The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2082: Danyang Patriarch

Take the virtual world and destroy the real one in the domain!

How strong is the emptiness of the virtual world, and there are not many people who know it, but a person who is strong and strong is enough to open up a great family. From this point, I can imagine their power.

Nowadays, from the body of Xue Jingtu, there is a breath of the strongest person in the virtual world. Although this is also expected by everyone, but under the real personal experience, the face of all people is still changing.

Xue Jingtu, the Danyang tribe, his father, the patriarch of the Danyang tribe, is a strong man who is in the virtual world!

Naturally, the powerful breath that came out of his body at the moment was from the knowledge left by his father to protect him.

This kind of knowledge will only appear when Xue Jingtu encounters a crisis of life and death.

This is why Jiang Yun has never dared to kill Xue Jingtu easily, but it is also the reason why Bajiang is prevented from killing Xue Jingtu.

According to Jiang Yun’s plan, Xue Jingtu was first seized and taken to Xiu Luotian.

After all, Shura is also a vain existence. With Shura, it is inevitable to be able to withstand the gods of the Danyang patriarch.

At the same time, I can also learn about the secrets of the Danyang people from the soul of Xue Jingtu about the Southwestern wilderness.

Unexpectedly, this Bajiang would actually run to Xue Jingtu, which finally led to the gods left by the Danyang patriarch!

Although it is only a god, but this **** has just appeared, the pressure that has been radiated has made the whole Danding world seem to be in a static state.

All the people felt that the body suddenly appeared to have a shackle that was heavy, so that their body could not help but bend downwards, so that their knees fell directly to the ground.

This kind of pressure is strong, even if the old man who just killed the Danyang nationality is strong and trembled, it is impossible to continue to move forward.

As for the Bajiang River, the closest to this god, there is already a **** overflow in the Seven Miles. Under the pressure of the internal organs, the internal organs will almost immediately turn into powder.

The fog that had been shrouded around the body was also dissipated, revealing his true colors.

Seeing the true face of Ba Jiang, Xue Jingtu’s eyes suddenly condensed, and his face showed a hint of doubt.

Because he felt that he had seen the river in the river.

During the Shura period, although Xue Jingtu had not had any positive contact with Bajiang, he had met Bajiang once, so he felt a little impression, but he could not remember it for a while.

However, he also knows that if he can think of where he has seen Bajiang, then he may know the origin of Jiang Yun and know the origin of Jiang Yun's ethnic group!

Therefore, he also forgot other things, just thinking about his brains in his mind, when and where he had seen Bajiang!

At this time, Ba Jiang, where he would care about his true face, his eyes have already revealed the color of despair.

Death, close at hand!

But at this moment, there was a palm that was equally trembling, and he was heavily placed on his shoulder.

Then, after a strong attack, he actually opened his life from the original place and threw it to the earth, pulling him out of the edge of death and hard-boiled!

Under the rapid retreat of Bajiang's body, the pressure on the body is getting smaller and smaller, so that he can clearly see that there is a figure above his standing position.

A person who once defeated himself but refused his second challenge!

At this moment, this figure that was once looked down upon by Ba Jiang became infinitely tall in the eyes of Ba Jiang!

Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun knows that the Danyang patriarch's **** has already appeared, but he can't watch Bajiang die like this.

Therefore, he used the technique of reincarnation and finally managed to save the Bajiang and replaced himself with the pressure of a strong man.

Although today's Jiang Yun is already the strongest state, and even has the power of a battle with the Tianyuan dynasty, but before the ignorance of the strong, the strength is not enough.

If it is not because his body is already a body of silence that has experienced three deaths, then his current situation will not be stronger than that of Bajiang.

Even so, his body is still quite straight, the body of the nine source platforms, the lines of silence, the power of the avenue, and so on, all of them are running in madness, and they bear the power of the other gods. Pressure.

This scene, for everyone's point of view, is incredible and unimaginable.

A monk from the source of the realm can withstand the pressure of the strong and powerful people who live in the virtual world!

Finally, a figure appeared in front of Xue Jingtu.

This is a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a majestic anger. The eyebrows have a flame mark shaped like the sun, making him look like a sun.

Although it is very incomparable, it does not dare to look up!

The Danyang nationality patriarch, the strongest in the virtual world, Xue Qianxi!

"Father, father!"

With the appearance of Xue Qianxi's gods, Xue Jingtu, who was always thinking about the origins of the Bajiang River, finally came back to God. His face was full of fear and he hurried down.

For his father, Xue Jingtu has an innate awe in his heart!

In particular, this trip to the Ding Ding world not only made the family lose the soldiers, but also forced out the father's knowledge, which made his situation in the family become extremely difficult.

Even when his father is angry, he is likely to directly enter himself into a small world and deprive himself of the identity of the heirs of the lords and patriarchs.

Xue Qianxi is like not hearing the sound of Xue Jingtu, and he also did not go to see Jiang Yun in front of himself.

His gaze only swept through today's Danding world.

Whether it is the drug **** platform that has been turned into a pile of ruins below, or the bodies of the major tribes who died in the medicine **** stage, they did not make his face show a slight expression.

It seems that all this for him is just a trivial little thing.

Under his gaze, everyone in the Danding community knows that he is not looking at himself, but everyone is trembled, and even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

Finally, Xue Qianxi’s eyes looked at Jiang Yun and faintly said: “With all of your people, you will be in this world, and today’s business will stop here!”

Although his tone is calm, but this sentence, it is necessary to kill the lives of Jiang Yun and the Shura people!

However, he has this qualification, has this strength, has this identity!

It is a matter of words to take the imaginary power and the master of the family to kill a small monk from the source.

After the talk, Xue Qianxi did not go to see Jiang Yun at all, but turned around and looked at Xue Jingtu: "You go back to the three elders to take convictions and report everything truthfully!"


Xue Jingtu looked bitter, and the three elders were typical iron-faced selflessness, falling in his hands, but this time they had to suffer.

As soon as he was indulged, Xue Jingtu was bold enough: "Father, the baby has a story!"


Xue Jingtu reached out and pointed to Jiang Yundao: "This person is named Jiang Yun, acting arrogantly, from a hidden world, the overall strength is extremely strong."

"There was nothing to know about his ethnic group, but the child who had just killed the baby, the child felt that the other side's appearance was familiar and seemed to have been seen."

"Therefore, the child daring to ask the father to allow the child to display the soul of the soul, to find out their true origins, and to succumb to this group or to kill."

"If not, the existence of this family will eventually become a hidden danger in my southwestern wilderness!"

Xue Jingtu This is to want to wear sin to make a contribution, so as to reduce some of their own faults.

However, his voice fell, Jiang Yun, who was always standing there, suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes, and a command came from the biting jaw.

"Tianxiang, Shura, quickly leave Danding!"

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