The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2564: They are virtual

The meaning of killing is not only similar in name to the wind of silence, but even the way and form of attack are similar, and are also released in an invisible and inferior state.

Even the meaning of killing contained in the gas of killing, like the desperate meaning contained in the wind of silence, can have a great impact on others, and it will be a soldier without fighting!

Jiang Yun didn't know why Duan Yi had an inexplicable hate for himself. He would like to kill himself so urgently, but this killing spirit is not near him, he can already clearly understand that inside. The meaning of killing.

If you switch to other people, I am afraid that this is simply the meaning of killing, it will make it lose the courage and confidence of the shot, can only wait for the meaning of this killing to cover themselves, tearing themselves into nothingness.

But Jiang Yun is different, his life, killing is extremely heavy!

When he has not left the mountains and seas, the number of creatures he has killed has already exceeded 100,000.

Not to mention leaving the mountains and seas, in the field, the extraterritorial battlefield and the extinction domain, he survived and died, facing too many enemies.

The number of creatures he killed was so numerous that he could not know the approximate numbers.

If Jiang Yun had a killing body from the time of his birth, then the volume and length of his killing gas will definitely far exceed that of Duan Yi.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is not afraid of this killing, the reason why he is so dignified is that in this seemingly ordinary and murderous gas, Jiang Yun saw countless shadows.

These are not real shadows, but illusory shadows, just like illusions.

Among these shadows, there are both humanoid and animal-shaped, and even some of the clouds are simply unrecognizable, and the strange shadows of the names cannot be called.

These shadows are all the creatures who died in the hands of Duan Yi.

At the time of their death, they were killed by the murderousness of their bodies.

And this is not an ordinary murderous, but also contains their resentment, their unwillingness.

Although they are already dead, all this is still preserved by this killing spirit, and it has been integrated into it, becoming part of the killing spirit and becoming a tool for killing people!

In short, this killing temperament can be said to be the strongest blow of Duan Yisheng.

As killing people, their purpose against the enemy is very simple, very direct, is to kill the enemy.

Therefore, they will not use any fancy magical techniques, and will not resort to powerful weapons. They all fight against their enemies with their own killing power, and strive to kill the enemy in the shortest time!


In the face of Duan Yi this full blow, Jiang Yun also slowly raised his hand.

In the place of Dantian, the map of the source of the wind of silence is slightly oscillating, emitting the power of silence, and then condensing into the wind of silence, rushing to the fingertips of Jiang Yun and releasing it.

A long, a storm!

The two are very similar, and they belong to the same domain. They also have the power of different moods, and they collide in the air!


In the loud noise, the two seem to meet and merge, and the combination is a general, the madness spreads out, bringing out the rolling waves, which in turn will easily devour Jiang Yun and Duan Yi's body shape.

Under the package that I don't know whether it is the wind of silence or the gas of killing, Jiang Yun can't see Duan Yi, and I don't know the situation of Duan Yi.

He only knew his body circumference, and the illusory shadows he had seen before, all appeared and flocked to himself.

In the next moment, these shadows all turned into the appearance of Duan Yi, and everyone’s eyes were full of murderous murderousness, just as Jiang Yun was their enemy of life and death.

Jiang Yun raised his hand and took a palm to one of them.

The powerful force actually passed directly from this shadow, and did not hurt the shadow.

"What exactly are these shadows?"

Looking at these shadows that are getting closer and closer to each other, Jiang Yun’s face reveals a doubtful color.

Because these shadows are neither illusions, but they are not real.

Otherwise, their own attacks cannot possibly injure them.

It seems that they are a quirky existence between illusion and reality!

"They are virtual!"

Just when Jiang Yun was puzzled, his mind suddenly sounded the voice of the devil!

“Virtual?” Jiang Yun’s eyes narrowed his eyes: “What is virtual?”

The Lord of the Lord said faintly: "Do you know if you have nothing?"

Jiang Yunyi said: "A certain magical method?"

"It's not a magical technique, it's similar to creation. It's based on the power of the avenue, depending on the source, or even the arbitrary power, to create anything you want to create."

Jiang Yun brows slightly wrinkled: "Create life? Is it like the slave in the world of the Tao? Or is it equivalent to the creation of the creation of the royal family?"

The Lord replied: "You can think so, but not just life, but everything."

"For example, flowers, birds and fish, such as mountains and rivers, even the world, a domain, can be created out of nothing!"

"And, to create life, life must have blood, flesh and soul;"

“If you create a river, you have to be a real flowing water.”

"In short, what is created, what is it!"

Listening to the explanation of the devil, Jiang Yun could not help but shake his heart!

Being able to create everything out of nothing, what a powerful cultivation that needs to be done, what a profound realm!

The Lord continued: "But if you want to be out of nothing, you need a higher level of realm. Many monks will not be able to do it for the rest of their lives, or even in the reincarnation of the world."

“They can only create something that is between ‘no’ and ‘have’, but these things can be used for them.”

“These things are close to ‘have’, but they can belong to the category of ‘no’, so for the sake of convenience, simply name them imaginary.”

Jiang Yun suddenly showed a faint color, nodded and said: "This should be the meaning of the realm of the virtual!"

"Not bad!"

Although Jiang Yun has long known that the existence of a virtual environment, not only has fought against the imaginary, but he also has the strength to be in a virtual reality, but it is really unclear what is the virtual world.

Now, under the explanation of the devil, he finally understood.

The so-called tragic environment is that the monks use their own power to create a kind of emptiness between the present and the no!

Naturally, this also means that there are still some gaps between yourself and the real tyrannical powerhouse.

After all, I still can't create this kind of illusion.

Jiang Yun then asked: "What about this, how to deal with it?"

"Virtual, only the same can be dealt with."

When Jiang Yun’s brow wrinkles, does that mean that he has no way to deal with these illusions today?

However, the voice of the Lord’s Lord then rang: “It’s really worthwhile to switch to other people who are in the virtual world.

"Because they don't take any attack at all, but they can attack others in reverse."

"However, for you, you have a unique power to restrain them!"

Jiang Yun said one word: "The power of heaven!"

"Good, the power of the sky, can be destroyed!"

Jiang Yun no longer asks, the Lord is no longer open, Jiang Yun raised his palm again!

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