The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3091: a story

If you say that Jiang Yun was not moved by what he said before, then at this moment, the words of the ancient thoughts made Jiang Yun’s heart finally shaken slightly.

My own relatives, following my father's side, did not want to obey his father's orders, but another purpose!

If this is true, then it is chilling to think about it!

However, after listening to silence for a while, Jiang Yun’s heart has returned to calm, and even a sardonic smile appeared on his face: “Are you arrogant?”

"Maybe, you didn't lie to me, I am following my father, there are other purposes."

"But anyway, since he is my mother's younger brother, then even if he is really distracted, it will at least not harm me Jiang's pulse!"

Although Jiang Yun is not known for his name, the past experience of his life is uninformed, but since Jiang Yun has encountered no name in this world, the other party has always protected himself.

In particular, there are many times when Jiang Yun can clearly feel that the name of the Tao is not the same as his grandfather.

This shows that in the nameless mind, I really love my nephew.

On this alone, Jiang Yun is impossible, and it should not be suspected of being nameless.

Therefore, he is almost certain that this is just a departure from the ancient thoughts. He wants to make a difference between himself and the nameless, and no longer trusts the nameless.


The ancient thoughts sounded with a snoring voice: "Jiang Yun, I don't know what happened in the past, for your Jiang's pulse, how much you know about our ancient thoughts!"

"But I can tell you the truth, our ancient thoughts are from ancient times."

"Ancient, that is, the ancient ancestors, ancient beasts, ancient demon and other ancestors of the origin of all things."

"Ancient, is the real first generation of monks."

"It is because of their existence and embarked on the path of practice that there will be the emergence of monks from your generation in the future."

Jiang Yun silently listened to the words of the ancient thoughts, and did not fight.

Because the other party said about the ancient things, and Feng Ping told himself basically the same.

Therefore, he also wants to take this opportunity to learn more about the ancients. By the way, he also wants to see how this ancient thought is prepared to continue to provoke the relationship between himself and the nameless.

"Through what I told you, you should be able to imagine how ancient it is."

"And our ancient thoughts are from ancient times. They are a kind of gods born from ancient times. Our life forms are a bit like the monks' knowledge."

"Although we are only gods, we remember all the ancient ways of doing things. Just give us time, we can make new ones."

"The ancient thoughts, I dare not say that it is not born, not eternal life, but we are also very strong."

"At least, no one can really hurt us before your father Jiang Qiuyang appears!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that your father, Jiang Qiuyang, was really strong enough to have no reason!"

Hearing here, Jiang Yun’s heart could not help but be a big jump.

This ancient thought says so much, it is said how strong the ancients are, and how strong the ancient thoughts are, but the real purpose is to tell yourself how powerful your father is.

Strong enough to have no reason, such an exaggerated evaluation, even from the mouth of his father's enemy, which makes him can not help but also has the honor and great pride.

The voice of the ancient thought continued: "But, such a powerful Jiang Qiuyang, was forced to send his son away from the heavens, sent to a lower domain, and stealing, you, don't you feel strange?"

Jiang Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly: “What do you want to say?”

The ancient thoughts smiled coldly: "We have discussed that people who can defeat your father, except time, only have a lifeline!"

"Only a sealed seal can seal your father's cultivation, and it is possible to defeat him, so that he can not protect his son!"

"And, if you want to seal your father's cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to directly shoot."

"The best way is to have a proficient seal, who can always be by his side, who will not cause his suspicion, a little bit, quietly leaving a seal in his body."

"In this way, the accumulation of less and more, the accumulation of sand into the tower, and finally let the seal form, so that the seal does not say completely seal your father's monk, but as long as you seal half of your father's cultivation, you can defeat your father!"

"This kind of candidate, I think you should know, who is the best?"


Jiang Yun’s brain suddenly burst into a mess.

Naturally, he already understood that the ancient thoughts had to tell himself that his father was defeated because someone secretly sealed his cultivation.

Jiang Yun is a refining pharmacist. He once heard a grandfather tell a story.

There is a strong person, a hundred poisons do not invade, but also extremely sensitive to poison, but in the end it is dead under poison.

Jiang Yun was very curious at the time and asked about the reasons.

Grandpa told him that because of his enemies, he spent a great price to buy the wife of the strong man, and then the wife, almost every day, gave the strong person a little poison.

The amount of these poisons is extremely small, so small that the strong can't be detected at all, but this poison will slowly penetrate into all parts of his body as the strong man improves.

When the strong finally realized that the body was poisonous, it was already unable to return to the sky, and eventually died under the poison.

The situation in this story is similar to what the ancient saying said about his father!

Because the strength of the father is too strong, no one can directly seal his repairs at one time, only like poisoning, and put some seals on him every day until the seal is finally formed.

And this person must be a person who is extremely trusted by his father and who is proficient in seals!

According to the situation known to Jiang Yun, only two people are most suitable.

Your mother and the seal are lifeless!

Let Jiang Yun go to doubt his mother, Jiang Yun is impossible to do, so the suspicion of the death is the biggest!

After a long silence, Jiang Yun took a deep breath and sat down again and again. The face was regained calmly: "These are your guesses, there is no evidence at all!"

"I am still saying that you don't want to provoke the relationship between me and the nameless, I don't believe it!"

"Not to mention, don't forget, my mother is also the one who has a lifeline."

"If it is as you said, it is the seal of my life that secretly sealed my father's cultivation, then how could my mother not notice, how can I not help my father unlock the seal?"

"Next, I don't think you will tell me, my mother and I are conspiring to frame my father!"

Jiang Yun, after all, still does not want to doubt, it is the nameless secret seal of his father's cultivation.


The ancient thoughts gave a helpless sigh: "You are really stubborn. I don't have the specific evidence, but your mother married your father, but a lot of things happened."

"That way, since you don't believe me, then I am not in a hurry. You can wait until the life comes back. Ask him, your parents' things in the past, I can guarantee that he will never tell you!"

"When I wait until that time, I will come to you again!"

With the words finished, the voice of the ancient thoughts no longer sounded.

After Jiang Yun was indulged for a long time, he suddenly looked at Feng Pingdao: "Can you temporarily hold this ancient family for me?"

After sealing down, "There should be no problem!"

"Well, I have something to do, go back and go!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly took off the ancient guns behind him, and pierced the underground road: "The ancients of the town, don't follow!"

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