

However, they suddenly found that there was always a certain distance between themselves and Tianyuan.

Although close at hand, the distance seems to make them never reach.

"This... Tianyuan Tree is pulling up!"

Finally, some of the five Tianyuan powerhouses on the sidelines exclaimed!

With his opening, everyone noticed that, indeed, the Tianyuan tree, which was already almost as tall as the sky, is still growing up at this moment.

Although the speed of growth is not fast, but it just makes Xue Jingtu and other people and Tianyuan fruit always maintain the distance that is hopeless!

Xue proud brows wrinkled, in the records of Tianyuan Tree, there is no indication that Tianyuan Tree will grow after maturity!


At the same time, the numerous sturdy rattan that descended from the Tianyuan tree danced again.

Just like countless tentacles, they crossed in the air, bringing out the sound of smashing, and screaming toward Xue Jingtu and others.


A scream came, and a Danyang tribe who was obsessed with picking Tianyuan fruit was once again pierced by a rattan. The whole person instantly turned into a dead body, and the smoke disappeared.

Other monks were naturally entangled in the rattan, so that they had to temporarily give up the battle for Tianyuanguo, and then began to save their lives.

For the sudden change, Xue Ao’s eyes fell on Jiang Yun’s body still standing on the crown of the tree!

At this time, he finally realized that all this seems to be related to Jiang Yun, who has never been in his eyes!

It’s just that this idea made him unable to believe at all.

Tianyuan Tree, that is the treasure of heaven and earth, the precious plants that naturally grow in the heavens and the earth, even the own, even the entire Danyang people have no way to plant and control, how can Jiang Yun do it?

Although I don't believe it, but at this moment, Xue Ao can't think too much, and his body shape appears directly next to a Tianyuan fruit!

Xue Ao's pretense is generous, from the beginning to the end because he has a strong confidence in Xue Jingtu and other people, but also firmly believe that Danyang people can harvest a lot of Tianyuan fruit.

Even if you miss a few, it is better to leave it to other majors.

In this case, at least the mouths of the majors will be blocked, and they will not be blamed.

However, since the situation today has exceeded his expectations, Xue Jingtu and others have been unable to extract Tianyuan fruit because of their own strength, then Xue Ao naturally wants to personally help them to obtain.

Otherwise, if you have been guarding yourself for nearly a hundred years, is it really a void!

As Xue Ao suddenly appeared next to Tianyuan Fruit, the other four Tianyuan strong people finally recovered.

At the same time, the other side of the heart secretly stunned the other side, but also the same shape flashing, came to the Tianyuan fruit, began to prepare to help their own people to pick Tianyuan fruit.

However, just in the moment of their appearance, Tianyuan Tree was originally attacking the numerous rattans of Xue Jingtu and others, and suddenly turned the direction, and even attacked them five people!

This scene once again shocked everyone, and Xue Ao suddenly looked up and looked at the canopy, staring at his own **** cloud with a sneer!

Tianyuan Tree, it is really controlled by Jiang Yun!

Otherwise, even if Tianyuan Tree has spirituality, it is impossible to target the enemy.

"This kid can control the Tianyuan tree?"

In another secret, Shura ordered a big mouth, and the old face showed an incredible color.

"How did he do it?"

The big man glared at his own eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.

"The people who are the main people can control the Tianyuan tree, and there is nothing worth making a fuss!"

Always firmly believe that Jiang Yun is the old man of the main ethnic group, although the words spoken in the mouth are understatement, but her face is also with a shocking expression.

Only the patriarch Shura, his face is still calm, and even a faint opening: "Even if he can control the Tianyuan tree, it is still impossible to be the opponent of Xue Ao and others!"

In this sentence, the shocked color on the faces of the five elders disappeared immediately, and nodded silently.

The source tree was a natural treasure, but it was not a true monk.

It protects Tianyuanguo's behavior, which is its instinct, and Jiang Yun's manipulation of it should only rely on its instinct.

This kind of instinct has a powerful deterrent to the source, but it is basically useless to the source.


A rattan that was stalking toward Xue Ao, who had just approached Xue Ao, had broken and broke down.

And Xue Ao didn't even shoot, because his gaze was watching Jiang Yundao: "No matter what you have to rely on today, this source has no part of you!"

"is it?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and did not see any movements. He saw the crown of Tianyuan Tree tremble again.

Suddenly, a total of nineteen Tianyuan fruit, under this earthquake, actually fell from the branches!

Moreover, from the tree body of Tianyuan Tree, there is also a Tianyuan fruit flying out, a total of twenty Tianyuan fruit!

Then, twenty rattans swept across, one wrapped in a heavenly fruit, directly sent to the front of Jiang Yun!

Although Xue Ao and others thought that Jiang Yun could control Tianyuan Tree, they did not expect that Jiang Yun’s manipulation of Tianyuan Tree had reached this level.

In addition, the whole process happened too fast, all in an instant, so that even Xue Ao did not react.

Everyone can only watch Jiang Yun’s big hand wave, and all the 20 Tianyuan fruits have disappeared and disappeared. He was included in the body!

Jiang Yun did not forget to speak to Xue Ao again: "Now, these Tianyuan fruits are all returned to Jiang!"

"Little hybrids, even if you are a descendant of the royal family, I will kill you today!"

Xue Ao really was completely irritated!

In the case of sitting in the town for a hundred years, for the case that Tianyuanguo has no choice, his Danyang family did not even get one.

It was taken away by Jiang Yunquan, who had almost killed Xue Jingtu, which made him accept it!


Xue Ao suddenly reached out and grabbed Jiang Yun.

The people of other ethnic groups are also discolored, and no one has thought that this will happen today.

In particular, after a few Tianyuan strong people looked at each other, in addition to the Xuanyin's old man, the other three were also shot, and they went straight to Jiang Yun.

Since Tianyuan fruit has been taken away by Jiang Yun, as long as they catch Jiang Yun, they still have a chance!


But at the same time they shot, the countless rattan of Tianyuan Tree rolled back toward Jiang Yun, as if a cage was formed, and Jiang Yun was protected.


The power of the four Tianyuan strongmen has also come, and the roots of the rattan are easily broken!

It’s just that there are so many rattans in them, stacked in layers, like endless.

Even with the power of the four of them, they could not be broken in a short time.

Jiang Yun, who is under the protection of rattan, smiles on his face but disappears. Instead, he is a color that cannot bear and grieve.

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