The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2090: Nothing to do

Evening dust, although as a refining sorcerer, but for the true demon of Tao Zun, it is impossible to kill, even unable to do it.

After all, Tao Zun is the domain.

For the souls of the Tao, Tao Zun is their god!

Night Solitary is just a powerful monk born in the domain, how can he destroy this day!

Therefore, he can only use countless roads to seal the demon seal, sealing the Taoist deity, and limiting his freedom.

As time goes by, the strength of Tao Zun is naturally increasing.

Nowadays, according to the estimation of the night, the Tao should have broken the 90% of the seal.

As for how long it will take in the end, Dao Zun can break the last 10% of the seal, and the night can't give a specific time.

But it should be faster!

Jiang Yun is once again in silence!

Although his mind is extraordinary, his experience is rich, it is clear that once the deity of the deity is out of trouble, the countless creatures in the domain are likely to usher in a disaster, but he does not know how to stop it.

Tao Zun can kill all creatures with impunity, but he, including his own master, can't do this, and he can't kill Dao.

Looking at the silent Jiang Yun, the night alone knows what he is thinking, but he is also powerless.

The night alone sighed and said: "The way I think of it, in fact, you should have already guessed it."

"In order to atone for sin, I try to keep the sorrowful beast and let the blood robes go as far as possible into the body of the sacred beast."

"In order to be able to move the soul into the body of the sacred beast before the Taoist meditation."

"At the same time, I let Allure open the door to death in the extraterritorial battlefield, and constantly find suitable monks from the domain to take it there."

"On the one hand, it is to prevent the monsters in the extraterritorial battlefield from entering the domain;"

"On the other hand, nature also wants to bring more living creatures away from the Taoist domain and away from the Tao."

"Even, I have encountered a long-distance, I also suggested that he pretend to be me, to save them, to tamper with their memories, and to make them a big brother!"

"Because I am really seeing them!"

"In short, what I can do is already done, but all I have done, even if I can save some souls, but it is just a drop in the bucket."

"Now, I hope you can do better!"

Speaking of this, the night alone suddenly fell to the ground against Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun stood there and forgot to hide.

"Right, Dao Zun should have already known that the power of silence and the power of the nine people are different, so in addition to looking for me, he is also looking for your righteous father, looking for the true power of silence! ”

After saying this sentence, the night lonely dust closed his mouth, his body shape, and returned to the soul of Jiang Yun.

Obviously, he really has no way to do it, but he can't bear to see that the creatures in the domain were killed by Dao, so this decided to tell Jiang Yun all the truth.

Because he understands Jiang Yun, although Jiang Yun is very ruthless, killing countless, but the nature is kind.

Jiang Yun can't sit and watch the Taoist kill all the creatures in the Tao.

With the disappearance of the night's solitary dust, only Jiang Yun was left in the secret, standing alone, motionless.

In fact, among the Taoist domains, almost everyone who Jiang Yun really cares about has been concentrated in the mountains and seas.

As long as he rushed back to the domain, the people in the mountains and seas, not to mention moving to the domain, even if they only moved to the battlefield outside the field, it is enough to ensure their safety, escape the wisdom of the Tao.

But as the night is known to him, after knowing the truth of the matter, he can't just save the souls of the mountains and seas, but let other creatures in the Tao domain die.

What's more, there is an irreconcilable hatred between him and Dao.

He does not kill the Tao, and the Tao will certainly kill him.

Therefore, he must find a way to stop the Taoist sacredness and even kill the Taoist without hurting the innocent.

It’s a pity that even if the night is so dusty, even the old people can't do things, Jiang Yun can't think of a good way in a short time.

After sitting for a long time, Jiang Yun sighed: "Either the seal will continue to be sealed, or the creatures in the domain will be removed!"

"At the moment, there is no other way than these two methods!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun stood up and left the secret, and directly found Shura.

The two methods he thought of, with his strength, and even the strength of the returning source can not be done, so he must find the help of Shura, the strongest.

After listening to Jiang Yun’s request, Shura smiled and said: “The Lord, the two things you said, are naturally not a problem.”

"It is not difficult to seal a demon who is returning to the source, or to take away the creatures in one of the districts!"

"But, after the domain has been allowed to open up the domain, it has set a rule and is in a virtual environment, unless it is agreed by the two royal families, otherwise it cannot enter the domain!"

Originally, Jiang Yun heard the first two sentences of Shura, and his eyes lit up, but the latter sentence made the light in his eyes disappear.


Shura said with a smile: "This, you have to ask the two great royals today."

It is certainly impossible for Jiang Yun to ask the two royal families. Only in this way, his two methods will definitely not work.

"Don't say that you are not allowed to enter the Taoist domain, even if it is a device that contains the power of vain, you can't enter the domain, so I can't help the Lord's request!"

Jiang Yun is also a smile, a trivial little thing for the virtual world, but now he has become nothing to do.

"In any case, I have to go back to the domain."

"Even if you can't save all the creatures in the domain, but in any case, I must at least save the souls of the mountains and seas."

"Just, it’s equally impossible for me to return to the domain."

There are only two ways to go from the demise to the domain.

One is to go to the extraterrestrial battlefield, and the other is to go directly through the passage.

But both ways must be approved by the two major royal families!

Jiang Yun knows that the two royal families are looking for themselves. No matter what kind of face they appear in front of the two royal families, I am afraid that they may be seen.

At that time, don't say back to the domain, you will always stay in the hands of the two royal families.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun still asked Shura: "Is there any way for Shura’s predecessors to let me go back to Dao?"

Shura said indulgently: "There is one way, but there is some trouble!"

Jiang Yun immediately said: "What way!"

Shura said one word at a time: "You find a group and make it a family!"

For the domain, the domain is the place to cultivate the fruit.

Regardless of any ethnic group, you will be subject to strict restrictions if you want to enter the domain.

Even those who went to the mountains and seas to chase Jiang Yun's light and dark royal family need to pass the consent of the creation royal family to enter the Taoist domain.

Although some ethnic groups will enter the Taoist domain through the extraterritorial battlefield through the means of seeing the light, such as the Moon Spirit of the Moon Spirit.

However, since Jiang Yun came to destroy the domain last time, because of the deliberate disclosure of the Taoist avatar, a storm broke out in the demise, which enabled the two royal families to strengthen the management of entering the domain, so now these means It doesn't work either.

However, if there are ethnic groups in the catastrophe to become a general, then there will be some rewards from the royal family.

One of the rewards is to allow newcomers to send people into a certain domain to collect the fruit.

Jiang Yun frowned and asked: "I still have to pass the permission of the royal family, and even enter the Taoist domain from the creation of the royal family?"

Shura nodded and said: "Yes, but the ones who greet you in the royal family are some ordinary people. No one will doubt your origin."

"You can let them send you to the designated domain only if you give them some benefits!"

"How can we become a family?"

Shura erected four fingers, one word at a time: "Please, lead, point, worship!"

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