The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2546: Separation


The origin of this monstrous, Jiang Yun could not help but **** a cold breath.

The first step in the first domain is the imaginary powerhouse. It is definitely the first tyrant who was born between the heavens and the earth.

Even his time of existence should not be shorter than Ji Kongfan.

Well, it is reasonable to say that when he broke through to the virtual world, he should be killed by the creation of the royal family. How was he caught by Ji Kongfan?

Looking at the shocked Jiang Yun, Hao Tian smiled slightly: "Without being surprised, I dare not say that it is a gift of talent, but I have always thought more than others, so I know more things than others."

"In my opinion, whether it is the world or the world, or the general trend of the world, it is a long-term and must be combined, and the long-term must be divided, practice, and so!"

"Therefore, the way I am pursuing is also like the general trend of everything, called the way of separation."

"I can disperse my own cultivation into each body by practicing the avatar, so that the cultivation of my deity will fall."

"At that time, when Ji Kongfan appeared in front of me and wanted to catch me, I recalled half of it, that is, more than nine thousand avatars."

"I thought I could have a battle with him. I didn't expect to underestimate his strength and still lost in his hands, so I was sent here!"

Speaking of this, Haotian suddenly tilted his body, and the face like a cockroach was almost attached to Jiang Yun’s face: "Boy, if you can take me out of here, then I can divide my points. Hey, teach you!"

"Even, I can also give you more than nine thousand of my remaining avatars, so that you can step into the sky and leap into the virtual world, infinitely close to the legend!"

Jiang Yun has been shocked and can’t say anything completely!

Although Haotian's demeanor and discourse are understatement, it is like saying something very ordinary, but his words reveal several messages that shocked Jiang Yun.

Haotian, as the strongman born in the first domain that was opened up between heaven and earth, he obviously knew that the monks in the Taoist domain could not step into the limits of the virtual world.

In order to conceal his own cultivation, this heavenly day relies on his own way of separation and division, and his own cultivation is continuously assigned to his own avatar, thus making the deity of the deity no longer to take the virtual world. This restricted area.

This point, Jiang Yun is no stranger.

Because the reincarnation of the reincarnation can also be done, only the situation is different.

The reincarnation allows the avatar to carry out the reincarnation of the world, although it can share some of his own cultivation, but from the appearance of the reincarnation to the present, no one can cultivate nearly 20,000 avatars!

And this day is relying on this special way of separation and separation, constantly separating the avatar, hiding his true strength, and has never been perceived by the destroying monks as strong.

Until he was discovered by Ji Kongfan, he had a battle with Ji Kongfan.

The reason why he lost to Ji Yunfan’s hand is not because his real strength is not as good as Ji Kongfan, but because he only recalled more than 9,000 avatars, that is, half of the number.

In other words, if he can recall all the avatars, he is confident that he can compete with Ji Kongfan, and even I am afraid that he can reach the legend!

It's no wonder that even if he was locked up by Ji Kongfan, the sound can still be heard without hindrance, so that everyone can hear it.

In the Han River, most of them should be the strength that has just entered the virtual world, and he is the strength of the peak!

Most importantly, he is a Taoist!

Among the Taoist repairs, he can reach his strength. I am afraid that he will be alone in the past and present!

A well-deserved Taoist first strong!

When Jiang Yun came back from the shock, he did not go to pick up the sky to fulfill his own words, but whispered: "So, Ji Kongfan’s fruit for you is bound to gain! ”

The way of separation, although Jiang Yun does not know what kind of road is specific, but the role of this kind of Tao is very suitable for Ji Kongfan!

Ji Kongfan broke up his own soul and entered the reincarnation, and at most he could have several souls.

However, if Ji Kongfan can master this separation, differentiate into numerous avatars, and refine himself to zero, then it is difficult for anyone to find him.

However, Haotian shrugged his shoulders: "He has taken my way!"

Jiang Yun’s pupil suddenly shrinks!

If Haotian is telling the truth, if Ji Kongfan has mastered this kind of separation, then he does not need to enter the reincarnation.

But then, Jiang Yun shook his head again: "No, Ji Kongfan should have entered the reincarnation."

"But as I have guessed before, he must have left a strong presence like a avatar."

"Perhaps this avatar does not have all the strengths of Ji Kongfan, but at least he has the power to step into the virtual world, or even the legendary nature. He relies on the way of separation, so that the avatars can be divided into thousands."

"On weekdays, all the avatars don't come together. Once he needs to take the shots, they will gather these avatars together and let the power surge instantly."

"When the shot is finished, he will spread the avatar and let them blend into the thousands of creatures, just like hiding the water in the water, no one can find it!"

Just when Jiang Yun thought of this, Hao Tian asked again: "My condition, don't you think about it?"

"If you don't believe my sincerity, I can eat a bit of loss. Now I will send you a pattern so that you can find the rest of the more than 9,000 avatars I have hidden."

"After you have merged them one by one, let me come out again!"

"And the whole process can't be used much."

"Excluding the time on your way back and forth, I count it. If everything goes well, there will be a maximum of three years and five years, and you will be able to reach the realm I just said!"

I have to say that the words of Haotian are really tempting.

More than nine thousand avatars are merged into the sky, so that Jiang Yun can directly break through to the virtual world, even infinitely close to the legendary territory, only three to five years!

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun shook his head with a smile: "The conditions of the predecessors are indeed tempting, but unfortunately, I need to find my own way now, I really dare not accept the other people's way."

After watching the cloud for a long while, Hao Tian suddenly burst into laughter and said: "You obviously don't believe me, but also deliberately find such a grandiose reason."

"It’s so young, it’s not good, it’s not good!”

Jiang Yun knows that Hao Tian misunderstood himself, and did not explain it. He stood up and shook hands at Hao Tian: "Today, I heard the words of the seniors, which benefited the younger generation."

"If there is a chance in the future, the younger generation will come to see the predecessors again, but now, the younger generation still has something to do, so let's leave!"

The smile on the face of Haotian instantly turned into indifference and waved his hand: "Let's go, tell Ji Kongfan, if he has any intrigue, come on his own!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "If you can see him, then I will certainly help the seniors to tell this sentence!"

After that, Jiang Yun turned and strode away.

This time, Hao Tian did not call him again, just watching his back coldly.

Until Jiang Yun’s back disappeared, he frowned and said to himself: “Weird, isn’t he really sent by Ji Kongfan!”

At this moment, the domain has been restored to calm, and all the colorful clouds that have filled the entire boundary have finally begun to dissipate.

While they dissipate, they have an invisible but powerful force that is released from the clouds and diffuses away from the entire domain, covering every world and every soul.

Under the circumstance of this power, those who have fallen into a coma, all face are showing a sense of coziness, it seems that they are doing a sweet dream!

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