The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2087: You are angry and angry

The night is so dusty and full of face: "The Taoist deity is about to get out of trouble!"

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Yun was a glimpse, but then it was a loose heart.

I thought it was a big deal, but I didn't expect it to be just this.

The deity of the Tao, who was left alone by the night, did not know how to use it to be trapped in a landless place. He could not move freely. He had been walking alone.

It is obvious that the night of the night is aware that the deity of the Tao is about to get rid of the limitations he had laid down and is about to resume his free movement.

Although for the night, the dust is in the doldrums, and even the Taoist change can be detected, so Jiang Yun is indeed a little surprised, but he really did not put this matter in his heart.

If you change to the previous, and know the news, Jiang Yun will inevitably be anxious, but now it is different.

Jiang Yun now has the power, not to mention the Shura, even with the Tianxiang, you can easily level the road and kill the Tao.

However, Jiang Yun has no way to revolve the domain for the time being.

Moreover, among the Taoist fields, Shanhaijie, as the base of Jiang Yun, did not dare to say that it was a solid soup, but there was a master in the old age, and there was a mysterious strongman sitting in the town.

Master's strength, and Tao Zun are between the middle and the middle, and the strength of the sky is higher than the Tao.

In addition, the mountains and seas gathered together the original avenues of the dynasty and the power of the nine nationalities. Even if the Taoist can once again gather the power of the entire domain, do not want to easily break through the mountains and seas.

Therefore, it is no big deal for the Taoist deity to regain his freedom.

Seeing the disappointing color on Jiang Yun’s face, the night’s lonely dust clearly understood what Jiang Yun thought, and gently shook his head and said: “Although I admit that you are now not the same, it has a weak force. But there are many things that can't be done with power!"

The blame contained in the night's lonely words made Jiang Yun's face slightly red.

Everything that I have experienced and gained in the field of destruction now makes me feel a little bit swaying, even forgetting.

You must know that night, whether it is strength and age, is far greater than yourself, and what you can think of, he can of course think of it.

However, he is still so cautious, and that obviously means that the Taoist deity will regain his freedom, and there must be hidden things that he does not know.

This made Jiang Yun suddenly converge on the face of the disapproval, solemnly ignoring the night to the earth: "The lesson of the predecessors is that the younger generation just had some smugness, and please forgive the predecessors."

In fact, if you really want to talk about Jiang Yun's understanding, the night alone even knows him better than Jiang Yun himself!

After all, he has been in the soul of Jiang Yun, and as he has experienced several cycles of reincarnation, he has seen several different lives.

In his mind, Jiang Yun was not regarded as an outsider at all, but as a descendant of his own, I hope that he can get better and better, more and more strong, do not want him to be arrogant and arrogant.

Jiang Yun’s attitude naturally made him very satisfied, convinced the seriousness of his face, and nodded: “About me, you have always had a lot of questions, and I will tell you all today!”

"There is still the true identity of Tao, I will tell you!"

"I hope that after listening to you, your attitude will be as easy as it is now!"

For the identity of the night, Jiang Yun is indeed very curious, but when he hears the night, he even has to say the true identity of the Tao, which makes Jiang Yun somewhat puzzled.

Isn’t Taoism the honor of the Taoist domain?

Is he still having another identity?

Jiang Yun did not ask again, but his eyes gazed at the night.

Since the night is already open, it will certainly give you a satisfactory answer.

The night is alone, but the eyes are closed. The thin face and the muscles are slightly twitching, apparently recalling the past.

After a long time, he opened his eyes again: "Actually, you have seen the real me!"

Waiting for Jiang Yun to ask, the night alone suddenly reached out to the palm of his hand and moved toward Jiang Yun’s body. He saw an incomplete black stone monument flying from Jiang Yun’s body!

The stone tablet fell directly into the hands of the night, and as he looked at the stone tablet, the expression on his face gradually became smashed, and Jiang Yun, who was always watching him, gradually showed his faint color. .

Jiang Yun said one word: "You are the one above the stone monument!"

This black stone tablet, strictly speaking, when Jiang Yun first got it, it was just a piece of debris, also a black stone.

Moreover, among the vast roads, it is not only Jiang Yun who is the one who gets this black stone, but also many people.

But anyone who owns this black stone has ever had the same dream.

In the dream, they are all placed on a black stone monument standing in the middle of the border, seemingly guarding the stone monument.

The role of stone tablets is to absorb a variety of ideas.

In the very beginning of a long period of time, they are all sitting on the stone tablet with peace of mind, performing their tasks and guarding the stone monument with due diligence.

However, one day, one day, he was furious and broke the stone tablet with one palm. The stone was turned into countless black stones and flew into the borderless seams in all directions.

And then, there is a big hand falling from the sky and grabbing himself...

Originally, through this dream, all those who possess the fragments of stone tablets think that they are the ones in their dreams.

However, when they were sent to prison because of the fragment of the stone, they knew that there were countless people who had the same experience as themselves.

Naturally, I understand that the person who keeps the stone in the dream is not himself.

And this person is the night alone!

Although the night of the dust said this, but Jiang Yun did not have much surprise, because he had already vaguely guessed before.

However, Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask: "Since you are guarding this stone, why are you suddenly wrathful and crush this stone?"

The eyes of the night alone still stared at the stone tablet, and it was silent for a long time before answering: "This stone monument is called Dao Yin."

"It can be seen as a magic weapon, a Taoist device!"

"The role is to absorb a variety of ideas, and then turn the Tao into the power of the road, and then in turn to give back to the domain, to maintain the stability of the domain, to maintain the road."

"Therefore, the domain and the road can be born and will never die."

When Jiang Yunwei was indulged, he understood the meaning of this statement.

The relationship between the Taoist and the Taoist domains is complementary.

This is like Wanchuan returning to the sea, but the sea will divide into countless streams, which in turn will flow back in all directions to nourish the world.

The night alone said: "It is a great glory for any monk to be able to guard the road."

"Because it is equal to the fact that you are maintaining the operation of the entire domain, which is equivalent to becoming the pillar of the domain, equal to guarding the billions of creatures in the domain!"

Jiang Yun nodded, indeed!

However, although it is glory, but for many years, such as the guardian of the road, this life is extremely boring.

Switching to other people, such as yourself, I am afraid that they may not be able to do it, but the night is alone.

From this point, we can see that the night is so bad that the good is the good, and the heart is thinking about the billions of creatures in the domain!

Suddenly, the sound of the night's solitary dust suddenly became cold, and there was more endless hate in the tone: "But if one day, you suddenly find out that you should have backed it to the domain, so that the domain will never be destroyed. The way of the Taoist domain will never be extinct, and the power of these avenues shared by the billions of people in the Taoist domain is actually acquired by others, possessed by others, and fulfilled others."

"Jiang Yun, I ask you, you, angry and not angry?"

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