The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2507: New Tao Zun

Life and death, as the most powerful technique in the refining of the demon, although Jiang Yun has learned it very early, but now is his first time, to draw it completely.

Moreover, it is still drawn by the power of the sky!

Even if Jiang Yun does not know, this life and death demon print, in the end has much power.


The death and death of the demon prints were not hindered by the slightest, and they easily fell into the body of the Taoist, letting the Taoist body, which was always in a fierce tremor, suddenly stood still.

At the same time, Jiang Yun was also picking up his eyes, and his eyes flashed a fine light.

Because, with the birth and death of the demon into the body, in the mind of Jiang Yun, there is a vast expanse of darkness.

There are countless spots of light flashing inside, and a life-and-death mark that is completely filled with this darkness and has almost the same size as the dark area!

In the past, Jiang Yun played an incomplete life and death demon seal. Although he could also rely on the knowledge of the gods and the demon prints, he controlled the Yaozu, but in this case, Jiang Yun was the first encounter.

Looking at this darkness, Jiang Yun recognized it at a glance, this is the domain!

"It turns out that the complete life and death demon seal can make the refining sorcerer feel the body of the demon family. Does that mean that I can control the deceased life and death, attack the demon's body, or help each other, thus killing the demon, Or help the devil's different results!"

"Just, the body of Tao Zun is the domain, how can we attack?"

Just when Jiang Yun had some doubts, the sound of the night's lonely dust suddenly sounded in his ear: "Boy, your life and death are really timely!"

As soon as I heard the sound of the night, Jiang Yun hurriedly asked: "Night seniors, how can I help you?"

"Dao Zun is still guarding his soul. I will not be able to break his defense between the moments."

"The flashing spots you see, like the meridians of our human beings, are triggered by the birth and death."

"Attack those light spots, you can control their lives and death!"

"I understand!"

Jiang Yun’s face showed a faint color. He originally thought that those light spots were one by one. It turned out to be the acupoint of Tao Zun, and Jiang Yun would naturally not be polite with him!

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the cold light flashed, and under the guidance of the gods, the life and death demon seals turned into a palm with his gods, covering all the light spots and falling straight away.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s ear also sounded the voice of Dao Zun, full of anger: “Jiang Yun!”

Even in Jiang Yun’s mind, the countless spots in the field are just like living, condensing into a figure of Tao Zun, welcoming the palm of the hand.

At this moment, the Taoist is already in a desperate state.

It is a pity that this life and death demon seal is made up of the power of heaven, and that Dao Zun can compete!


The giant palm of the hand fell on the body of Dao Zun, exuding an unimaginable force, like the destruction of the mortal, directly bombing the body of the Tao, the light spots, all the light All of them are out of the light.

"Jiang Yun, night alone, I don't..."

Dao Zun’s screaming screams again, but only halfway through it, he was interrupted by the sound of the night’s dust: “The soul!”

With the sound of the night's solitary dust, in the darkness of the road, at the farthest end, there is a golden light shining.

Then, the light shone toward the other side of the domain at lightning speed.

And the light is getting more and more, more and more bright, overwhelming, like rolling waves.

Just in the twinkling of an eye, the light turns all this darkness into gold, and looking at it is a golden world.

Under the cover of Jiang Yun's knowledge, the atmosphere of Dao Zun gradually weakened with the spread of the golden light until it finally disappeared completely.

Dao Zun, the demon of the Taoist domain, the respect of the Taoist domain, the hero who has inexhaustible ambitions, has finally disappeared and disappeared!

"Jiang Yun, from now on, I am a demon!"

And at this moment, in the golden world, the sound of the night alone sounded again: "Demon!"

Hearing the sound of the night, Jiang Yun gently closed his eyes, took back the gods, and took back the death and death, and could not bear to see it again.

Although Taoism has disappeared, and his great revenge has been reported, the most important thing is that the Taoist domain is intact, all living beings are still alive, but Jiang Yun’s heart is not the slightest joy.

The night of the night, under the deception of the Tao, in order to count the number of souls in the Tao, to defend the road by one's own strength.

Today, he is still for the countless creatures of the Tao, once again chooses to sacrifice, gives up the identity of human beings and becomes the Yaozu.

Perhaps, becoming a demon, in addition to changes in the form of life, there will be no other disadvantages.

However, Jiang Yunxuan asked himself if he changed his position to the night and changed his position, I am afraid that he could not do it.

But anyway, now, it is the best ending!

Jiang Yun continued to sit there with his knees, waiting quietly for the whole process of nighting the dust.

Although at this time, he can completely check his own seal that has been opened to see his first memory, but he is a little scared.

"Let's wait, wait until the night before the end of the demon, I will go see my memory."

Jiang Yun sat in this way for seven days. After seven days, his ears finally sounded the sound of night dust: "Jiang Yun!"

The sound comes from the seams, from the top of the head, from all directions!

Obviously, Tao Zun was finally replaced by the night of the dust.

Since then, although Tao Zun still exists, it is not the original Taoist, but a new Taoist, night alone!

Then, the night of the lonely dust appeared in front of Jiang Yun, the body was completely solid, with a smile on his face.

Jiang Yun stood up and stood up against the night, holding his fists in his hands, and deeply worshipped: "Night predecessors, I can't represent the monks of the entire domain, but I can represent the repair of my mountains and seas, thank you for your predecessors!"

"Haha!" Night laughter laughed out loud: "Do you still use these between you and me?"

"Jiang Yun, although I have successfully replaced Dao Zun, but I still need some time to adapt to the body of this domain, this body is too big, too unaccustomed!"

Jiang Yun can't help but smile and smile: "Well, the seniors are going!"

"I know, you have to ask me some questions, but let me talk about it after I have fully adapted!"

"In addition, now you can at least bring those who are sent to walk the domain to bring them back!"

"it is good!"

"Right, there is one more thing, this thing, for you!"

The night alone suddenly reached out and handed Jiang Yun a slap-sized light group, letting Jiang Yun reveal the incomprehensible color: "What is this?"

At night, the lonely dust looked at Jiang Yundao: "This is the memory of Taoism, and it is related to you, and some, the heavenly order!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Remember me to read it, but through the heavens, you keep it for the seniors. When the Tongtianmen opens, you and I will go together, just have a companion!"

The night is solitary and dusty: "Alright!"

Among the light group, there is a group of darkness that blends into the palm of the night, and Jiang Yun also took the light group.

"Kid, look slowly, I will come back to you later!"

Not waiting for Jiang Yun to respond, the shape of the night's solitary dust has gradually dissipated and merged into this huge domain!

To Jiang Yun's feeling, the night alone seems to be escaping himself.

Jiang Yun’s gaze turned to the black seams in all directions, but his heart was involuntarily revealed a doubt.

Do you really disappear forever?

"It should be, even though he still has some avatars, but the deity has been completely replaced by the nights, and the avatar will dissipate."

"Dao Zun, really is gone!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes looked at the light group in his hand. I don’t know the Taoist, what is the memory related to myself?

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