The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2030: Open the secret

This sudden sound made Jiang Yun can't help but squint, and his eyes were even more strange.

However, just when he wanted to stop the master of the voice, the Tibetan sword suddenly burst into a dazzling multicolored light, completely engulfing the strongman of the sword butcher.

In the light, there was a black man with a helpless and fearful color on his face.


In the next moment, the Tibetan sword in the hands of Jiang Yun was completely uncontrollable by Jiang Yun and directly penetrated the eyebrows of the sword and the strong.

The colorful light is brighter!

It’s just that the black man inside is shaking and seems to be dissipating at any time.

"Fantasy heart!" Jiang Yun brows his head and wrinkles, and his mouth muttered two words.

Just talking, and the black people who appeared in the light, is the sword spirit!

Sword spirit illusion, the sword spirit that belonged to the Lord of the Dead and the Lord Lu Qingcheng, was turned into a demon, and later became a sword spirit of the Tibetan Taoist sword.

His existence makes the Tibetan Taoist sword almost free of control by Jiang Yun.

Although he is Jiang Yun's men, Jiang Yun also knows that his character is greedy and fearful of death, so once he meets a strong enemy, he is still his own shot.

However, Jiang Yun never imagined that when he was in a desperate situation, the illusion would take the initiative to stand up and release his power to help himself.

Moreover, this is not a general release, but a near-bombing method.

Illusion used all his power, and even led to his own disappearance.

Just, he said that he took the initiative, but Jiang Yun just saw it clearly. His face is clearly with helplessness and fear. It seems that he does not want to help himself.

But in any case, his help is to make the power of the sword of the sword rise again, so that a sword has penetrated the eyebrows of the sword and the strong!

"What exactly is going on?"


Just when Jiang Yun was in the fog, there was a huge suction in the Tibetan sword.


Under this suction, the strong scream of the sword and the butchers suddenly screamed.

Even Jiang Yun can clearly see that from his body, there is a source of lines, which has become a **** sword, and he has been sucked into the Tibetan sword along his body.

Tibetan swords are absorbing the source of each other!

This scene, once again deeply shocked Jiang Yun, but also made his mind a mess.

Tibetan swords, since Jiang Yun got in the mountains and seas, he knew that he was left there, but the true origin of this sword, apart from knowing that it is a Taoist, Jiang Yun did not understand. .

Although Jiang Yun is also a sword repairer, but the learning is too complicated, the martial art is limited, which makes him unable to play the true power of the Tibetan sword. There are not many opportunities to use the Tibetan sword.

Even if you are not polite, you will use the Tibetan sword to Jiang Yun, a bit violent!

But now, there is a sorrowful and sorrowful sword, and suddenly I will not care for myself and sacrifice myself.

Later, there was a Tibetan sword to take the initiative to start to absorb the source of the sword and the strong!

This makes Jiang Yun really want to understand what is going on, can only stay and watch the sword and the strong people in the screams of screaming, slowly lost their vitality!

The sword that pierced his eyebrows still couldn't kill his life.

But with the source lines in his body, even the original source is absorbed by the Tibetan Taoist sword, which means that his cultivation is gradually disappearing.

If he loses his cultivation, he naturally cannot save his life.

Finally, when the Tibetan sword absorbed all the source patterns of the other side, the blade made a slight vibration and shattered the other's body directly.

Holding the Tibetan sword, Jiang Yun’s knowledge swept through it, and there were a lot of source lines belonging to the sword butcher.

The sword spirit still exists, but the injury is extremely heavy and falls into a state of slumber.

What really surprised Jiang Yun was the body of the illusion, and there were also the source lines of the sword butchers.

In addition, the Tibetan sword is the same as usual, and there is nothing special about it.

Although Jiang Yun is very eager to figure out what is going on, the remaining five ethnic groups are chasing again!

Looking at the other two Tianyuan strongmen who came at the same time, Jiang Yun did not hesitate to turn and fled!

This time, everyone did not go to chase immediately, but all stopped, with a scared face on his face.

Because they all saw the death of the sword and the strong people, which made them really unable to believe that the source of the grid, Jiang Yun, actually killed the strong source of Tianyuan!

At the same time as Jiang Yun’s sword, in another secret, the Shura patriarch, who has always been calm and calm, has a dazzling light in his eyes!

The five elders of the Shura were looking at their patriarchs with doubts.

Because, after the dazzling light that illuminates the eyes of the patriarchs, they also heard an order from the patriarch’s mouth that made them feel incredible.

Open the time secret!

Time is a mystery, and the time inside is extremely chaotic.

Even if they are strong, they dare not go deep into it.

Therefore, although this mystery exists, it has always been completely blocked by their families with powerful power, and even outsiders simply cannot feel it.

But now, the patriarchs have to let them open this secret!

Shura ordered the Lord to frown: "The patriarch, do you want Jiang Yun to enter the time and secret, to escape the pursuit of these people?"

"Not bad!"

Shura nodded and said: "You are not saying that I will not save Jiang Yun, now I want to save him, only this way, let him enter the time secret!"

The old man has some anxious words: "The patriarch, entering the time and secrets, is of course able to get rid of these people's pursuits, but he also has a great possibility of being trapped in the secret, even dying inside!"

The horror of time and secrets, they are far more clear than anyone, so I really can't figure out why the patriarch should use this way to save Jiang Yun.

It is better to let Jiang Yun die directly in the hands of these people!

The great man also said: "The patriarch, since he has already determined that he is the main family, then why don't we just take the shot directly, and I am not afraid to expose it anyway!"


Shura suddenly looked cold and cold: "After the exposure? Don't say the two royals, even if there are so many people, just send one or two, you will be able to destroy us!"

The five people in one sentence are silent.

Now Xue Ao is waiting outside Shura, and Jiang Yun can't escape.

However, in the case that the Shura people do not interfere with the foreign grievances and cannot personally take shots, it is only necessary to let Jiang Yun enter the time and secrets.

Shura once again said: "Since he is the owner of the family, then this time secret may not be so dangerous for him."

"Well, you will do it at a speed. If you are late, I am afraid that I will not be able to enter the time and time!"


Five people nodded and nodded, and left the secret.


"Is it still chasing?"

The Tianyuan strongman of the greedy wolf family looked at the Tianyuan strongman who asked the lover, and his face showed a hint of hesitation.

The reason why they dare to chase Jiang Yun, in addition to the temptation of Tianyuan fruit, is because they have the confidence to kill Jiang Yun.

However, the sword and the strong people who are not as good as their strength are actually killed by Jiang Yun, which means that if they are replaced, they may also be killed.

Life is threatened, and they naturally have fear.

The strong man who asked the lover has not yet opened his mouth, but he has a voice and replied first: "Chasing!"

What you are talking about is An Ruo!

Although her beautiful face is pale, the hatred in her eyes is extremely strong: "Although I don't know how he killed the predecessor, he is now a strong end."

"If this makes him escape, then spread out, the face of our five majors will be lost!"

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