The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2566: Destroy the field

When he and his team had just handed in, Jiang Yun knew that he was not his opponent.

Although the success of recruiting the power of heaven, destroying the "virtual" that Duan Yi displayed, but one of his own palms was also injured, facing the still sturdy paragraph, Jiang Yun thought of the Qingming dream.

In the dream of Qingming, it seems that it is true!

Most people will think that dreams are equivalent to illusions, and everything that happens within them, including the damage they receive, is illusory and does not affect reality.

Therefore, Jiang Yun seized the psychology of Duan Yi. In the process of his confrontation with Duan Yi, he exerted the power of dreams and brought Duan Yi into the Qingming dream.

If it is only the power of the Jiang people's dreams, Jiang Yun may not be able to bring a paragraph to dream, but his dream power is from the dreams of the people of the Tianzu.

Even if it is Duan Yi, he can't compete. Unconsciously, he enters a dream, and he firmly believes that Jiang Yun in his dream can't hurt him, so he has also been hit hard by the wind of silence!

Although Duan Yi is not willing to resist again, Jiang Yun has also applied the technique of longevity, letting time back, but letting the body of the body that was just ready to rush out in the section of the body, and returning to the body.

And Jiang Yun’s wind of silence has come to him again.

Duan Yi’s face has finally changed!

He has not heard of a clear dream, but by this time, he naturally understands the meaning of a clear dream.

The simple wind of silence, he is not afraid, even if it is a clear dream, he is not afraid, but he never thought that Jiang Yun actually grasped the power of time back.

The wind of silence once again rushed into his body, and the tears of the tears caused him to die.

And this moment is the real beginning of his nightmare!

Because whenever the wind of silence is about to be forced out of the body by him, Jiang Yun will display the technique of longevity, let time go back once, let the wind of silence return to his body!

This is tantamount to letting Duan Yi continue to bear the attack of the wind of silence, and also make his physical injury more and more serious.

After three times back, his body was already scarred, and the internal organs were all ruined.

Although he has not died yet, he has lost the power to fight again.

Even so, the paragraph that is almost impossible to move on the ground, looking at Jiang Yun, not only did not fear in the eyes, but revealed a cold smile: "You can't kill me!"

Duan Yi's words, let Jiang Yun slightly glimpse, but even if he smiled and shook his head and said: "I know, you must come from a certain family, is the genius of the family."

"I killed you, your ethnic group will come to me, kill me at all costs and avenge you."

"But if I don't kill you, can you and your community let me go?"

"The so-called Tianjiao like you, I killed no one, and there are eighty!

In the voice, Jiang Yun has lifted his foot and stepped on the head of Duan Yi.

But at this time, it was suddenly a violent drink that came from far away.


Hearing this sudden sound, not waiting for Jiang Yun to respond, Duan Yi has already said again: "If you just said, just say half right!"

"Although I am indeed the arrogance of our family, I am just like you. For those who have special status and lofty status and think that I dare not kill them, I will never be soft and not afraid! ”

"The reason why I said that you can't kill me is because of my people, they are already here!"

Jiang Yun did not pay attention to the words of Duan Yi, but looked up and looked at the direction of the voice!

The sound comes from the channel adjacent to the domain and the domain.

The original channel was already empty, but at this moment, there was a large number of people appearing again.

That is a thousand monks and martial artists!

The second group of people sent by the five major generals finally rushed to the domain!

Looking at this group of people, Jiang Yun did not have the slightest expression on his face, but his heart sank to the bottom!

He did not expect that the demise of the domain would have sent people into the domain, and the number of people was twice as many as the first time.

Even if you kill Duan Yi, you can still have nine strong players in the domain.

With the power of himself and the three people, he can fight against the five tyrannical powers, but he can barely fight for the battle.

What's more, there are thousands of monks who are also the weakest and also the source of heaven!

It seems that the era of the domain is today to iron the heart to destroy this domain!

"Jiang Yun, we are not opponents, let's go!"

At the same time, the voices of Hao Tian and Han Jiang also sounded in the ears of Jiang Yun.

Their orders for Jiang Yun are always in violation of Yang.

The two people who did not come up with all their efforts to deal with the demise of the monks, have only been entangled with the water and other people, invincible.

At this moment, I saw the reinforcements that suddenly came to the domain, even if it was a scorpion, it was also a taboo in the heart.

Even in his heyday, with a pair of nines, there is almost no chance of winning, let alone him.

Therefore, the only way for them to live now is to give up and continue to protect this domain and quickly leave here.

After all, it’s not too much of a problem to use their strengths, including Jiang Yun, to get out of the body.

Don't talk about them, even Hong Zhenyi also took a breath, and his face showed a tangled color.

He is always paying close attention to this war.

When he saw that Jiang Yun was able to step on his feet, he was greatly relieved.

As long as the strongest segment is easy to die, then with the power of Jiang Yun and Hao Tian, ​​and then killing the remaining four sturdy, the problem is not big.

But now, this sudden arrival of thousands of strong powers, but completely changed the situation.

"This is also too despicable to destroy the domain. Even if you want to destroy this empty domain, you will not send such a big battle!"

"Jiang Yun, I can't do it, just give up!"

"Leave a green hill, no firewood, this domain, you can't keep it."

Hong Zhenyi is just talking to himself, and he does not dare to tell Jiang Yun these words.

Because he knows that Jiang Yun’s character should not give up.

Therefore, he is beginning to consider whether he wants to help Jiang Yun to solve some of the destroyers.

After the sounds of Haotian and Hanjiang fell, among the thousands of monks who had just ceased to speak, the people who had just opened up were once again vocal: "The repair of the Taoist domain, let go of the paragraph, we spare you not to die!"

The thousands of monks who did not think about it, they did not really enter the domain, they saw this scene that made them extremely shocked.

Duan Yi, the sturdy and powerful of the killing squad, would have been trampled by a young monk in the domain!

However, no matter what happened, the sturdy and powerful person who killed the genius, of course, could not let Duan Yi die in the hands of Jiang Yun, so this rushed to open.

Of course, the reason why he will open this condition is also because the old man of the creation royal family deliberately passed him and wanted to catch the living Jiang Yun.

Although Duan Yi was still stepped on by Jiang Yun, his face was with a smug smile: "Do you want to hear the words of my people? We kill and talk about the family."

"You killed me, all three of you and this domain will perish, but let me go, at least you can live, and even in the future, you can still find us to avenge!"

"This sale, I think as long as you are not too stupid to change, you should not refuse it!"

Jiang Yun’s face has returned to calm, staring at the group of thousands of monks who have stepped into the dojo, and the faint open-minded killer of the family’s martyrdom: “If I let him go, you will Have you let go of this domain?"

The strong sneer said: "Of course not, today, no one can save this domain, can't stop us!"

Jiang Yun nodded. "That's embarrassing. You bought this sale, I refuse!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s feet slammed hard, and stepped toward the head of Duan Yi.

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