The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2043: Give me a cup

The Tianxiang people just left the inn, and the people who were responsible for the stalking of the nine majors naturally followed the heels.

In fact, this kind of tracking of the Nine Majors is almost equivalent to the surveillance on the bright side, but anyone who notices can be aware of it.

But unfortunately, the strongest of the Tianxiang people to lead this time, only the elders Ye Wang always obsessed with refining medicine, and have no interest in other things.

And Ye Zhiqiu is a good person who is uncompromising, treating others with sincerity.

Although Ye Danqiong is the ancestor, but Ye Danqiong can only stay in the refining furnace, where will know what is happening outside.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Tianxiang people simply wouldn’t have thought that they would be stared at by the nine majors.

Not to mention the history of the drug **** war, even in the entire era of destruction, there has not been such a situation.

However, the nine major families are naturally aware of each other, and the major generals are also considering how to approach the Tianxiang people first.


Just like most of the Shura people, Ye Younan is so big, and he is the first to leave the Tianxiang world.

Moreover, it is still so busy in the bustling Dan Dingjie, I can imagine the depth of her heart.

Fortunately, there is a strong old Ye Zhiqiu with it, otherwise, she almost nearly because of too much focus on the surrounding scenery, and was rushed away by the surging people.

If I am separated from my own people in this Danding world, I am afraid that I can't find a way back with her own strength.

For Ye Younan's reaction, Ye Zhiqiu is somewhat funny, but his heart is more embarrassing.

After all, as the shackles of their own ethnic group, because of the damage of Dantian, the parents died early and were abandoned by the ethnic group.

Without the emergence of Jiang Yun, Ye Younan is probably married to the blood refining family now, and may even be absent.

Fortunately, it’s all gone.

On the appearance, Ye Younan is indeed not comparable to Ye Lingzhu, but in other respects, she is much stronger than Ye Lingzhu.

Whether it is her strong refining talents, and her modest attitude towards others.

Especially in the face of Ye Lingzhu and the people who had insulted her at the time, she did not go to revenge, naturally she also gradually won the favor and support of many people.

Coupled with the secret support of Ye Chunyang and others, Ye Younan, who has now truly replaced Ye Lingzhu, has become the arrogant woman of the Tianxiang people.

Even this drug war, according to Ye Danqiong’s estimate, the person most likely to enter the top ten is Ye Younan!

The drug **** war is divided into three stages.

The first stage is the knockout.

Because there are too many people participating in the event, and there are many different things, there are still a lot of things to do, so like the big waves, the vast majority of unqualified refiners are eliminated, leaving only a thousand!

The second stage is the promotion;

Among the thousands, ten are promoted.

The third stage is the final final, which is the final top ten.

The war of medicine is not allowed to participate in the return to the source.

Therefore, each stage of the test is divided into three different levels according to the refinement of the refining pharmacist.

If divided according to the realm of the domain, the humanity is the first level, the Taoist environment is the second level, and the Tao is the third level.

The Tianxiang people have lost in the second phase of the drug **** war.

Of course, it is because the refining of pharmacy is really not as good as people, but there are also reasons for repair.

In particular, the Tianxiang people are under the circumstance of the Tao, and they have never really had a talented family.

Originally, Tianxiangzu was counting on Ye Lingzhu, but since Ye Younan’s talent is more outstanding than Ye Lingzhu, then natural hope is also pinned on her.

But now Ye Younan's refining of pharmaceuticals is so high, even if Ye Zhiqiu and Ye Chunyang and others do not know.

No way, Ye Younan’s refining medicine was personally directed by Dan Qiong’s ancestors.

If you change to Zongmen, then Ye Younan is equal to Ye Danqiong’s pro-disciple.

And Ye Danqiong’s martyrdom for his own people against Jiang Yun is still a wrath.

Therefore, in addition to Ye Younan, she did not see any ethnic groups on weekdays, and it was impossible to tell Ye Younan’s refining drugs.


In this way, after the Tianxiang people spent a long time in the city of Danding, they entered the extremely luxurious restaurant under the leadership of Ye Zhiqiu.

Although the price of Danding is so high that many people are secretly screaming, the Tianxiang people are really not bad.

Moreover, it is difficult for everyone to come to a glance, and Ye Zhiqiu wants to make up for Ye Younan as much as possible, so he does not care about a little money.

There are already many guests in the restaurant, but because this restaurant is too luxurious, there is still an empty table.

After everyone sat down, Ye Zhiqiu was facing Ye Younan: "Younan, we are here for a while, then go to other places!"

"Good!" Ye Younan naturally has no idea at all, and everything is arranged by Ye Zhiqiu.

Not long after, the wine came up, and everyone ate and drank while chatting about what they saw and heard in today's Danding world. For a moment, they laughed and laughed, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard a cold drink: "A bunch of earthen buns, it is really noisy!"

Although the sound is not large, it is obviously deliberately sent out, and it is clearly introduced into the ears of everyone in the restaurant, and the original restaurant is quieted down.

Looking down the sound, it is a table of guests from not far away.

Three men sat on the table, not too old.

Just talking is a young man on the right hand side, dressed in white, looks very good, with a dissatisfied and disdainful color on his face, his eyes staring coldly at the Tianxiang people.

When I saw this person, someone immediately recognized it.

"This is the Zhang Feng of the Linghe people!"

The Linghe nationality is one of the slaves of the Danyang nationality. Although this Zhangfeng is not a figure of Tianjiao, it is also a good qualification in the family.

And this Danding world belongs to the Danyang family. Even as a slave, it can be counted as his territory.

However, it is even more obvious to those who see it. At their table, Zhang Feng’s position is the next one. The young man who is really sitting in the middle is the middle man.

The man looks tough, his face with a sly look, especially the eyes, but also a faint glow of blood.

Even Zhang Feng is willing to sit down with the first companion, do not have to know that the coming is necessarily greater.

"Of course it is big, it is the celestial wolf of the greedy wolf family. This spirit crane is a demon, although it has become a slave to the Danyang people, but there is also a hook between the greedy wolf and the greedy wolf."

"Now, it is definitely Zhang Feng who is waiting for the wolf macro to entertain him here. I didn't expect the group of people to yell at their Yaxing!"

"This group of people don't know where they came from, it's going to be bad!"

Tianxiang people are so stunned by Zhang Feng, and naturally they are not very good-looking.

Although they do not know the identity of Zhang Feng and Wolf Hong, but they also know that nowadays the people of Danding are gathered together, the strong are like clouds, and it is better for them to avoid trouble.

What's more, there is also a good old man Ye Zhiqiu!

Therefore, Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly stood up and yelled at Zhang Feng and others. "Sorry, I am really awkward, disturbing you, and I hope you will forgive me!"


Reaching out and not smiling people, facing the attitude of Ye Zhiqiu, Zhang Feng is not too good to attack too much, only a cold cry, no longer pay attention.

However, just when he had just picked up the glass and wanted to respect the wolf, the eyes of Wolf Hong suddenly looked at the Tianxiang people and reached out to them: "If you really want us to forgive me, then Let her come and honor me with a glass of wine!"

Everyone hurriedly followed the direction of the wolf's macro finger, and the person pointed by him was Ye Younan!

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