The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2084: Dan Dingjie

Xue Qianxi, the Danyang nationality patriarch, and the strong ones in the virtual world, I am afraid that there will be no more grievances in this life.

It is clear that he can kill Jiang Yun like an ant, but because of Xue Jingtu, who is holding Jiang Yun’s hand, he can only watch Jiang Yun walking toward Danding!

Even if Xue Jingtu is there again, even if he is only a ignorant person, he is his own son after all, how can he let him die in front of himself.

Even this kind of knowledge of oneself can only stay in this Danding world, and disappear with Danding.

Xue Qiang looked coldly at Jiang Yundao: "Jiang Yun, you remember, if there is any accident in Xue Jingtu, my Danyang family will not let you and your ethnic group!"

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to Xue Qianxi's words, grabbed Xue Jingtu, and calmly left Dan Dingjie!

Outside the Danding world, the various ethnic monks basically escaped, but they did not go far, and they still stood still and watched.

Seeing that Jiang Yun actually took Xue Jingtu, and also walked out safely from Dan Ding, they all had wide eyes.

Although they understand that Xue Qianxi must be under the slapstick, Jiang Yun left, but they still can't believe it.

The Tianxiang and Shura people are suddenly one of the hearts.

They can live regardless of whether Xue Jingtu is dead or not, as long as Jiang Yun is still alive.

When I saw them, Jiang Yun frowned and immediately said again: "Now tell Ye Chunyang that they must move the Tianxiang people to Shuratian in the shortest possible time."

"No matter what method they use, they must be prevented from being discovered by their people."

"In addition, you should not go back to the heavens and the world, leave here together and go to Shura."

"I will also repair Luo Tian!"

Jiang Yun knows, don't look at his own incomparable scenery, killing the seven great generals under the killing, and even the Xue Qianqi who is forced to be a virtual reality is helpless.

But as long as they know what is happening in the Danding world, they will definitely be the first to find the troubles of the Tianxiang people.

Especially Xue Qianxi, I am afraid that I am already sending people.

Therefore, it is necessary to let the Tianxiang people take the time to move their families.

Only escaped to Shurao, even if Xue Qianzhao himself went to Shurao in person, he could not ask for it.


After the Danding world, the Tianxiang and Shura people have more confidence in Jiang Yun.

Therefore, when I heard Jiang Yun’s voice, there was no longer any hesitation, and I immediately turned and left.

Although all the monks around saw the departure of the two families, they also knew why they left.

There are even some slaves of the Nine Majors who want to follow behind them to see where they are going, but think of the six great people who are still cold, especially those who are sweeping through everyone’s eyes. Jiang Yun, these people finally chose to give up.

Nangong Huaiyu and Tong Yucheng watched Jiang Yun, and both of them had excited colors on their faces.

Originally after the appearance of Xue Qianxi's gods, they thought that Jiang Yun was mortal, but I did not expect that Jiang Yun could still walk out alive.

And Jiang Yun, as long as it is, then do not hesitate to disregard everything, open support for Jiang Yun.

With the two people finally leaving, Jiang Yun’s heart is also a long spit!

Now that there is no worries, there is no need to worry about it.

Xue Jingtu, who was always surrounded by Jiang Yun’s neck, suddenly hoarse and voiced: "Jiang Yun, the previous thing, I am wrong, I apologize to you!"

"It's better, let's work together!"

"As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, the grievances between you and me will not only be written off, but other people will come to you for revenge, I will do it for you!"

Xue Jingtu’s words made Jiang Yun’s face show a sneer.

In fact, Jiang Yun believes that at least part of what Xue Jingtu said at the moment is the truth.

Because even his father, personally admitted that Xue Jingtu is not as good as himself.

If you cooperate with Xue Jingtu, then with your own help, Xue Jingtu's chances of vying for the patriarch's position in the future can be much greater.

"Your ethnic group, no matter what you need, I will all be satisfied. This condition is only open to me by the Danyang people."

"After all, although my Danyang people's strength is not the first among the nine majors, the financial strength is unmatched by the other eight majors."

"Even, if your ethnic group wants to be born in the future, even if you want to be a general, I will help you!"

"I think you should also know that the sects want to be a general, they must have at least a few of the lords, or the recommendation of the elders and patriarchs!"

Listening to Xue Jingtu’s words, Jiang Yun said faintly: "You are afraid!"

These three words suddenly made Xue Jingtu's body tremble slightly.

Indeed, he is afraid!

Even the appearance of his father's knowledge makes his life still in the hands of Jiang Yun, how can he not be afraid!

In particular, when the Danding world completely exploded, once his father’s knowledge really dissipated, if Jiang Yun wanted to kill himself, no one could save himself.

Therefore, he will try his best to convince Jiang Yun that Jiang Yun can spare his life.

I don’t need Xue Jingtu’s answer at all. Jiang Yun has already said: “If you tell me this before I am trapped in the Danfeng Chaoyang array, I will seriously consider working with you.”

"But now, it's impossible!"

Jiang Yun hates others to threaten themselves with people they care about, and Xue Jingtu has done this, but not once, but many times.

Such a person, how can Jiang Yun believe that he will really put down all the grudges and cooperate with himself?

Moreover, Xue Jingtu has seen the true face of Bajiang.

Although he hasn't figured out where he has seen Ba Jiang, but once he remembers it, then if he doesn't say it, it is equivalent to holding one of his own handles.

Such a risk, Jiang Yun will not take it.

What's more, even if Xue Jingtuken puts down his own grievances, will his father Xue Qianxi meet?

The tyrannical tycoon, who was threatened by himself, watched his son being taken away by himself.

It won't take long for this thing to spread throughout the Southwest.

Perhaps other ethnic groups do not dare to laugh at Xue Qianxi, but the influence of the Danyang people in this southwestern wilderness will inevitably be greatly reduced.

For his own face, for the sake of the entire ethnic group, Xue Qianxi will certainly not let himself continue to live in this world.

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Xue Jingtu’s pale face suddenly had cold sweat.

Because he can hear it, Jiang Yun really wants to kill himself.


Just as Xue Jingtu still tried to convince Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun suddenly interrupted his words: "Xue Jingtu, you can rest assured, kill you, just a beginning, your Danyang people will accompany you!"

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, a loud bang suddenly came, and everyone’s face was suddenly covered with endless dazzling light.


Dan Dingjie, the world that has been opened up by the Danyang people since the beginning of the war of medicine, has finally completely blown up!

The power of the huge explosion, as well as the fragments of the world after the explosion, like the tide, swarmed in all directions.

Even though everyone has stood far enough, under the threat of such explosive power, they have to continue to succumb backwards with horror.


The destruction of the Danding world has lasted for more than half an hour.

And it was hard to wait until the power of the explosion weakened, and everyone’s eyes rushed to see Danding.

There, there is no Danding world, and there is no figure of Jiang Yun. Only a pile of debris is scattered in the boundary.

At the same time, among the ethnic groups of the Danyang people, Xue Qianxi’s voice with endless anger also sounded: “Jiang Yun, I will kill you and your ethnic group personally!”

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