The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2053: begin

I know that Tong Yucheng is from Jianmu, and Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly disappeared, but he also felt a little surprised.

Although Tianxiang and Jianmu have a good relationship, at this time, as the Jianmu Tianjiao can take the initiative to greet themselves, this is the same as Nangong Huaiyu, will offend others.

Moreover, looking at the smile on the face of Tong Yucheng's face, it is not in a state of sorrow, so Jiang Yun immediately stood up and smiled and politely said: "Long-term child brother is famous!"

Tong Yucheng nodded to Nangong Huaiyu: "Nangong girl, we haven't seen it for a long time!"

For the appearance of Tong Yucheng, Nangong Huaiyu is also a bit unclear, but they knew each other, so they smiled and said: "Yes, I haven't seen a child brother in a few days!"

After the greeting with Nangong Huaiyu, Tong Yucheng looked at Jiang Yundao again: "If the two don't mind, I will sit here too!"

Although he was asking Jiang Yun, but did not wait for Jiang Yun to answer, Tong Yucheng had simply sat next to Jiang Yun.

In this way, many people around the face are exposed with strange colors, and some people have secretly looked at Xue Jingtu.

Just Xue Jingtu deliberately ignored Jiang Yun, and he wanted to give Jiang Yun a Mawei. As a result, Nangong Huaiyu did not appreciate it and dismissed his face.

But now, after the Nangong Huaiyu, there is actually another child Yu Cheng standing on the side of Jiang Yun.

The two great families support Jiang Yun!

Although Xue Jingtu, their four majors still occupy a huge advantage in any aspect, let them at least not at this moment.

Xue Jingtu is as if he has not seen it. Others will naturally not talk, and the pants continue to find suitable seats.

At this time, Jiang Yun’s ear rang again the voice of Nangong Huaiyu: “Ginger brother can understand the doorway of this seat.”

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I can see it, but I still don't understand it!"

Nangong Huaiyu smiled slightly: "In fact, all the battles of the drug gods are like this!"

"Before the start of the war, our nine people will investigate all the refining pharmacists and ethnic groups involved in the battle of the drug gods."

"When we come to Danding City, we will send people to contact them and ask if they are willing to use it for us!"

"Everything is known to all of these things, but it is only secretly done."

"But this time, the light of Jiang's brother was touched, and Xue Jingtu even held a banquet, which was almost moved from the dark to the bright side!"

After listening to Xue Jingtu's explanation, Jiang Yun could not help but flash a cold light.

This drug warfare is simply the use of the nine great people to draw people.

Nangong Huaiyu continued: "In fact, the top ten names of the previous drug wars are basically the nine people's comprehensive strength based on these refining pharmacists' groups, and they have been predetermined in advance!"

"Of course, it is said to be the default, but we must also measure the accomplishments of the refining pharmacists sent by them, so that outsiders can't pick up the fault!"

Jiang Yun now finally understands why the Tianxiang people have never even entered the top ten.

Of course, because their refining pharmacy is not high, but in the end, it is because the Tianxiang people refuse to rely on a certain family.

Although Jiang Yun is a little angry in his heart, he also knows that this is a commonplace in any place.

There is nothing fair about this day's things!

Jiang Yun secretly pointed to the monks who still did not sit down: "What are they going to do?"

Nangong Huaiyu said faintly: "They are still hesitating and have not made up their minds."

"Even if I want to be able to rely on my own refining, I will be a blockbuster in the battle of medicine."

Jiang Yun nodded. If Ye Younan came here, he should be standing there now.

Looked at the empty two tables that should have belonged to Nangong Huaiyu and Tong Yucheng. Jiang Yun did not evade. At the same time, he asked the two people: "The two of you, are you going to return empty-handed this time?" ”

Tong Yucheng apparently knew the meaning of Jiang Yun’s words and shook his head. “The demand for medicinal herbs for us is not as urgent as other families.”

"It’s just that I don’t want to be isolated, so I’ll take a slice of the drug **** battle.”

"There is no one willing to return to us, we don't care."

There is a sense of pride in Tong Yucheng's voice, and Jiang Yun can roughly guess that Jianmu is a demon, and the power he possesses should be unique, so there is no need to resort to immortality.

After listening to Tong Yucheng’s explanation, Jiang Yun deliberately looked at Nangong Huaiyu, while the latter smiled slightly: “The drug **** fights once in a hundred years, and there is a chance next time!”

Jiang Yun is trying to put out the real reason why Nangong Huaiyu is willing to help himself. Unfortunately, Nangong Huaiyu is obviously not ready to tell himself.

It even shows that this drug war, Nan Gong Huaiyu in order to help Jiang Yun, take the initiative to give up the fight!

Finally, everyone sat down, and the number of people sitting on each table can be seen in the battle of the drug god, the status of the nine major groups in the hearts of other ethnic groups.

The table of the Danyang people is already full, and the number of tables of other ethnic groups varies. The table of the greedy wolf is the least, and only one person is seated.

Seeing this, Tong Yucheng could not help but make a sneer.

And as his voice fell, the wolf, who looked bad on his face, couldn’t help but swear: "Tong Yucheng, what are you laughing at!"

"You really have no interest in building a wooden family. Even a bun has to be busy!"

Among the nine great generals, only the greedy wolf and the Jianmu are the demon.

The two ethnic groups should have worked together, but it is a pity that the greedy wolf is always higher than the top.

In addition, the greedy wolf people want to collect the Tianxiang people as slaves, and they are always blocked by the Jianmu people in the middle. Therefore, the relationship between the two big devils is the worst.

Of course, the relationship between the greedy wolf and the other eight ethnic groups is not very good.

If it is not strong in its own right, and it has a good relationship with some of the other wilderness, it has already been eliminated by the eight ethnic groups.

Therefore, Wolf Wu is now out to provoke Tong Yucheng, and everyone is not surprised.

Jiang Yun naturally heard the words of Wolf Wu, but he did not speak.

Because he wants to see, this Tong Yucheng is prepared to deal with it.

Nangong Huaiyu and his own battle line have already made Jiang Yun puzzled. I did not expect that there will be another child Yucheng.

Even though the Tianxiang and Jianmu people have a good relationship, they are not as good as jumping out to help themselves.

Tong Yucheng smiled coldly, squinting at the eyes and glanced at the wolf and regained his gaze. He shook his head and said: "If you don't do a good wolf, you have to be a dog."

"Now the master hasn't spoken yet, why bother to jump out and bite people!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s ear heard the voice of Tong Yucheng: “Ginger brother does not have to doubt the sincerity of Tong’s. The person who was saved by the Tianxiang people was the grandfather of Tong’s!”

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Yun suddenly realized!

It is no wonder that Tong Yucheng is willing to offend the risks of other families and stand with himself!

I have to say that Tong Yucheng’s grandfather is really good.

As the elder of the Jianmu nationality, it was enough to repay the Tianxiang people's life-saving grace by relying on his entanglement to help the Tianxiang people get rid of the greedy wolf.

But the other side has been helping again and again, and the third one still helps the Tianxiang people, and even now let his grandson stand up to help himself.

Even if this does not mean the attitude of the entire Jianmu people, Jiang Yun is grateful, and the impression of the Jianmu people is naturally good.


The wolf suddenly grows up, and the bloodthirsty in the eyes flickers, surrounded by the breath, and screaming at the child Yucheng, seems to be ready to shoot immediately.

Tong Yucheng smiled coldly, but he did not care about him at all. He poured a cup of tea and sipped himself.

At this time, Xue Jingtu finally stood up again and smiled slightly: "Now the business is busy, now Xuemou and some friends have to deal with some private affairs, and please ask you to be a witness!"

When I heard the words of Xue Jingtu, everyone knows that although this banquet has not officially begun, the grudges between Jiang Yun and the four great families have already begun!

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