The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2065: Medicinal madman

Although the man's voice was not loud, but because of the close distance, it was clearly introduced into Ye Younan's ear.

Also, many monks in the vicinity have heard it, and naturally all look at the direction of the sound.

The person who spoke is a middle-aged man, handsome and handsome, with extraordinary temperament, his head raised slightly, his eyes are also watching Ye Younan, etc., with a trace of pride on his face!

When I saw this person, someone immediately recognized it: "He seems to be Qi Hongbo!"

"Yes, Qi Hongbo, the person of the first Ling family, the source of the strong Taiwanese, is said to have a very high talent for refining medicine, is an uncompromising refinery madman."

"I heard that he was not interested in the war of medicine before, but I did not expect this time to come!"

"He is now the peak of the source platform. If he does not come to participate again, he will enter the Tianyuan situation in the next battle of the drug god, I am afraid to compete for the title of a drug **** before this!"

"Weird, this first Ling and Tianxiang people are not only far away, but there is no hatred on weekdays. But how can he clearly distinguish it from the Tianxiang people?"

Although Ye Zhiqiu three people do not know this Qi Hongbo, but can understand why the other party will go to their own Tianxiang.

Because while Qi Hongbo’s voice fell, there was already a short man next to him.

The man opened his eyes with a hateful look, and then he said: "Yes, the young woman named Ye Younan."

"It was originally a waste that was abandoned in their Tianxiang nationality, and it was given to my family's Tianjiao refining marks!"

"But she actually relied on the sale of the hue, seduce their guest elders Jiang Yun, so that Jiang Yun is in his head, not only killed the refining marks, but later the father of the refining marks refining, revenge for the son, also killed by him !"

"Finally, Jiang Yun did not know what method to use, so that Ye Younan lit up the nine rays of the holy medicine stone in the family, which means that she has amazing refining talent, which makes her change and replace the day in the original family. The proud female Ye Lingzhu has become a proud woman of heaven!"

This short man, from the blood refining family, is also a refining pharmacist who participated in the war of medicine.

Moreover, obviously they have already climbed up with the Schering, or the Qi Hongbo!

As for what he said, it is simply to reverse the black and white facts, and extremely filthy Ye Younan and Jiang Yun.

Ye Younan's body is slightly trembled, and she is filthy. She can be indifferent, but she can't tolerate others smearing Jiang Big Brother!

However, with her character, even if she wants to refute it, she is really open to the public.

After Qi Hongbo listened to these words, his face showed unrecognizable contempt, and shook his head. "It turned out that it was just a broken stone. How could it test the monk's refining talent?"

"I really don't know what the Tianxiang people think!"

Ye Wang and Ye Zhiqiu’s face suddenly sinked. The other party not only smeared Ye Younan and Jiang Yun, but now they even ridiculed the sacred material of their own family. This is simply a great insult to the Tianxiang people!

The blood refining man hurriedly deliberately lowered his voice: "The older generation also asked for a small voice."

"Now that Jiang Yun has become famous, and acting is also arrogant. Even the great cadres of the great generals and his brothers and brothers, if you are heard by him, you will not be careful!"

Qi Hongbo suddenly laughed and said: "I heard it, I said all the facts, can he dare not recognize it?"

"Exactly, let's take a look at this drug war, let them look at the Tianxiang people, who will only sell the color of the goddess of love, how to refine the talent!"

Ye Younan’s cheeks are red, and it’s already unbearable!

But in her ear, Ye Zhiqiu’s voice was heard: “Don’t take theirs!”

Although Ye Wang and Ye Zhiqiu are also angry in their hearts, they are more and more experienced than Ye Younan.

Today, it seems that Xue Jingtu and other Tianjiao and Jiang Yun are the enemy.

However, both of them knew the real experience that occurred on the banquet. They knew that Xue Jingtu was forced by the situation, so they had to give up the grievances of Jiang Yun for the time being.

Even Xue Jingtu did not dare to target Jiang Yun and Tianxiang in the bright face, and this little blood refining and the first spirits dared to jump out at this time without fear, deliberately provoke the Tianxiang!

Behind them, there must be a shadow of several great families!

Even their real purpose is probably to deal with Jiang Yun!

If the Tianxiang people really fight with Qi Hongbo, then I am afraid that it will bring unnecessary trouble to Jiang Yun.

Ye Younan nodded heavily, although he was furious at the fact that the other party was so degrading, but he also knew that the other party might come for Jiang Yun, so he forced himself to slap his inner anger and ignore it.


At this moment, a loud bang suddenly came, and suddenly everyone's attention was diverted, so that they all followed the sound.

On the platform of the medicine god, a frying furnace appeared.

Among the blue smoke, the refining pharmacist who had been blown up in the dark, shook his big sleeves and jumped directly to the medicine platform.

After that, the sound of the fryer is like a chain reaction, and it starts to sound one after another.

However, only a moment has passed, and nearly a thousand refiners have successively fried the furnace.

In fact, the fryer is the most common thing for the refining pharmacist, even the top refining pharmacists will encounter.

It’s just that after all, it’s a war of medicine. Once it’s fried, it’s equal to losing the qualification to continue the game.

With the start of the fryer, the first round of the test became fierce. Even Qi Hongbo did not provoke the Tianxiang people, but focused on the drug **** war.

In short, after an hour has passed, less than 500 of the 10,000 refining pharmacists have successfully completed the refining of the medicinal herbs.

After the ten referees read the names of nearly 500 people, they also jumped onto the second floor of the medicine platform.

However, their faces are not the slightest color of ease.

Especially the refining pharmacists who took a long time to complete the refining of the medicinal herbs, they all know that they are just sitting here temporarily.

After the end of the 100,000 refining pharmacists, the current number of nearly 500 people, who knows can still leave a few.

The second batch of 10,000 pharmacists began to take office.

In this way, the trial was carried out in an orderly round, and finally the last batch of refining pharmacists at the third level took the drug **** platform.

By this time, the thousand platforms on the second layer of medicine gods have all been occupied.

Although there are still two levels of comparison test did not start, but among them, whether anyone can continue to sit here, it depends on this last round of the test.

Jiang Yun’s eyes are also slightly enlarged. Although his ability has long been able to achieve his anger and anger, he still has some excitement at this moment.

Because Ye Younan is in this last batch of refining pharmacists!

As for the previous cynicism of Qi Hongbo and the blood refining family for Ye Younan, Jiang Yun did not hear.

Now, he wants to see, Ye Younan, this woman who has been saved by a moment of good intentions, now on the level of refining, at what level.

Ye Younan stood on the platform, his eyes swept around, and he easily found Jiang Yun among the crowd.

Seeing Jiang Yun, Ye Younan couldn't help but think of the joke that Jiang Yunkai had before, and let her mood finally relax, gently nodded to Jiang Yun, and closed her eyes.

When her eyes opened again, her eyes were clear.

No matter the irony and ridicule of the previous Qi Hongbo and the blood refining people, or nearly 10,000 refining pharmacists in the body, they have all been completely forgotten by her.

At this moment, there are only two words in her heart - refining!


With the order of the last drug god, Ye Younan appeared in front of the refining furnace.

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