The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1110: Real monk

"what is that?"

Seeing the top of Jiang Yun’s head, the sudden appearance of a group of golden thunders, most of them were stunned and asked the same question.


In the eyes of Han’s elders, there was a sudden burst of light that was not weaker than the Thunder: “And it’s the body of the Thunder!”

"You kid, I have hidden so many secrets, hey, it looks like there are definitely other secrets!"

Although it is a blaming word, but in the tone of the elders of the South, there is no blame, but a kind of surprise.

Naturally, there are other people who have recognized the Thunder.

However, the reaction of the people did not become more intense, but instead calmed down.

No way, the shock that Jiang Yun brought to them was too much, and it was so much that they had already felt the wood.

Although this body is extremely rare, since it happened to Jiang Yun, since it was cultivated by Jiang Yun -----

That, very normal!

What is so strange?

However, they understand why Jiang Yun is confident that he can try to resist this robbing.

Seeing the red Thunder is about to smash Zhongtian Jingdan's moment, the Thunder's body suddenly swayed, and suddenly passed the Tianjing Dan, directly greeted the red Thunder.


The red Thunder's cockroach was on the body of the body, and it flowed into his body unimpeded.

And the body of Jiang Yun’s deity is also a heavy tremor!

The golden and red Thunder, in the body of the Thunder, staged a very clear battle of Thunder!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun did not give a chance to breathe. In the dark clouds, two red thunders were directly and continuously dropped.

These two thunders, the volume of light, are much larger than the Thunder of Xiao Zhengdan.

It looks like two violent brontosaurus, clawing and clawing, to shred everything.

If you are hit by these two thunders at the same time, if everyone wants to come, even if they can not die, I am afraid to drop the layer.

However, in the eyes of Jiang Yun, there is no fear, but the color of perseverance is more intense.

Although the Thunder had not had time to completely digest the first Thunder, he allowed the body to continue to bear the two Thunder Dragons.


The impact of the Thunder and the Thunder, like the sky above the medicine god, opened up a pure thunder battlefield.

In the eyes of most people, only a few red and gold thunders can be seen, filling the entire sky.

I can't know at all. At this moment, what kind of color thunder is the upper hand.

Although the red Thunder is pouring into the body of the Tao, but Jiang Yun as the deity, he also feels the same.

The power of the horror of three consecutive Thunders, his powerful body has been injured, and there is a trace of blood in the mouth.

However, his eyes are brighter and brighter.

Because he can clearly feel that the strength of Thunder's body is growing rapidly.

If there are more Thunders, then the Thunder will be formed!

"Come back!"

Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly whispered, and stood up, no longer sitting under the road, but one took out and took the Tianjing Dan.

Then, immediately, and the body of the road, merge into one.

Under the flutter of the black hair, Jiang Yun’s body was surrounded by a golden red thunder.

In the eyes of the face, it is no longer the usual calm, but a little more crazy, more attachment, more fearless!

So that also makes him look like a thunder at the moment, proudly standing between the heavens and the earth, confronting the Thunder, and confronting the Dan.

Even, against this day, confrontation!

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s figure is deeply imprinted at the moment, in the eyes of all who see it!

So that they let Jiang also feel the madness of Jiang Yun, feel the persistence of Jiang Yun, feel the fearlessness of Jiang Yun!

In everyone’s mind, almost one thought came out at the same time -----

This is the real monk, the monk who goes against the sky!


Jiang Yun’s crazy move seems to anger God.

This time in the thick Yunshan, there were three thunders in a row, and all of them were scattered on Jiang Yun’s body.

The whole body trembled, and the footsteps continued to linger. In the middle of the seven, the blood could not stop flowing, but the madness and persistent color on Jiang Yun’s face was more and more intense.

This madness and perseverance, so that always keep a close eye on his Han elders, his face can not help but reveal a hint of admiration.

However, he is more worried about the safety of Jiang Yun. Now there are six thunders falling, but looking at the Yunshan, there is no sign of disappointment.

This shows that the Dan robbery is not over yet.

Han Elder couldn't help but glance at the Tianjing Dan who was held in the hands of Jiang Yun.

In fact, as long as Jiang Yun dismisses Tian Jing Dan, the Thunder will not sneak at him any more, and the elder Han will also protect this Tian Jing Dan with his own strong cultivation.

However, Jiang Yun has always refused to let go, and this has also made Han elders suddenly reveal the sorrowful color: "He, it will not absorb the Thunder of the Dan, thus enhancing the power of his body!"

After thinking about this, Han’s body couldn’t help but tremble gently.

In his life, he has seen many crazy people.

For a Danfang, for a remedy, for a magic weapon, you can even not even have a life.

However, the madness of these people cannot be compared with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s madness is not directed at others, not for foreign objects, but for himself!

However, even people who are so embarrassed to themselves, once he turns this crazy, turn to others...

Han’s elder suddenly glanced at the lord of the medicine Shenzong and glanced at Yang Shizhong.

Apart from the elders of Han, some people actually saw it. Jiang Yun seems to be absorbing the Thunder, but even if they see it, they can’t believe it.

Such a terrible catastrophe is coming, and I don’t want to find a way to avoid it. I still have to rely on the power of Dan’s robbery to strengthen my body. Is this still human?

Just when everyone guessed, there were three red thunders in the Yunshan Mountain at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Han’s elders nodded lightly: “It’s really the thunder of the nine Lei Dan, the ultimate in the robbery!”

"This kid, the refining of this Tianjing Dan, I am afraid that even in the entire mountain and sea, all the second-class Dan of all ages can be ranked first!"

Compared with the elders of Han, others have already straightened their eyes!

A second product Dan, actually led to the most extreme Dan!

Xiao Zheng’s hands have long been quietly clenched in unknowingly.

For Jiang Yun’s achievements in the medicinal tract, he not only did not have the slightest embarrassment, but he was really happy.

Guan Yiming’s face is rare and pale.

Because he finally understood the meaning of the sentence that Jiang Yun had told him before.


This time, the genius of this medicine, the five-products of the five-product refining pharmacists, may have to bottom out.

Even if his own broken magic Dan, stronger than Xiao Zheng's life-changing Dan, but still lost.

Bigby, there can only be one winner!

There is no doubt that this winner is Jiang Yun!

The devil of the heavenly order, even if it is five, but how can it compare with the Tianjing Dan who attracted the nine Lei Dan.

"Is the medicine that I am pursuing, is it really wrong?"

In the murmur of Guan Yiming, the last three thunders finally fell on Jiang Yun’s body.

Until then, Han’s elders finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he can feel that Jiang Yun is now seriously injured, but can not die!

Especially in the medicine gods, even if Jiang Yun wants to die, he must first ask many pharmacists here and disagree.

"Okay, finally knot..."

However, when Han’s old saying goes halfway, suddenly he suddenly looks up and looks at the sky again!

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