The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3136: One heaven

Appeared, nature is still a patrol.

However, the level of the patrol that came this time is one level higher than the previous one!

The level of the patrol is divided according to the color of the clothes.

Black is the lowest and white is slightly higher.

After the appearance of the patrolling scorpion, his eyes swept around, and he did not look at the monks around him. Instead, he took a direct step and suddenly disappeared from the eyes of everyone.

Looking at the patrol in front of him, the causal old man sighed helplessly: "I really took your journey!"

"I said that after the domain door is closed, I will give you an explanation. You will let the domain door open in advance and close in one year!"

"Is it true that today's Tianji Jiyu is really a one-of-a-kind family?"

In the face of the elderly and causal people who are very unfriendly, the patrolman is not dissatisfied with the slightest dissatisfaction. Instead, he is praying to the old man of cause and effect: "Going to listen to the teachings of the predecessors is the task that our ambassador gave me."

"The younger generation only knows how to perform the task, and the rest of the things are not known!"

The squadron pushed all the responsibilities to the patrolling angels, and also allowed the causal old man to find the reason for the attack even if he wanted to attack.

The causal old man shook his head helplessly, and his heart secretly said: "The ancient is not old, Jiang Yun, I have served you both men and women. If you run into it, I will definitely be unlucky!"

The old cause and effect of the old man in this subfield, the days of the field is almost unknown.

However, the ancient people who were old and old were the ones who exposed the cause and effect.

At the beginning, in order to save the scorpio discovered by the patrolling scorpion, Jiang Yun deliberately went to fight against the patrol, and involved more causality, so that the old man who caused the cause and effect had to be voiced to the patrol.

The causal old man told the other party that because the domain door was about to open, he called the Scorpio and helped solve some of the causes and consequences of this subfield.

Originally, when the old man of cause and effect wanted to come, he said that the other party would definitely not pursue it.

Unexpectedly, the patrolling scorpion refused to stop, but continued to ask the cause and effect of the old man to violate the rules, so that the scorpio secretly came to the next domain.

Don't look at the status of the causal old man, but because he is the most causal, so since the other person asks, he must also have an explanation.

But at that time, he could not find a suitable reason. He could only perfuse the other party. If the other party can open the net and let go of the Scorpio, then when the domain door is closed, he will naturally give an account of the survey.

Even the cause and effect of the old man did not think that after the patrolman got his own reply, he even made his own claim and opened the domain door in advance.

And now, with the closure of the domain door, the patrolling angel sent a more senior patrolman to find out for himself.

Although the boss is not happy, but the causal old man still said after a moment of indulgence: "Then you go back and tell your family messenger, just say that after I have finished the cause and effect of this subfield, he can send people here."

"Maybe, he will have an unexpected harvest!"

Hearing the answer from the old man of cause and effect, the singer’s eyes flashed a ray of light, and he deeply prayed to the old man of cause and effect: “The younger generation will surely sue the words of the predecessors and truthfully sue the ambassador!”

After straightening up, the Skywalker turned and walked away.

The causal old man also looked up and looked at the dark lacquer on the top, and licked his face: "Oh, this power of cause and effect is also very annoying!"

"If you say it, you can't go against it, or you will mess up the cause and effect."

"Just, I can end up with the cause and effect of others, when can I end up with my own cause and effect?"


In this way, all the lower-field monks are on the top of the ancient road, trying their best to cross the world of the world, and rushing to a place where the heavens are.

Time is another year, and the middle-aged woman naturally receives the jade slips from the three disciples.

At first glance, her eyes were first dark, but then it was bright again!

Because, among the jade slips that my own disciples and two disciples have sent back, the names above have changed from the last nine to three and four!

That is to say, during the time of the year, eleven of the original eighteen people have died on the ancient road.

The reason for her eyes to shine is because the smallest disciple passed back on the jade slip, nine names, no one is rare, still the nine people who were the original!

The beautiful woman said to herself: "Nine people, one year's time, even if they go slower, they must go through at least one or two worlds. No one is killed. Is this their luck or strength? ?"

"Await another year, you will know!"

However, after a moment of silence, the beautiful woman once again said: "Come, prepare, go, one heaven!"

Although there is still one year away from the opening of a scorpio, the beautiful woman is a monk of the heavens, but she is able to enter it in advance.

And like the situation of middle-aged women, there are also several other places in the collections of the days.

Because the domain door is open, it is not only a chance for the lower-field monks to go to the sky. For some small forces in the days, it is also an opportunity to recruit talents.

Although there are not many people who can really enter their eyes for such a large force like the nine great gods, on average, once a domain door is opened, there is no one who can be seen by them.

But for those small forces, their vision and conditions are not that high.

They hope to recruit some suitable monks and join their own sects or ethnic groups for their own use.

Of course, they don't have the right to choose at will, like the nine great gods, they can choose the opportunity of the lower domain monks, only the top three heavens!

To this end, they must pay a great price in exchange for the right to observe the lower domain monks.

By observing the performance of the lower monks on the ancient roads, and then picking out the appropriate monks.

After repeated screenings, decide whether to accept the monks as their own.

However, this choice is also extremely risky.

These small forces can have a chance to ask each time a monk has a slap in the sky.

If the monks are willing to join them, then it is natural to say that if the monks do not want to, they need to consider, then they can not be reluctant, can only wait.

And when the final result is reached, either the monk will die in the back of the ancient road, or he will be seen by other big forces and join other forces.

In this way, they may be a basket of water.

But there is no way. As a small force, if they don’t even try to grasp the opportunity of the first three heavens, then there is no chance at all.

For example, the sect of the middle-aged woman!

The law of the ultimate decline will be more realistic and cruel in the days of the world.

The Zongmen where the beautiful woman is located has also had glory, but with the passage of time, it has gradually declined. Until now, it has almost disappeared.

The middle-aged woman, as the owner of the Zongmen, naturally does not want her own ancestral hall to disappear, so this has paid a great price, in exchange for her own right to observe the three lower-field monks, it can be regarded as For your own sect, fight for the last chance.

She asked his three disciples to pick out the best of them, and then hoped to wait until the end of the day, to ask if anyone would like to join their own sect.

Today, this beautiful woman, too, has no intention to continue sitting here waiting.

She wants to go to a scorpio, to see for herself the young monks who have been selected by their three disciples. In the end, there are a few who can survive a scorpio, and no one is willing to accept their own recruitment!


Time has passed for another ten months, and at this moment, Jiang Yun has been in the ninth world and stood at the exit.

Looking back and looking back, Jiang Yun stepped into the exit, a flower in front of him, a huge palace, appeared in front of him!

A heaven!

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