The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3093: With the tiger

In Fuyi’s thoughts, this condition that I proposed can definitely impress Jiang Yun.

However, as his voice fell, Jiang Yun didn't even lift his eyelids, just continued: "Seven interest!"

For others, it is really difficult to enter the heavens through the domain door, but for Jiang Yun, even if he does not pass the domain door, he has a way to enter the heavens!

Therefore, the conditions for the promotion of Fu Yi are really not attractive to him.

What's more, since the ancient thoughts have been wounded by Jiang Yun's father, and Gu's has a relationship with the ancient thoughts, the relationship between the ancient thoughts and Jiang Yun is completely the enemy's relationship. How can Jiang Yun and Fu Yi go? Cooperation!

Fuyi’s eyes turned and then said: “I can not only ensure that you enter the heavens, but also help you take care of some of your friends and let them enter the same days!”

From this point, it is not difficult to see that Fu Yi still has some understanding of Jiang Yun, knowing that Jiang Yun is very important.

Jiang Yun himself has the confidence to enter the world of the days, but the same does not mean his friends, so Fu Yi hit the idea of ​​Jiang Yun's friend.

Unfortunately, the response he received was only two words highlighted in Jiang Yunkou: "Six interest!"

Although Jiang Yun is empathetic and extremely short-term, but like his master is to him, he will guard the people he cares about, and will help at all costs when his friends are in trouble, but will never support himself all the way. Friends go on.

Weak meat and strong food is the norm for any region. Anyone who wants to be bullied, wants to get everything they want, can never rely on others, and can only rely on themselves.

Only when they become strong enough can they survive better.

If Fuyi really helps Jiang Yun’s friends to enter the days of the world, he is not helping them, but harming them!

Next, Fuyi constantly proposed one condition after another, but Jiang Yun was always unmoved.

Looking at the time given by Jiang Yun, only the last moment, Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes and said: "Can you save Ji Ji forget, save those who have practiced the ancient method?"

Fuyi shook his head very simply: "No!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed in the cold: "Then you have the last sentence!"

Fu Yi bite his teeth: "Jiang Yun, do you know that the reason why our ancient thoughts will appear in the collections of the gods, the reason why there will be the rise of the ancients, is entirely because of your father Jiang Qiuyang."

"It's him, let us out of the place we used to live!"

This last sentence of Fuyi finally has an effect!

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, a beam of light suddenly appeared, and the eyes looked deeply at Fuyi. The mouth spit out three words: "Four, the environment, Tibet!"

When I heard these three words, Fu Yi’s face changed suddenly: “You, you know the four treasures!”

Jiang Yun closed his eyes again and condensed the light in his eyes. At the same time, he also needed to calm his feelings.

Not long ago, Jiang Yuncai knew from the nameless name that Guantian Temple was a treasure brought by his father into the four realms!

What is the location of the four provinces, and there is something inside, Jiang Yun did not know, only know that it is extremely dangerous.

Even if it is in the mouth of Fu Yi, the father who is strong enough to have no reason, entering it is also a life of nine deaths!

Jiang Yun firmly remembered the place name, and as long as he did not die, then one day, he would also enter the four places to find the father and mother who might be in it.

Therefore, when Fu Yiyi said the sentence just now, he suddenly thought of it. After his father entered the four borders, he not only brought out the Tiantian Palace, but also brought out the ancient thoughts!

Just as Shura entered the domain door, he brought the ancient thoughts into this world.

However, Shura is always ignorant, but the father should know the existence of the ancient thoughts, and personally shot, ready to kill the ancient thoughts.

It is a pity that the father did not completely destroy the ancient thoughts, but let them escape into the domain door.

The voice of Fuyi rang again: "I don't know how much you know about the four borders."

"But you said it is good. We originally existed in the four realms. It was because of your father's intrusion and a little unpleasantness between us and us that we left the four places and entered the heavens. Set domain!"

"Afterwards, we found Gu Shi, because that little bit of unhappiness, so we help Gu Shi rise and contend with your father..."

Speaking of this, Fu Yi’s face suddenly changed: “There is no life, Jiang Yun, tell me if I am willing to cooperate with me!”

Jiang Yun looked deeply at Fu Yidao: "When the domain door opens, you come to me!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Fu Yi’s face showed a smile: “Trust me, cooperate with me, you will not suffer.”

"In addition, don't tell the story of my life, otherwise I don't guarantee that I can still live and enter the domain!"

When the voice fell, Fuyi stood up and stepped out and disappeared from the place.

And this speed alone is definitely not something that a monk can have.

Jiang Yun’s eyes still looked at the position where Fu Yi was sitting, and said to himself: “Father, I think you should not blame me for cooperation with the ancient thoughts!”

Originally, according to Jiang Yun’s thoughts, no matter how tempting conditions Fuyi gave to himself, he could not cooperate with him.

However, Jiang Yun never imagined that the ancient thoughts would come from the four borders!

The four borders are places that you must enter. You must find the parents who may be inside, but the environment there is extremely dangerous.

Even though Jiang Yun is more confident, he also knows that his strength is far worse than his father’s, and even his father is a nine-dead life, and that he enters it, and he is dead.

But if you have a supporter who used to live there, then the danger is much smaller.

You don't have to wait until the strength goes beyond your father. You can enter the four places in advance to find your parents.

Although Jiang Yun is equally clear, he promised to cooperate with Fuyi. In fact, it is like trying to hide with the tiger. In the outside world, he has not fully grasped the Fuyi, and once he entered the four-level possession, Fuyi has a way to kill himself.

There is no way, Jiang Yun has known since the name of the road that the parents may enter the four relics, they can not immediately enter and find their parents.

This is what you have to do as a son of man!

"Jiang Yun!"

At this moment, the nameless voice sounded in the ears of Jiang Yun, and his figure appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

After the nameless name appeared, it was first swept around for a circle, and then I looked at Jiang Yundao with a puzzled look: "What are you doing here alone?"

Looking at the nameless, Jiang Yun tried hard to ignore the suspicion of the suspicion planted in his heart, but still could not avoid the feeling of distrust.

However, Jiang Yun naturally does not show his feelings, smiled and said: "I am waiting for someone!"

"Who are you waiting for?"

"Causal old man!"

This is an excuse that Jiang Yun had already thought of when he left the ancient ethnic land.

Moreover, he can also affirm that the nameless will ask the town ancient guns, so only mentioning the cause and effect of the old man to see himself, the nameless name will not doubt his sudden departure from the ancients.

The road namelessly said: "Is the old man with cause and effect contacted you?"

"Well!" Jiang Yun nodded. "After you went to chase the ancient Evergreen, I heard the voice of the old man of cause and effect. He asked me to come here to see him."

"The result, I am coming, but he never came!"

The namelessness also wrinkled his brow and meditated for a moment: "The cause and effect of the elderly, this can not be inferred from common sense."

"Yeah!" Jiang Yun nodded. "Where is the predecessor, ancient Changqing?"

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