The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2039: Unreachable

The ethnic structure of the Shura and Tianxiang people is obviously different. Jiang Yun has already understood this.

The patriarch of the Tianxiang nationality also has an elder who can intervene and even veto his orders.

In the Shura, it is clear that the patriarch has the final say.

Since the five elders are returning to the source, the strength of Shura...

The answer to this question is actually already coming out!

Shura sat quietly in his face: "I did not enter the virtual world until recently!"

Jiang Yun suddenly stood up and looked at the Shura, which was always invisible.

In the destruction of the domain, the monk can only be regarded as a strong one if he enters the virtual world!

Jiang Yun never imagined that this Shura had already entered a virtual world!

And the virtual world is also the true and strongest person you have touched so far!

I actually have a man who is in a virtual environment, which makes Jiang Yun's look a bit embarrassing.

After a long time, Jiang Yun came back and thought of another problem.

The Shura people are brave and aggressive, and they have countless secrets and strong strengths;

Shura is also a strong man, so with these, they are fully qualified to become a great family.

Upon hearing this question from Jiang Yun, Shura smiled and shook his head and said: "Becoming a family is not as simple as the Lord thinks."

"What's more, the Lord's Lord has had orders, and the members of the Ten Groups are not allowed to enter!"

This is another thing Jiang Yun did not know. The righteous father did not allow the tenth family to become a general.

However, he did understand the intention of the righteous father to do so. Naturally, he did not want the members of the tenth family to be too conspicuous.

After all, once you become a general, you will become the target of all people, and the possibility of exposure will increase.

But in any case, the strength of the Shura people is indeed qualified to become the knife of the main family!

However, Shura has a mysterious smile: "The Lord, my words have not been finished, just introduced to the Lord, but I am the strength of the Luo."

"Now that the Lord's Lord has returned, then I will repair Luotian, or that the strength of the Lord's Supreme will rise in the near future!"

Jiang Yun really did not understand the meaning of Shura.

The strength of the Shura people is indeed very strong, but why does the return of their own tribes will make them and their own strengths soar?

However, Shura sold a tribute: "Lord, please change places with us!"

The group immediately appeared in another secret!

Looking at the countless jade in front of him, and the pictures in the various mysteries that appeared above it, Jiang Yun was shocked, but still did not understand the meaning of Shura’s sentence.

This mystery can certainly see the pictures in other mysteries, but it seems to have no effect on myself and the growth of the entire Shura.

Jiang Yun turned to look at Luo, and did not ask, but waited for his explanation.

Shura smiled slightly: "The Lord must have already known the origin of the Shura sword?"

Jiang Yun nodded.

Here, you can't see the situation in the secret time.

As the current patriarch of the Shura family, Shura may not know that there is a figure left by the righteous father in the past, but he must know that Shurao Sword is the token of the mortal people and the key to truly control the secret of time.

Since I can come out safely from the time and mystery, I must have known the secret of Shurao Sword.

Shura continued: "It is not difficult to speculate that the Lord will respect the masters of the year, and master the refining device?"

Jiang Yun nodded again!

For the destruction of the domain, Jiang Yun does not know much, but the Shura sword can contain the pattern of time, but also can be disguised as the top-level track in the domain, which is enough to show that its grade is definitely not low.

Naturally, it can be said that my own righteous father is indeed mastered in refining.

"In the past, the Lord's Lord, in addition to refining the Shurao sword, also specially made a holy thing for my family!"

For this, Jiang Yun is a bit surprised.

Although he thought of it when he was in the Tianxiang nationality, there might be sacred objects among the various ethnic groups that died in the Tenth tribe. But should the Shura sacred objects be Shura Sword?

But now there is still a holy thing.

"What holy things?"

Just after the words, not waiting for Shura to answer, the expression on Jiang Yun’s face has suddenly solidified, and his eyes once again looked at the countless jade in front of him.

Because he already thought of the answer.

Shura Tian!

The whole Shura Day is simply a holy thing!

The original Shura Tian is a common world, just like the wilderness in the Taoist domain.

But since the patriarch decided to include the Shura in his tenth family, he personally shot and built the entire Shuratian into a holy object!

During the days of Shura, the ubiquitous mystery was simply opened up by the patriarchs!

This is also the reason why the shape of Shuratian will appear incomparable and there is only one entrance.

Because it is really artificially built!

Now, the secret environment that Jiang Yun and others are in, can be seen as the backbone of the entire Shura.

Here, you should be able to control all the secrets, as well as the ambush of various organs in the secret.

Seeing the change of Jiang Yun’s expression, Shura smiled slightly: “The Lord respects it, the whole Shurao is the holy thing!”

"Every secret can be seen as an organ of sacred objects."

"In addition to the secrets, there are other institutions, but the Lord himself needs to find out."

"If the Lord can handle this sacred object, then in the days of Shura, with all the power of the secret, the Lord can not say that it is invincible, but at least a little more self-protection!"

Upon hearing the detailed explanation of Shura, the expression on Jiang Yun’s face finally relaxed again, and the eyes also showed the excitement.

It is unimaginable to make a world a sacred object, perhaps for others, but it is easy for Jiang Yun to accept.

Because of the power of the squad that the Xiao people in the Nine tribes have mastered, it is easy to condense a world to the size of the palm.

As the most powerful existence of the sinisters, the righteous father has made the world a sacred object. In fact, it is nothing.

Even Jiang Yun thought of it. The reason why the patriarch of the ruined lord wanted to make Shuratian a sacred object was to make himself have a real foothold!

Shuratian can be closed, and there are countless secret institutions in it. Moreover, as a holy thing, it should certainly be able to carry it with you.

Think about it, if you find all the ethnic groups of the dead Tenth family and send them to Shura for a day, then take Shura Tian with you, you can summon them anytime, anywhere...

If you really encounter a strong enemy, everyone can also completely hide in Shura.

Once the other party enters Shura, it is really terrible for the enemy to open all the secrets and control the ambush of all the secret institutions in the center.

With these thoughts passing through the mind, Jiang Yun's breathing could not help but get up.

However, excited and excited, Jiang Yun did not lose his senses. After taking a deep breath, he asked: "I want to control this holy thing, I am afraid I can't do it now!"

Shura smiled and nodded: "The Lord's lord can enter the heavenly source and he can exert some power of the sacred objects."

"But if you really want to control Shura, you have to take the virtual world!"

Step into the virtual world!

Although this goal is too far away from today's Jiang Yun, since he has thoroughly understood the cultivation method of the mortal tribe, and there is the desperate darkness in the body, then as long as he does not die, he will one day step into the imaginary territory!

The light in Jiang Yun’s eyes is getting brighter and brighter!

After the disappearance of the light in Jiang Yun’s eyes, Shura went on to say: “Besides, there is still a secret in Shura’s day. It’s just this secret, and I’m not sure.”

"And, like Xue Jingtu, An Ruoyi, etc., who will be the lords of the tribes and others, they come to me to repair Luo Tian, ​​the real purpose is to secret this!"

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