The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3120: Leave a door


Jiang Yun suddenly turned around and looked at the direction of the sound. The eyes were already showing no murder.

The power of the heavens is not only the biggest rely on Jiang Yun, but also a secret that belongs to Jiang Yun himself.

If it is not impossible to pass the road, Jiang Yun does not want anyone to know.

But now, there are actually outsiders appearing here.

Although Jiang Yun has merged with the avatar, Jiang Yun does not know whether the other party has seen his own avatar.

If it is, it means that the other party knows his secret, so the first thought that emerges in Jiang Yun’s mind is killing people!

Especially when he saw the people who appeared in front of him, the killing in the eyes became stronger and colder: "Are you following me?"

Appeared, it is the ancient spirit Fuyi!

Fuyi is still the appearance of the ancient ethnic group. Under Jiang Yun’s murderous gaze, he shrugged his shoulders and said: "I am not following you. Since you can know this, I can naturally know it!"

While talking, Fu Yi reached out and saw a force of heaven and flew into his hands.

In fact, Fu Yi said that it is not wrong, here is the origin of the power of the heavens in this lower domain.

Although there are not many people who know, but as an ancient thought, it is not a rare thing to know.

However, the time when Fuyi appeared was really too coincidental.

It doesn't appear early, it doesn't appear late, but it will happen when you just integrate the power of heaven.

Although looking at Fu Yi's appearance, it seems that he did not find his own power of the sky, but Jiang Yun still dare not take it lightly, continue to squint and ask: "What are you doing here!"

Fu Yi smiled slightly: "Jiang Yun, although you and I have promised cooperation, but just as you don't trust me, I also don't trust you!"

"You asked me to wait until the domain door opened, but if I went to the domain door and found that there was no life waiting for me, then I was not pitted by you!"

"So, I can only come here!"

Jiang Yun frowned, still did not understand the meaning of Fu Yi dialect: "I let you wait until the domain door opens to come to me, is to enter the domain door with me."

"You don't go to the domain door, come here, can you still enter the domain with me?"

Fu Yi smiled and nodded: "This secret, I did not want to tell you, but since you have come here, but also to show my sincerity, I will tell you."

Fu Yi suddenly spoke to Jiang Yundao: "Here, you can reach the domain door!"


Jiang Yun’s pupil suddenly shrank, turning his head and glanced at the power of those days around him: “Can you get inside the domain door?”

Fuyi’s heavy head: “Of course, if you change to other people, even if you are dead, even if you know, you can’t enter the domain door from here. Only the ancient thoughts can be done!”

Jiang Yun asked inexplicably: "How do you do it?"

Fu Yi smiled and said: "I said the ancient thoughts, not my ancient spirits, but the ancient thoughts still in the domain door!"

"Ancient, there are ancient devils, ancient beasts, ancient demons, etc., and each ancient, the ability is also different, in our ancient thoughts, someone can open this channel connecting the two domains."

Jiang Yun finally understood.

Their father, after defeating the ancient thoughts, fled into the domain door.

Only when Shura entered the domain door, Guling Fuyi, and another ancient thought attached to Shura, entered the lower domain with him.

The remaining ancient thoughts still exist in the domain door, and there is an ancient thought, which can open a passage connecting the lower domain from the domain door.

The entrance to this passage is obviously at the origin of the power of the day!

"The blind can teach, you finally understand!"

Fu Yi nodded with a smile: "Our ancient thoughts, no matter how far apart, no matter where they are, they can always sense each other."

"Original, I wanted to introduce other ancient thoughts into this subfield, but the environment here is really bad. We are not used to life, so even if it is."

Fu Yi’s remarks made Jiang Yun’s attention to the ancient thoughts one more layer.

The ancient thoughts can actually enter the domain door directly from the lower domain!

You must know that the domain gates are controlled by the nine great Tianzun and the patrolling angels, but the ancient thoughts can come and go freely, which proves that their power is far beyond their own imagination.

However, immediately after, Jiang Yun thought of another question, slightly squinting: "Since you can go back at any time, why don't you go back to the domain door?"

"Hey, we don't have the magical powers you imagined. It's like your transmission array. It must be two-way. There must be a transmission array, and one must receive the array."

Jiang Yun naturally understood.

Only one ancient thought is already in a certain place, and the rest of the ancient thoughts can be based on the position of the other party.

Jiang Yun smiled coldly and said: "Then why don't you go back earlier, don't tell me, you have feelings for this lower domain!"

Fu Yi shrugged his shoulders: "Entering this lower field is because I have to confirm one thing. As for what, you don't have to ask, I won't tell you!"

"I can only say that when you met your descendant of Jiang, and you are willing to cooperate with me, this matter is not important. It does not matter whether it is confirmed or not, so I can finally leave here."


Just as the voice of Fuyi fell, Jiang Yun’s ear clearly heard a tremor.

Although the sound is not large, it makes the power of all the heavens here dance wildly and blasts one after another, turning into an invisible force, pouring into the center of the sound of the vibration.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun suddenly became more aware. Even though the ancient thoughts can open such a passage, it also needs the help of the power of heaven.

Therefore, Fuyi will choose to go back to the domain door at the origin of this day's power.

This also shows that he came here and met himself. It was really a coincidence. Even he should have not found his own power.

In just a few moments, I saw a black hole in a void.

Fu Yi reached out and pointed to the mouth: "The strength of our ancient thoughts is not bad. From here, you can enter the domain door."

"How, if you want to go with me, let's enter the domain door from here?"

Although Jiang Yun believes that this hole can indeed lead to the domain door, it is of course impossible to take risks with Fuyi.

However, Jiang Yun’s heart is a movement: “Is it necessary to enter from here?”

"Of course not needed!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed: “Now, I still have something to deal with. You can keep this entrance for a while.”

"At the time, I want to send a few friends and enter the domain door from this entrance."

Fu Yi brows a wrinkle, after a moment of indulging, nodded and said: "No problem, anyway, this is also connected within the domain door, even if you send a seal without a life, it does not matter!"

"However, this entrance can only be kept until the domain door is closed!"

Jiang Yun promised one channel: "Good!"

"In this case, then I will leave, let's see you inside the domain!"

Fu Yi waved his hand at Jiang Yun, and his body shape shook, and he had already disappeared into the hole, and his body shape disappeared.

Jiang Yun waited for a full day in the same place, determined that Fuyi should have gone far, and this hole will not be closed in a short time, Tianli's avatar, stepping out of his body.

"The avatar, you can enter the domain door from here, and then I circle inside the domain door!"

This is a door that Jiang Yun specially left for his own avatar!

Looking at the avatar and sitting down again, continue to absorb the power of the sky, Jiang Yun smiled slightly, turned and left, and once again came to the domain door!

However, Jiang Yun’s figure just appeared, and a group of people suddenly rushed up.

Headed by Tang Yi and Lu Yourong, their faces are all with anxious color: "Ginger brother, not good!"

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